
562 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

:; exec /usr/local/bin/stk -f "$0" "$@"
;;; STkTurtle v1.0
;;; A (direct) rewritting of the TkTurtle demo found on the net in STk.
;;; Original copyright:
;;; Copyright 1993 James Noble,
;;; This file comports two distinct parts.
;;; First part is the turtle package
;;; Second parts contains a set of examples using the turtle package
;;;; T u r t l e p a c k a g e
(define turtle-canvas-name ".c")
(define turtle-canvas '())
(define turtle-colours #("" "root_weave" "stipple" "gray1" "boxes"
"hlines2" "vlines2" "cross_weave"
"light_gray" "dimple1" "vlines3" "hlines3"
"grid4" "gray3" "dimple3" "grid8"))
(define turtle-num_colours 16)
(define turtle-d2r (/ 180 3.14159))
(define turtle-x 0)
(define turtle-y 0)
(define turtle-direction 270)
(define turtle-width 0)
(define turtle-colour 0)
(define turtle-pen #t)
(define turtle-speed #t)
(define turtle-show #t)
;;; initialise turtle
(define (turtle)
;; clear actually does this, plus draw-turtle
(set! turtle-x 0)
(set! turtle-y 0)
(set! turtle-direction 270)
(set! turtle-width 0)
(set! turtle-colour 0)
(set! turtle-pen #t)
;; debugging
(set! turtle-speed #t)
(set! turtle-show #t)
(if (winfo 'exists turtle-canvas-name)
(scrollbar ".v" :relief "sunken" :borderwidth 3
:command (lambda l (apply turtle-canvas 'yview l)))
(scrollbar ".h" :relief "sunken" :borderwidth 3
:orient 'horiz :command (lambda l
(apply turtle-canvas 'xview l)))
(canvas turtle-canvas-name :borderwidth 3
:scrollregion '(-1000 -1000 1000 1000)
:xscrollcommand (lambda l (apply .h 'set l))
:yscrollcommand (lambda l (apply .v 'set l))
:height 500
:width 500)
(set! turtle-canvas (string->widget turtle-canvas-name))
(pack .h :side "bottom" :fill "x")
(pack .v :side "right" :fill "y")
(pack turtle-canvas :expand #t :fill "both")
(bind turtle-canvas "<2>" (lambda (x y)
(turtle-canvas 'scan 'mark x y)))
(bind turtle-canvas "<B2-Motion>" (lambda (x y)
(turtle-canvas 'scan 'dragto x y)))
(bind turtle-canvas "<c>" centre)
(bind turtle-canvas "<Control-c>" (lambda () (destroy ".")))
(bind turtle-canvas "<Control-q>" (lambda () (destroy ".")))
(bind turtle-canvas "<f>" toggle-speed)
(bind turtle-canvas "<s>" toggle-show)
(focus turtle-canvas)
(wm 'minsize "." 10 10)
(wm 'title "." "Turtle")
(wm 'iconname "." "Turtle")
;;; drawing
(define (make-stipple n)
(let ((name (vector-ref turtle-colours n)))
(if (string=? name "")
(string-append "@" *STk-library* "/images/" name))))
(define (go length)
(let ((newx (+ turtle-x (* (cos (/ turtle-direction turtle-d2r)) length)))
(newy (+ turtle-y (* (sin (/ turtle-direction turtle-d2r)) length))))
(goto newx newy)
(define (goto x y)
(when turtle-pen
(turtle-canvas 'create 'line turtle-x turtle-y x y
:width turtle-width
:stipple (make-stipple turtle-colour)
:tags 'line))
(set! turtle-x x)
(set! turtle-y y)
(when turtle-show (draw-turtle))
(when turtle-speed (update))
(list x y))
;;; writing text
(define (Write text)
(turtle-canvas 'create 'text turtle-x turtle-y
:text text
:stipple (make-stipple turtle-colour)
:tags 'text)
(when turtle-speed (update)))
;;; writing windows
(define (window name)
(turtle-canvas 'create 'window turtle-x turtle-y
:window name
:tags 'window)
;;; drawing parameters
;; change pen state
(define (pen . p)
(if (null? p)
(set! turtle-pen (car p))))
(define (down) (pen #t))
(define (up) (pen #f))
;;; change direction
(define (turn n)
(turnto (+ turtle-direction n)))
(define (turnto n)
(set! turtle-direction (modulo (floor n) 360))
(define (east) (turnto 0))
(define (south) (turnto 90))
(define (west) (turnto 180))
(define (north) (turnto 270))
(define (direction)
(define (location)
(list turtle-x turtle-y))
(define (width . w)
(unless (null? w)
(set! turtle-width (car w))
(define (colour . c)
(if (null? c)
(set! turtle-colour (modulo (floor (car c)) turtle-num_colours))))
