
421 lines
13 KiB

;;;; T o o l b a r . s t k l o s -- Tool bar management
;;;; Copyright © 1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 06-May-1999 15:08
;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 20:15 (eg)
(require "Basics")
(require "palette")
(require "balloon")
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export make-toolbar default-release-toolbar toolbar-item)
FIXME: ° resources are not taken into account. Why?
;;; Resources
;(option 'add "*ToolBar*Relief" "ridge" "widgetDefault")
;(option 'add "*ToolBar*BorderWidth" "1" "widgetDefault")
;;; Tool-bar default bindings
(bind "ToolBar" "<Enter>" (lambda (|W|) (tk-set! |W| :relief "raised")))
(bind "ToolBar" "<Leave>" (lambda (|W|) (tk-set! |W| :relief "flat")))
; Class <Toolbar>
(define-class <Toolbar> (<Frame>)
((%handle :init-form #f)
(%float :init-form #f)
(%clone :init-form #f)
(%components :init-form '())
(class :init-keyword :class
:init-form "ToolBar")
(orientation :init-form "horizontal"
:accessor orientation
:init-keyword :orientation)
(balloon-color :init-keyword :balloon-color ; Not settable by resources!!
:init-form "#ffffb0")
(press-command :init-form #f
:accessor press-command
:init-keyword :press-command)
(release-command :init-form #f
:accessor release-command
:init-keyword :release-command)))
(define-method initialize ((self <Toolbar>) initargs)
;; Create the handle to detach the tool bar
(let ((h (make <Label> :relief "ridge" :border-width 1 :parent self
:width 5 :height 5
:background (background self))))
(bind h "<ButtonPress-1>" (lambda (|X| |Y|) (clone-toolbar self |X| |Y|)))
(slot-set! self '%handle h)))
; <Toolbar> methods
;;;; ==== Toolbar components constructors ====
;; add-button
(define-method add-button((self <Toolbar>) img balloon action)
(let* ((bg (slot-ref self 'background))
(b (make <Button> :parent self :image (make-image img)
:relief "flat" :command action :highlight-thickness 0
:background bg :active-background bg)))
;; Add help ballon
(add-balloon-help (Id b) balloon 1500 (slot-ref self 'balloon-color))
;; Change button bindings to add a relief when entering it
(bindtags b (cons "ToolBar" (bindtags b)))
(slot-set! self '%components
(append (slot-ref self '%components)
(list (cons b (list img balloon action)))))
;; add-menubutton
(define-method add-menubutton((self <Toolbar>) title)
(let* ((bg (slot-ref self 'background))
(mb (make <Menu-button> :parent self :text title
:background bg :active-background (make-lighter-color bg))))
(slot-set! self '%components
(append (slot-ref self '%components) (list (cons mb title))))
;; add-space
(define-method add-space ((self <Toolbar>) space)
(let ((f (make <Frame> :parent self :background (background self))))
;; Add the new frame to the list of components of the menu bar
(slot-set! self '%components
(append (slot-ref self '%components) (list (cons f space))))
;; toolbar-item
(define-method toolbar-item ((self <Toolbar>) index)
(let ((l (slot-ref self '%components)))
(if (< index (length l))
(car (list-ref l index))
(error "toolbar-item: bad index ~S" index))))
;;;; ==== map-toolbar ====
;;;; This procedure is in charge of packing the components of the
;;;; toolbar. The arrangement depends of the orientation of the toolbar.
(define-method map-toolbar ((self <toolbar>) orientation)
(let ((handle (slot-ref self '%handle))
(all (slot-ref self '%components))
(vertical? (equal? orientation "vertical"))
(set-width! (lambda (w size)
(when (zero? size)
; This is a filler (expand in x even if vertival)
(pack w :expand #t :fill 'x))
(slot-set! w 'width size))))
(if vertical?
