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;;;; i n i t . s t k -- The file launched at startup
;;;; Copyright © 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: ??-Sep-1993 ??:??
;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 19:52 (eg)
;;; Define some global variables (i.e. in the STk module)
(with-module STk
(import Scheme)
(define *print-banner* #t) ; #f to avoid the Copyright message
(define *debug* #f) ; #t for debuggging (disable macro inlining)
(define *argc* (length *argv*))
(define Tk:initialized? #f)
(define *shared-suffix* (cond
((string=? (machine-type) "Ms-Win32") "dll")
((string=? (substring (machine-type) 0 2) "HP") "sl")
(else "so")))
(define *load-suffixes* (list "stk" "stklos" "scm" *shared-suffix*))
(define *load-path* #f)
(define *load-verbose* #f))
;;; The following code is in the Scheme module (since this file is loaded in the
;;; Scheme module)
(define call-with-current-continuation ;; The R5RS one
(let ((call/cc call-with-current-continuation)) ;; The R4RS one
(lambda (proc)
(call/cc (lambda (cont)
(proc (lambda l (cont (apply values l)))))))))
(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation) ;; To make life easier
(define ! system)
(define (os-kind)
(if (string=? (machine-type) "Ms-Win32")
;;;; Some stuff for defining macros
(define define-macro #f)
(define %replace #f)
(define %beginify #f)
(let ((if if) (and and) (begin begin) (set-car! set-car!) (set-cdr! set-cdr!)
(not not) (pair? pair?) (car car) (cdr cdr)
(null? null?) (cons cons)
(let let) (macro macro) (list list) (append append))
(set! %replace
(lambda (before after)
(if (and (not *debug*) (pair? before) (pair? after))
(set-car! before (car after))
(set-cdr! before (cdr after))))
(set! %beginify
(lambda (forms)
(if (null? (cdr forms)) (car forms) (cons 'begin forms))))
(set! define-macro
(macro form
(let ((name (car (car (cdr form))))
(args (cdr (car (cdr form)))))
(list 'define name
(list 'macro 'params
(list '%replace
(list 'apply
(append (list 'lambda args)
(cdr (cdr form)))
(list 'cdr 'params)))))))))
;;;; Some utilities
(define gensym
(let ((counter 0))
(lambda prefix
(set! counter (+ counter 1))
(string-append (if (null? prefix) "G" (car prefix))
(number->string counter))))))
(define (apropos s)
(if (not (symbol? s)) (error "apropos: bad symbol" s))
(let ((res '())
(env (the-environment))
(str (symbol->string s)))
(do ((l (cdr (environment->list env)) (cdr l))); cdr to avoid the binding to "s"
((null? l) (if (null? res) #f (list->set res)))
(do ((v (car l) (cdr v)))
((null? v))
(if (and (string-find? str (symbol->string (caar v)))
(symbol-bound? (caar v)))
(set! res (cons (caar v) res)))))))
(define (documentation x)
"provides documentation for its parameter if it exists"
(define (nodoc)
(format #t "No documentation available for ~A\n" x))
((closure? x) (let ((body (procedure-body x)))
(if (string? (caddr body))
(format #t "~A\n" (caddr body))
(define make-unbound
(let ((unbound (make-vector 1)))
(lambda ()
(vector-ref unbound 0))))
(define unbound?