(define (status . c)
(if (null? c)
(list turtle-x turtle-y turtle-direction turtle-width turtle-colour
(if (not (= (length (car c)) 6))
(error "Can't restore saved state")
(let ((c (car c)))
(set! turtle-x (list-ref c 0))
(set! turtle-y (list-ref c 1))
(set! turtle-direction (list-ref c 2))
(set! turtle-width (list-ref c 3))
(set! turtle-colour (list-ref c 4))
(set! turtle-pen (list-ref c 5))
(define (draw-turtle)
(when turtle-show
(turtle-canvas 'delete 'turtle)
(turtle-canvas 'create 'line
(+ turtle-x (* (cos (/ turtle-direction turtle-d2r)) 10))
(+ turtle-y (* (sin (/ turtle-direction turtle-d2r)) 10))
:arrow 'last
:fill "red"
:tags 'turtle
:width turtle-width))
(define (show)
(set! turtle-show #t)
(define (hide)
(set! turtle-show #f)
(turtle-canvas 'delete 'turtle)
(define (toggle-show)
(if turtle-show (hide) (show)))
;;; misc
(define (home)
(set! turtle-x 0)
(set! turtle-y 0)
(set! turtle-direction 270)
(define (clear)
(width 0)
(colour 0)
(turtle-canvas 'delete 'line 'text)
(define (new)
(turtle-canvas 'delete 'window))
(define (screen-dump . file)
(turtle-canvas 'postscript
:file (if (null? file) "" (car file))))
(define (centre)
(turtle-canvas 'xview 'moveto 0.37)
(turtle-canvas 'yview 'moveto 0.37))
(define (d2r degrees)
(/ degrees turtle-d2r))
;;; speed
(define (speed . s)
(if (null? s)
(set! turtle-speed (car s))))
(define (slow) (speed #t))
(define (fast) (speed #f))
(define (toggle-speed) (if turtle-speed (fast) (slow)))
;;; MACROS - move, moveto
(define (move distance)
(let ((oldpen (pen)))
(go distance)
(pen oldpen)))
(define (moveto x y)
(let ((oldpen (pen)))
(goto x y)
(pen oldpen)))
;;;; E x a m p l e s
;; polygon
(define (polygon n length)
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k n))
(turn (/ 360 n))
(go length)))
;; polygon, with a functional parameter
(define (fungon n length F)
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k n))
(turn (/ 360 n))
(F length)))
;; Iterative Spiral
(define (spiral angle length)
(while (>= length 1)
(go length)
(turn angle)
(set! length (- length 5))))
;; Recursive spiral
(define (rspiral angle length)
(when (>= length 1)
(go length)
(turn angle)
(rspiral angle (- length 5))))
;; "Koch's" a single line - used in snowflake
(define (koch order length)
(if (or (<= order 1) (<= length 1))
(go length)
(koch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn -60)
(koch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 120)
(koch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn -60)
(koch (- order 1) (/ length 3)))))
;; Koch's snowflake fractal
(define (kochflake order length)
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k 3))
(turn 120)
(koch order length)))
;; tricky version of kochflake
(define (tricky-kochflake order length)
(fungon 3 (lambda () (koch order length))))
;; Four sided koch
(define (squarekoch order length)
(if (or (<= order 1) (<= length 1))
(go length)
(squarekoch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn -90)
(squarekoch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 90)
(squarekoch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 90)
(squarekoch (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn -90)
(squarekoch (- order 1) (/ length 3)))))
(define (squareflake order length)
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k 4))
(turn 90)
(squarekoch order length)))
;; Fractal line
(define (fracline order angle length)
(if (< order 1)
(go length)
(let* ((ang (- [random (* 2 angle)] angle))
(len (/ length (* 2 [cos (d2r ang)]))))
(turn ang)
(fracline (- order 1) angle len)
(turn (- (* ang 2)))
(fracline (- order 1) angle len)
(turn ang))))
;; binary tree
(define (bintree depth length angle)
(when (> depth 0)
(let ((saved (status)))
(set! depth (- depth 1))
(go length)
(turn (- angle))
(bintree depth length angle)
(turn (+ angle 2))
