378 lines
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378 lines
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;;;; B a s i c s . s t k -- Basic object class definition
;;;; Copyright © 1993-1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <eg@unice.fr>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr]
;;;; Creation date: 30-Mar-1993 15:39
;;;; Last file update: 24-Sep-1996 17:49
(require "Tk-meta")
;;;; <Tk-object> class
(define-class <Tk-object> ()
((Id :getter Id) ;; Widget Id
(Eid :getter Eid) ;; External widget Id
(parent :getter parent :init-keyword :parent))) ;; Parent widget
;;;; <Tk-widget> class
(define-class <Tk-widget> (<Tk-object>)
;;; Utility method Id->instance
(define-method Id->instance ((id <widget>))
(let ((plist (get-widget-data id)))
(if plist
(get-keyword :instance plist #f)
(define-method Id->instance ((id <string>))
(let ((var (read-from-string id)))
(if (and (not (equal? id "")) (symbol-bound? var))
(Id->instance (eval var))
(define-method Id->instance ((id <symbol>))
(if (symbol-bound? id)
(Id->instance (eval id))
;;;; <Tk-simple-widget> class
(define-class <Tk-simple-widget> (<Tk-widget>)
((background :accessor background
:init-keyword :background
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(border-width :accessor border-width
:init-keyword :border-width
:tk-name bd
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(cursor :accessor cursor
:init-keyword :cursor
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(highlight-background :accessor highlight-background
:init-keyword :highlight-background
:tk-name highlightback
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(highlight-color :accessor highlight-color
:init-keyword :highlight-color
:tk-name highlightcolor
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(highlight-thickness :accessor highlight-thickness
:init-keyword :highlight-thickness
:tk-name highlightthick
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(relief :accessor relief
:init-keyword :relief
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(take-focus :accessor take-focus
:init-keyword :take-focus
:tk-name takefocus
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
(define-method initialize ((self <Tk-simple-widget>) initargs)
(let* ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs *root*))
(Id (get-keyword :Id initargs #f))
(Eid (get-keyword :Eid initargs #f))
(tk-options (get-keyword :tk-options initargs '())))
(if Eid
;; Eid is already defined. All we have to do is to reconfigure self
(letrec ((valids (slot-ref (class-of self) 'tk-valid-options))
(find (lambda (k l)
((null? l) #f)
((eq? k (vector-ref (car l) 1)) (vector-ref (car l) 2))
(else (find k (cdr l)))))))
(do ((l tk-options (cddr l)))
((null? l))
(slot-set! self (find (car l) valids) (cadr l))))
;; Eid is undefined. Ask Tk to create the widget
(set! Eid (apply (tk-constructor self)
(Tk::make-tk-name parent Id)
(slot-set! self 'Id Eid) ; retain Tk command which implement this object
(slot-set! self 'Eid Eid))); Eid an Id are the same for non composite
;; Udate parent
(slot-set! self 'parent parent)
;; Store the information <self> in the Tk command to allow widget->instance
;; conversion
(set-widget-data! Eid (list :instance self)))
(define-method tk-constructor ((self <Tk-simple-widget>))
;; Returns the Tk function that makes an object of this kind.