(let ((unbound (make-unbound)))
(lambda (o)
(eq? o unbound))))
(define (make-undefined)
(if #f #t))
(define (undefined? o)
(eq? o (if #f #t)))
(define-macro (define-variable var value) ;; The Elisp/CL defvar
`(with-module STk
(unless (symbol-bound? ',var) (define ,var ,value))))
(define-macro (receive vars producer . body)
`(call-with-values (lambda () ,producer)
(lambda ,vars ,@body)))
;;;; Random
;;;; This version of random is constructed over the C one. It can return
;;;; bignum numbers. Idea is due to Nobuyuki Hikichi <>
(define random
(let ((C-random random)
(max-rand #x7fffffff)) ; Probably more on 64 bits machines
(letrec ((rand (lambda (n)
((zero? n) 0)
((< n max-rand) (C-random n))
(else (+ (* (rand (quotient n max-rand)) max-rand)
(rand (remainder n max-rand))))))))
(lambda (n)
(if (zero? n)
(error "random: bad number: 0")
(rand n))))))
;;;; do
(define-macro (do inits test . body)
(let ((loop-name (gensym)))
`(letrec ((,loop-name
(lambda ,(map car inits)
(if ,(car test)
(begin ,@(if (null? (cdr test))
(list (make-undefined))
(cdr test)))
(begin ,@body
(,loop-name ,@(map (lambda (init)
(if (null? (cddr init))
(car init)
(caddr init)))
(,loop-name ,@(map cadr inits)))))
;;;; dotimes
(define-macro (dotimes binding . body)
(if (list? binding)
;; binding is a list
(let ((var #f) (count #f) (result #f))
(case (length binding)
(2 (set! var (car binding))
(set! count (cadr binding)))
(3 (set! var (car binding))
(set! count (cadr binding))
(set! result (caddr binding)))
(else (error "dotimes: bad binding construct: ~S" binding)))
`(do ((,var 0 (+ ,var 1)))
((= ,var ,count) ,result)
;; binding is ill-formed
(error "dotimes: binding is not a list: ~S" binding)))
;;;; case
(define-macro (case key . clauses)
;; conditionally execute the clause eqv? to key
(define (case-make-clauses key)
`(cond ,@(map
(lambda (clause)
(if (pair? clause)
(let ((case (car clause))
(exprs (cdr clause)))
(cond ((eq? case 'else)
`(else ,@exprs))
((pair? case)
(if (= (length case) 1)
`((eqv? ,key ',(car case)) ,@exprs)
`((memv ,key ',case) ,@exprs)))
`((eqv? ,key ',case) ,@exprs))))
(error "case: invalid syntax in ~a" clause)))
(if (pair? key)
(let ((newkey (gensym)))
`(let ((,newkey ,key))
,(case-make-clauses newkey)))
(case-make-clauses key)))
;;;; fluid-let
(define-macro (fluid-let bindings . body)
(let* ((vars (map car bindings))
(vals (map cadr bindings))
(tmps (map (lambda (x) (gensym)) vars)))
`(let ,(map list tmps vars)
(lambda () ,@(map (lambda (x y) `(set! ,x ,y)) vars vals))
(lambda () ,@body)
(lambda () ,@(map (lambda (x y) `(set! ,x ,y)) vars tmps))))))
;;;; Some usal macros
(define-macro (unquote form)
(error "Usage of unquote outside of quasiquote in ,~A" form))
(define-macro (unquote-splicing form)
(error "Usage of unquote-splicing outside of quasiquote in ,@~A" form))
(define 1+ (macro form (list + (cadr form) 1)))
(define 1- (macro form (list - (cadr form) 1)))
;;;; Section 6.10
(define (call-with-input-file string proc)
(let* ((file (open-input-file string))
(result (proc file)))
(close-input-port file)
(define (call-with-output-file string proc)
(let* ((file (open-output-file string))
(result (proc file)))
(close-output-port file)
(define (call-with-input-string string proc)
(proc (open-input-string string)))
(define (call-with-output-string proc)
(let ((str (open-output-string)))
(proc str)
(get-output-string str)))
;;;; File management
(define (build-path-from-shell-variable var)
(let ((path (getenv var)))
(if path
(split-string path (if (eqv? (os-kind) 'Unix) ":" ";"))
(let ((lib (%library-location)))
;; If user has specified a load path with STK_LOAD_PATH, use it
;; Always append STK_LIBRARY at end to be sure to find our files
(set! *load-path* (append (list ".")
(build-path-from-shell-variable "STK_LOAD_PATH")
(list (expand-file-name
(string-append lib "/../site-scheme"))
(string-append lib "/STk")
(string-append lib "/" (machine-type))))))
;;; Require/Provide/Provided?