(bintree depth length angle)
(status saved))))
;; C curve fractal
(define (ccurv order length)
(if (<= order 1)
(go length)
(ccurv (- order 1) length)
(turn 90)
(ccurv (- order 1) length)
(turn -90))))
;; Dragon curve fractal
(define (dragon order length)
(letrec ((dragon-aux (lambda (order length dirn)
(if (<= order 1)
(go length)
(dragon-aux (- order 1) length 90)
(turn dirn)
(dragon-aux (- order 1) length -90))))))
(dragon-aux order length 90)))
;; Sierpinski's gasket
(define (gasket order length)
(when (> order 0)
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k 3))
(gasket (- order 1) (/ length 2))
(go length)
(turn 120))))
;; Sierpinski's carpet
(define (carpet order length)
(if (< order 1)
(go length)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn -90)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 90)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 90)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(let ((saved (status)))
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 90)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(turn 90)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))
(status saved)
(turn -90)
(carpet (- order 1) (/ length 3))))))
;; "Bendy" - simple fractal (C curve variation)
(define (bendy order length)
(if (< order 1)
(go length)
(turn 30)
(bendy (- order 1) (/ length 2))
(turn -60)
(bendy (- order 1) (/ length 2))
(turn 30))))
;; "Squigly" - simple fractal (C curve variation)
(define (squigly order length)
(if (< order 1)
(go length)
(turn 30)
(squigly (- order 1) (/ length 4))
(turn -60)
(squigly (- order 1) (/ length 2))
(turn 60)
(squigly (- order 1) (/ length 4))
(turn -30))))
(define (randtree depth length angle branch)
(when (>= depth 1)
(let ((saved (status))
(thisbranch (random branch)))
(set! depth (- depth 1))
(go (+ (random length) length))
(turn (- (/ (* angle thisbranch) 4)))
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k thisbranch))
(turn (random angle))
(randtree depth length angle branch))
(status saved))))
(define (windows-demo)
(let ((S (scale (& turtle-canvas "scale"))))
(goto -200 -200)
(window S)
(goto -150 -200)
(window (button (& turtle-canvas ".spiral-button") :text "Spiral"
:command (lambda () (spiral [S 'get] 100))))
(goto -100 -200)
(window [button (& turtle-canvas ".clear-button") :text "Clear" :command clear])
(goto -50 -200)
(window [button (& turtle-canvas ".home-button") :text "Home" :command home])
(goto 180 -200)
(window [button (& turtle-canvas ".quit-button") :text "Quit Demo"
:fg "CadetBlue" :command (lambda () (exit))])
(S 'set 45)
(define (item message demo)
(goto 0 220)
(Write message)
(define (run-demo)
(item "Polygon"
(lambda ()
(do ((k 3 (+ k 1))) ((= k 12))
(home) (polygon k 50))))
(item "Lines"
(lambda ()
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1))) ((= k 16))
(moveto 0 0) (turn 22.5) (width k) (go 200))))
(item "Stipple"
(lambda ()
(width 15)
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1))) ((= k 16))
(moveto 0 0) (turn 22.5) (colour k) (go 200))))
(item "Fractal lines"
(lambda ()
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1))) ((= k 7))
(home) (fracline 6 40 200))))
(item "Spiral" (lambda () (spiral 50 100)))
(item "Recursive spiral" (lambda () (rspiral 89 100)))
(item "Recursive spiral" (lambda () (rspiral -90 100)))
(item "Koch flake" (lambda () (kochflake 3 150)))
(item "Square flake" (lambda () (squareflake 3 150)))
(item "Squigly" (lambda () (squigly 4 200)))
(item "C curve" (lambda () (ccurv 6 20)))
(item "Dragon" (lambda () (dragon 6 20)))
(item "Gasket" (lambda () (gasket 6 200)))
(item "Carpet" (lambda () (carpet 3 250)))
(item "Binary tree" (lambda () (bintree 6 30 20)))
(item "Random tree" (lambda () (randtree 4 20 30 6)))
(item "Windows Demo" windows-demo))
;; Init part - Run the demo
(expand-heap 50000)
(set! *gc-verbose* #f)