
82 lines
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;;;; STk adaptation of the Tk widget demo.
;;;; This demonstration script creates a canvas widget showing a 2-D
;;;; plot with data points that can be dragged with the mouse.
;; demo-plot can be used also by the text embedded windows demos. In this case,
;; it is called with an argument which its embedding window
(define (demo-plot . arg)
(let* ((w (if (null? arg)
(make-demo-toplevel "plot"
"Plot Demonstration"
"This window displays a canvas widget containing a simple 2-dimensional plot. You can doctor the data by dragging any of the points with mouse button 1.")
(car arg)))
(c (make <Canvas> :parent w :width 450 :height 300
:cursor "top_left_arrow"))
(plot-font "-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*")
(last-x 0)
(last-y 0))
(define (plot-down w x y)
(delete-tag w 'selected)
(add-tag w 'selected 'withtag 'current)
(raise c 'current)
(set! last-x x)
(set! last-y y))
(define (plot-move w x y)
(move c 'selected (- x last-x) (- y last-y))
(set! last-x x)
(set! last-y y))
(pack c :side "top" :fill "x")
(make <Line> :parent c :coords '(100 250 400 250) :width 2)
(make <Line> :parent c :coords '(100 250 100 50) :width 2)
(make <Text-item> :parent c :coords '(225 20) :text "A Simple Plot"
:font plot-font :fill "brown")
(dotimes (i 11)
(let ((x (+ 100 (* 30 i))))
(make <Line> :parent c :coords (list x 250 x 245) :width 2)
(make <Text-item> :parent c :coords (list x 254) :anchor "n"
:text (* 10 i) :font plot-font)))
(dotimes (i 6)
(let ((y (- 250 (* 40 i))))
(make <Line> :parent c :coords (list 100 y 105 y) :width 2)
(make <Text-item> :parent c :coords (list 96 y) :anchor "e"
:text (* 50 i) :font plot-font)))
(for-each (lambda (point)
(let ((x (+ 100 (* 3 (car point))))
(y (- 250 (* 0.8 (cadr point)))))
(make <Oval> :parent c
:coords (list (- x 6) (- y 6) (+ x 6) (+ y 6))
:width 1
:outline "black"
:fill "SkyBlue2"
:tags "point")))
'((12 56) (20 94) (33 98) (32 120) (61 180) (75 160) (98 223)))
(bind c "point" "<Any-Enter>"
(lambda ()
(let ((i (car (find-items c 'withtag 'current))))
(set! (fill i) "red"))))
(bind c "point" "<Any-Leave>"
(lambda ()
(let ((i (car (find-items c 'withtag 'current))))
(set! (fill i) "SkyBlue2"))))
(bind c "point" "<1>" (lambda (x y) (plot-down c x y)))
(bind c "point" "<ButtonRelease-1>" (lambda ()
(delete-tag c 'selected)))
(bind c "<B1-Motion>" (lambda (x y) (plot-move c x y)))