61 lines
2.2 KiB
61 lines
2.2 KiB
;;;; STk adaptation of the Tk widget demo.
;;;; This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
;;;; buttons that display bitmaps instead of text.
(require "Button")
(define (demo-puzzle)
(define (puzzle-switch w num xpos ypos space)
(let ((x (vector-ref xpos num))
(y (vector-ref ypos num))
(x_spc (vector-ref xpos space))
(y_spc (vector-ref ypos space)))
(when (or (and (>= y (- y_spc 0.01)) (<= y (+ y_spc 0.01))
(>= x (- x_spc 0.26)) (<= x (+ x_spc 0.26)))
(and (>= x (- x_spc 0.01)) (<= x (+ x_spc 0.01))
(>= y (- y_spc 0.26)) (<= y (+ y_spc 0.26))))
(vector-set! xpos space x)
(vector-set! xpos num x_spc)
(vector-set! ypos space y)
(vector-set! ypos num y_spc)
(place w :relx x_spc :rely y_spc))))
(let* ((w (make-demo-toplevel "puzzle"
"15-Puzzle Demonstration"
"This window shows three ways of using bitmaps or images in radiobuttons and checkbuttons. On the left are two radiobuttons, each of which displays a bitmap and an indicator. In the middle is a checkbutton that displays a different image depending on whether it is selected or not. On the right is a checkbutton that displays a single bitmap but changes its background color to indicate whether or not it is selected."))
(frame (make <Frame> :parent w :width 120 :height 120 :border-width 2
:relief "sunken")))
(pack frame :side "top" :pady 20 :padx 20)
(let ((order '#(3 1 6 2 5 7 15 13 4 11 8 9 14 10 12))
(xpos (make-vector 16))
(ypos (make-vector 16))
(space 0))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 15))
(let* ((num (vector-ref order i))
(b (make <Button> :parent frame :text num
:highlight-thickness 0)))
;; Set the command of the button (and grab current environment)
(set! (command b) (lambda ()
(puzzle-switch b num xpos ypos space)))
(vector-set! xpos num (* (modulo i 4) 0.25))
(vector-set! ypos num (* (floor (/ i 4)) 0.25))
(place b :relx (vector-ref xpos num)
:rely (vector-ref ypos num)
:relwidth 0.25
:relheight 0.25)))
(vector-set! xpos space 0.75)
(vector-set! ypos space 0.75))))