;; Arrangement is vertical
(slot-set! handle 'image (make-image "tb_hborder.gif"))
(pack handle :side 'top :fill 'x)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(let ((w (car x)))
(pack w :side 'top :fill 'x)
(if (is-a? w <Frame>)
(set-width! w (cdr x)))))
;; Arrangement is horizontal
(slot-set! handle 'image (make-image "tb_vborder.gif"))
(pack handle :side 'left :fill 'y)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(let ((w (car x)))
(pack w :side 'left :fill 'y)
(if (is-a? w <Frame>)
(set-width! w (cdr x)))))
;;;; ==== clone-toolbar ====
;; clone-widget method for toolbars
(define-method clone-widget ((self <Toolbar>) new-parent)
(let ((my-clone (next-method)))
;; Clone all the components of this original button bar
(slot-set! my-clone '%components '())
(for-each (lambda (x)
(let ((w (car x)))
((is-a? w <Button>) (apply add-button my-clone (cdr x)))
((is-a? w <Menu-button>)
(let ((new (add-menubutton my-clone (cdr x)))
(m (menu-of w)))
;; Clone the associated menu
(slot-set! new 'menu (clone-widget m new))))
((is-a? w <Frame>)
(let ((new (add-space my-clone (cdr x))))
(unless (null? (children w))
(pack (clone-widget (car (children w)) new))))))))
(slot-ref self '%components))
;; clone-toolbar itself
(define-method clone-toolbar ((self <Toolbar>) X Y)
;; Create-floating-toolbar
(define (create-floating-toolbar tb)
(let* ((t (make <Toplevel> :parent tb :border-width 2 :relief "solid"))
(clone (clone-widget tb t))
(handle (slot-ref clone '%handle)))
(pack clone)
(make-transient t)
;; Associate bindings to the toolbar handle
(bind handle "<ButtonRelease-1>"
(lambda (|X| |Y|)
(let ((action (slot-ref self 'release-command)))
(if (procedure? action)
(let ((res (action self |X| |Y|)))
(if res
;; Delete the floating toolbar
(wm 'withdraw t))))
(map-toolbar tb (slot-ref self 'orientation))
(grab 'release handle))))
(bind handle "<ButtonPress-1>"
(lambda () (grab :global handle)))
(bind handle "<Button1-Motion>"
(lambda (|X| |Y|)
(wm 'geometry t (format #f "+~A+~A" (- |X| 3) (- |Y| 3)))))
(slot-set! self '%float t)
(slot-set! self '%clone clone)
;; ==== clone-button-bar starts here ====
(let* ((action (slot-ref self 'press-command))
(do-action (if (procedure? action) (action self X Y) #t)))
(when do-action
(let ((ftb (or (slot-ref self '%float) (create-floating-toolbar self))))
(pack 'forget self)
(let ((handle (slot-ref (slot-ref self '%clone) '%handle)))
(wm 'geometry ftb (format #f "+~A+~A"
(- (winfo 'pointerx handle) 3)
(- (winfo 'pointery handle) 3)))
(map-toolbar (slot-ref self '%clone) (slot-ref self 'orientation))
(deiconify ftb)
(grab :global handle))))))
;;;; ==== Make-toolbar ====
;;;; A simpler way to make toolbars: In fact this is intended to be
;;;; the only entry point for end-users
(define (make-toolbar parent l . options)
;; Predicates for testing the type of the items of a description
(define (image? l) (and (list? l) (= (length l) 3) (procedure? (caddr l))))
(define space? integer?)
(define menu? list?)