(define require #f) ; This is a little bit tricky here: variables are
(define provide #f) ; defined in the Scheme module, but their associated
(define provided? #f) ; closure is in the STk module. In this way, the
; LOAD done in the REQUIRE procedure is done in the
; global namespace, which is what is desired for REQUIRE.
(with-module STk
(let ((provided '()))
(set! require (lambda (what)
(unless (member what provided)
(load what (current-module))
(unless (member what provided)
(format #t "WARNING: ~S was not provided~%" what)))
(set! provide (lambda (what)
(unless (member what provided)
(set! provided (cons what provided)))
(set! provided? (lambda (what)
(and (member what provided) #t)))))
;;;; Port conversions
(define (port->string p)
(unless (or (input-port? p) (input-string-port? p))
(error "port->string: Bad port ~S" p))
(let loop ((res '()))
(let ((line (read-line p)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(apply string-append (reverse res))
(loop (cons "\n" (cons line res)))))))
(define (port->list reader p)
(unless (or (input-port? p) (input-string-port? p))
(error "port->list: Bad port ~S" p))
;; Read all the lines of port and put them in a list
(let loop ((res '()) (sexp (reader p)))
(if (eof-object? sexp)
(reverse res)
(loop (cons sexp res) (reader p)))))
(define (port->sexp-list p)
(port->list read p))
(define (port->string-list p)
(port->list read-line p))
(define (exec command)
(call-with-input-file (string-append "| " command) port->string))
(define (exec-string-list command)
(call-with-input-file (string-append "| " command) port->string-list))
;;;; Misc
(define (closure? obj)
(and (procedure? obj) (procedure-body obj) #t))
(define (primitive? obj)
(and (procedure? obj) (not (procedure-body obj)) #t))
(define (widget? obj)
(and (tk-command? obj) (not (catch (obj 'configure)))))
(define (& . l)
(let loop ((l l) (res ""))
(if (null? l)
(let ((e (car l)))
(loop (cdr l)
(string-append res
((string? e) e)
((symbol? e) (symbol->string e))
((widget? e) (widget->string e))
((number? e) (number->string e))
(ELSE (format #f "~S" e)))))))))
(define-macro (unwind-protect body . unwind-forms)
(lambda () #f)
(lambda () ,body)
(lambda () ,@unwind-forms)))
(define-macro (when test . body)
`(if ,test ,@(if (= (length body) 1) body `((begin ,@body)))))
(define-macro (unless test . body)
`(if (not ,test) ,@(if (= (length body) 1) body `((begin ,@body)))))
(define-macro (multiple-value-bind vars form . body)
`(apply (lambda ,vars ,@body) ,form))
(define (map* fn . l) ; A map which accepts dotted lists (arg lists
(cond ; must be "isomorph"
((null? (car l)) '())
((pair? (car l)) (cons (apply fn (map car l))
(apply map* fn (map cdr l))))
(else (apply fn l))))
(define (for-each* fn . l) ; A for-each which accepts dotted lists (arg lists
(cond ; must be "isomorph"
((null? (car l)) '())
((pair? (car l)) (apply fn (map car l)) (apply for-each* fn (map cdr l)))
(else (apply fn l))))
(define (some pred l)
(if (null? l)
(or (pred (car l))
(some pred (cdr l)))))
(define (every pred l)
(if (null? l)
(and (pred (car l) )
(every pred (cdr l)))))
;; Tell if the parameter string is a complete (or a set of complete) sexpr
(define (complete-sexpr? s)
(with-input-from-string s
(lambda ()
(let Loop ()
(let ((sexpr #f))
(if (catch (set! sexpr (read)))
(or (eof-object? sexpr) (Loop))))))))
;;;; Set functions
(define (list->set l)
(letrec ((rem-dupl (lambda (l res)
((null? l) res)
((memv (car l) res) (rem-dupl (cdr l) res))
(ELSE (rem-dupl (cdr l) (cons (car l)
(rem-dupl l '())))
(define (set-union l1 l2)
(list->set (append l1 l2)))
(define (set-intersection l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l1) l1)
((null? l2) l2)
((memv (car l1) l2) (cons (car l1) (set-intersection (cdr l1) l2)))
(else (set-intersection (cdr l1) l2))))
(define (set-difference l1 l2)
(cond ((null? l1) l1)
((memv (car l1) l2) (set-difference (cdr l1) l2))
(else (cons (car l1) (set-difference (cdr l1) l2)))))
;;;; Module stuff
(define-macro (export . l)
,@(map (lambda (x)
(let ((x (if (and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) 'setter))
(extended-name->scheme-name x)
`(export-symbol ',x (current-module))))
(define ~ with-module)
#| FIXME: Probably more harmful than useful. Delete it?