(error "tk-constructor: method must be overridden for ~S"
(class-name (class-of self))))
;;;; <Tk-composite-widget>
(define-class <Tk-composite-widget> (<Tk-widget>)
((frame :accessor frame-of))
:metaclass <Tk-composite-metaclass>)
(define-method initialize ((self <Tk-composite-widget>) initargs)
;; To work properly, the parent slot must be set before anything
(let* ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs *root*))
(Id (get-keyword :Id initargs #f))
(frame (make <Frame> :parent parent :Id Id))
(Eid (slot-ref frame 'Id)))
(slot-set! self 'parent parent)
(slot-set! self 'Eid Eid)
(slot-set! self 'frame frame)
;; Now call initialize-composite-widget
(initialize-composite-widget self initargs frame)
;; Continue to initialize with value passed to "make" (and signal that
;; Eid is already initialized)
(next-method self (cons :Eid (cons Eid initargs)))
;; Store the information <self> in the Tk command to allow widget->instance
;; conversion
(set-widget-data! (slot-ref frame 'Id) (list :instance self))))
(define-method initialize-composite-widget ((c <Tk-composite-widget>) args parent)
;; We are here is no initialize-composite-widget metho is provided for c
;;;; <Tk-sizeable> class
(define-class <Tk-sizeable> ()
((width :accessor width :init-keyword :width :allocation :tk-virtual)
(height :accessor height :init-keyword :height :allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-simple-text> class
(define-class <Tk-simple-text> ()
((anchor :accessor anchor
:init-keyword :anchor
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(font :accessor font
:init-keyword :font
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(foreground :accessor foreground
:init-keyword :foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(image :accessor image-of
:init-keyword :image
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(justify :accessor justify
:init-keyword :justify
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(pad-x :accessor pad-x
:init-keyword :pad-x
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name padx)
(pad-y :accessor pad-y
:init-keyword :pad-y
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name pady)
(text :accessor text-of
:init-keyword :text
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(text-variable :accessor text-variable
:init-keyword :text-variable
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name textvar)
(underline :accessor underline
:init-keyword :underline
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(wrap-length :accessor wrap-length
:init-keyword :wrap-length
:tk-name wraplength
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-bitmap> class
(define-class <Tk-bitmap> ()
((bitmap :accessor bitmap :init-keyword :bitmap :allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-reactive> class
(define-class <Tk-reactive> ()
((active-background :accessor active-background
:init-keyword :active-background
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name activebackground)
(active-foreground :accessor active-foreground
:init-keyword :active-foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name activeforeground)
(command :accessor command
:init-keyword :command
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(disabled-foreground :accessor disabled-foreground
:init-keyword :disabled-foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name disabledf)
(state :accessor state
:init-keyword :state
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-xyscrollable> class
;;;; A Tk-xyscrollable is an object which can be scrolled
;;;; both horizontally and vertically.
(define-class <Tk-xyscrollable> ()
((x-scroll-command :init-keyword :x-scroll-command
:accessor x-scroll-command
:tk-name xscrollcommand
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(y-scroll-command :init-keyword :y-scroll-command
:accessor y-scroll-command
:tk-name yscrollcommand
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-editable> class
;;;; A Tk-editable object is not a graphical object per se. It's a
;;;; recipient for the common slots of all editable objects
;;;; (canvas, entry, ...)
(define-class <Tk-editable> ()
((insert-background :init-keyword :insert-background
:accessor insert-background
:tk-name insertbackground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(insert-border-width :init-keyword :insert-border-width
:accessor insert-border-width
:tk-name insertborderwidth
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(insert-off-time :init-keyword :insert-off-time
:accessor insert-off-time
:tk-name insertofftime
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(insert-on-time :init-keyword :insert-on-time
:accessor insert-on-time
:tk-name insertontime
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(insert-width :init-keyword :insert-width
:accessor insert-width
:tk-name insertwidth
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-selectable> class
(define-class <Tk-selectable> ()
((select-background :init-keyword :select-background
:accessor select-background
:tk-name selectbackground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(select-foreground :init-keyword :select-foreground
:accessor select-foreground
:tk-name selectforeground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(select-border-width :init-keyword :select-border-width
:accessor select-border-width
:tk-name selectborderwidth
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Tk-text-selectable> class
(define-class <Tk-text-selectable> ()
((export-selection :init-keyword :export-selection
:accessor export-selection
:tk-name exportselection
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(font :init-keyword :font
:accessor font
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(foreground :init-keyword :foreground
:accessor foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
;;;; <Destroyed-object>
;;;; This class serves only for destroyed objects (i.e. when a
;;;; widget or a canvas item is destroyed, its class is changed
;;;; to destroyed
(define-class <Destroyed-object> ()
(provide "Basics")
(require "Tk-methods")