;; make-submenu
(define (make-submenu tb mb items)
(let* ((bg (background tb))
(m (make <Menu> :parent mb :tear-off #f
:background bg :active-background bg)))
(for-each (lambda (item)
;; Tear-off
((equal? (car item) "---")
(slot-set! m 'tear-off #t))
;; Separator
((equal? (car item) "")
(menu-add m 'separator))
;; Normal Menu
((and (= (length item) 2) (procedure? (cadr item)))
(menu-add m 'command :label (car item)
:command (cadr item)))
;; Cascade menu
((and (>= (length item) 2) (list? (cadr item)))
(menu-add m 'cascade :label (car item)
:menu (make-submenu tb m (cdr item))))
(else (apply menu-add m item))))
;; make-item
(define (make-item tb item)
((image? item) (apply add-button tb item))
((space? item) (add-space tb item))
((menu? l) (let ((mb (add-menubutton tb (car item))))
(make-submenu tb mb (cdr item))))
(else (error "make-toolbar: bad item specification ~S" item))))
;; code of make-toolbar starts here
(let ((tb (apply make <toolbar> :parent parent options)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (make-item tb x)) l) ; Create the items
(map-toolbar tb (slot-ref tb 'orientation)) ; map them and
tb)) ; return the new toolbar
(define (default-release-toolbar master)
(lambda (toolbar x y)
(let* ((x1 (- (winfo 'rootx master) 20))
(y1 (- (winfo 'rooty master) 20))
(x2 (+ x1 (winfo 'width master) 40))
(y2 (+ y1 (winfo 'height master) 40)))
(and (<= x1 x x2)
(<= y1 y y2)
((<= y1 y (+ y1 40)) ;; Place on top
(slot-set! toolbar 'orientation "horizontal")
(pack toolbar :before master :fill 'x :side 'top)
((<= (- y2 40) y y2) ;; Place on bottom
(slot-set! toolbar 'orientation "horizontal")
(pack toolbar :before master :fill 'x :side 'bottom)
((<= x1 x (+ x1 40)) ;; place on left
(slot-set! toolbar 'orientation "vertical")
(pack toolbar :before master :fill 'y :side 'left)
((<= (- x2 40) x x2) ;; Place on right
(slot-set! toolbar 'orientation "vertical")
(pack toolbar :before master :fill 'y :side 'right)
(else #f))))))
Example: This could seem rather complicated but I think it is fairly
exhaustive of what is possible with floating toolbars
(define-macro (P x) ; A macro for printing traces (for this demo)
`(lambda () (display ,x) (newline)))
(define top (make <toplevel> :title "Toolbar Demo"))
(define st (make <Scroll-Text> :parent top :font '(Helvetica 18 bold)
:width 48 :height 12
:value (& "\n\n\n"
"\tTo re-attach a detached toolbar, drag it on\n"
"\tone of the 4 sides of this text editor")))
(define action (default-release-toolbar st))
(define f1
(make-toolbar *top-root*
("---") ;; we want a tear-off
("Open" ,(P "Open"))
("Close" ,(P "Close"))
("") ;; insert a separator
("Exit" ,(lambda() (exit 0))))
("Cut" ,(P "Cut"))
("Copy" ,(P "Copy"))
("Paste" ,(P "Paste"))
("Submenu" ;; a submenu without tear-off
("sub1" ,(P "sub1"))
("sub2" ,(P "sub2")))
;; a completely managed item
(radiobutton :label "Foo" :foreground "blue3")
(radiobutton :label "Bar" :foreground "blue3"))
("About" ,(P "About"))))
:parent top :background "Bisque3" :release-command action))
(define f2
(make-toolbar *top-root*
`(("tb_console.gif" "Open New Console" ,(P 1))
("tb_edit.gif" "Open New Editor" ,(P 2))
("tb_customize.gif" "Customize Environment" ,(P 3))
20 ; insert a 20 pixels wide space
("tb_fileopen.gif" "Load File" ,(P 4)))
:parent top :background "Bisque4" :release-command action))
(define f3
(make-toolbar *top-root*
`(("tb_copy.gif" "Copy" ,(P 5))
("tb_paste.gif" "Paste" ,(P 6))
("tb_cut.gif" "Cut" ,(P 7))
("tb_info.gif" "Help on Console" , (P 8)))
:parent top :background "Wheat2" :release-command action
:orientation "vertical"))
(pack f1 f2 :side "top" :fill 'x)
(pack f3 :side "left" :fill 'y)
(pack st :fill 'both :expand #t :side "bottom")