(define-macro (duplicate-module-exports from to . prefix)
(let* ((prefix (if (null? prefix) "" (symbol->string (car prefix))))
(exports (module-exports (find-module from)))
(symbols (map (lambda (x)
(string->symbol (string-append prefix (symbol->string x))))
`(with-module ,to
,@(map (lambda (x y)
`(define ,x (with-module ,from ,y)))
symbols exports))))
;;; quit and bye procedures. Since Tk redefine exit, they cannot be simple aliases
(define quit (lambda l (apply exit l)))
(define bye (lambda l (apply exit l)))
;;; Code for STklos autoloading
(define-module STklos
(import Scheme)
(export define-class define-method define-generic describe make method)
(autoload "stklos" define-class define-method define-generic make method)
(autoload "describe" describe))
;;; Finish initializations
(with-module Scheme
(autoload "defsyntax" define-syntax)
;; SRFIs
(autoload "srfi-0" cond-expand)
(autoload "srfi-2" land*)
(autoload "srfi-7" program))
(with-module STk
;; Make the STklos autoload symbols accessible from the global scope
(import STklos)
;; Define some useful autoload
(autoload "fs" basename dirname decompose-file-name)
(autoload "process" run-process process?)
(autoload "regexp" string->regexp regexp? regexp-replace regexp-replace-all)
(autoload "trace" trace untrace)
(autoload "hash" make-hash-table hash-table-hash)
(autoload "socket" make-server-socket make-client-socket)
(autoload "match" match-case match-lambda)
(autoload "ffi" define-external external-exists?)
(autoload "extset" setter extended-name->scheme-name)
(autoload "pp" pp) ;; martine pretty-print package
;; Procedure used for writing the components of toplevel result. This
;; is far from perfect, but this is sufficient for the most obvious
;; cases (shared sublists, which are not circular structures, typically
;; for n-queens problems ...)
(define repl-write (lambda (x) ((if (list? x) write write*) x)))
;; Procedure called for prompting the user
(define (repl-display-prompt module)
(let ((RDP (lambda (module)
(let ((p (current-error-port))
(n (module-name module)))
(flush) ; flush *stdout* before printing the prompt
(format p "~A> " (case n
((stk) "STk")
((stklos) "STklos")
((scheme) "Scheme")
((tk) "Tk")
(else n)))
(flush p)))))
;; RDP is the real prompt procedure. The body of this function is
;; only executed for the displaying the first prompt
(when Tk:initialized?
;; This autoload was in tk-init but it causes problems when an
;; error occur in the file loaded before the first prompt
;; appears. Now, we use the graphical report error only when
;; everything is correctly initialized.
(tk-set-error-handler!)) ; make STk:report-error and bgerror autoload
(set! repl-display-prompt RDP)
(repl-display-prompt module)))
;; Procedure called for printing toplevel results
(define (repl-display-result result)
(if (eqv? result (make-undefined))
(when *last-defined*
(format #t "~S\n" *last-defined*)
(set! *last-defined* #f))
(call-with-values (lambda () result)
(lambda l
(for-each (lambda (x) (repl-write x) (newline)) l))))))