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;;;; M u l t i p a n e d . s t k
;;;; Rewritten version of Paned.stk to allow an arbitrary number of panes.
;;;; Modified by Harvey J. Stein <>
;;;; Modified again by Erick Gallesio for allowing horizontal and vertical
;;;; placement
;;;; Copyright © 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;;; Idea of this implementation was found in comp.lang.tcl.
;;;; Original author seems to be James Noble and the version from which this
;;;; stuff is derivated is Jay Schmidgall (
(require "Frame")
;;;; <MultiPaned> class definition
(define-class <MultiPaned> (<Tk-composite-widget>)
(;; Public slots
(frames :accessor frames-of)
(grips :accessor grips-of)
(ghost :accessor ghost-of)
(panes :accessor panes-of :init-keyword :panes)
(width :accessor width :init-keyword :width
:allocation :propagated :propagate-to (frame))
(height :accessor height :init-keyword :height
:allocation :propagated :propagate-to (frame))
;; Virtual slot
(orientation :accessor orientation :allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda (o)
(extend-environment (environment o)
(if vertical? "vertical" "horizontal")))
:slot-set! (lambda (o v)
(extend-environment (environment o)
(set! vertical? (equal? v "vertical"))
(place-grips o))))
;; Private slots
(environment :accessor environment)
(fractions :accessor fractions-of)
(grip-number :accessor grip-number-of)
(drag-start :accessor drag-start-of)))
(define-method initialize-composite-widget ((self <MultiPaned>) initargs frame)
(let* ((panes (get-keyword :panes initargs 2))
(vertical? (equal? "vertical"
(get-keyword :orientation initargs "vertical")))
(fractions (make-vector panes))
(frames (make-vector panes))
(grips (make-vector (- panes 1)))
(ghost (make <Frame> :parent frame :border-width 2 :relief "ridge")))
;; Build the "container" frames
(dotimes (i panes)
(vector-set! fractions i (/ (+ i 1) panes))
(vector-set! frames i (make <Frame> :parent frame :border-width 2
:relief "raised")))
;; Build grips
(dotimes (i (- panes 1))
(let ((G (make <Frame> :parent frame :width 10 :height 10 :border-width 2
:relief "raised" :cursor "crosshair")))
(vector-set! grips i G)
;; Associate bindings to the newly created grip
(bind G "<Button-1>" (lambda (|W| x y) (start-grip self x y |W|)))
(bind G "<B1-Motion>" (lambda (x y) (motion-grip self x y)))
(bind G "<ButtonRelease-1>" (lambda (x y) (stop-grip self x y)))))
;; Initialize slots
(slot-set! self 'environment (the-environment))
(slot-set! self 'panes panes)
(slot-set! self 'frames frames)
(slot-set! self 'grips grips)
(slot-set! self 'fractions fractions)
(slot-set! self 'ghost ghost)
(slot-set! self 'Id (Id frame))
;; Place grips
(place-grips self)))
;;; <MultiPaned> methods
(define-method place-grips ((self <MultiPaned>))
(extend-environment (environment self)
(let ((f 0)
(fp 0))
;; Place frames and grips
(dotimes (i (- panes 1))
(set! f (vector-ref fractions i))
(if vertical?
(place (vector-ref grips i) :rely 0.95 :relx f :anchor "center")
(place (vector-ref frames i) :y 0 :relh 1 :relx fp :relw (- f fp)))
(place (vector-ref grips i) :relx 0.95 :rely f :anchor "center")
(place (vector-ref frames i) :x 0 :relw 1 :rely fp :relh (- f fp))))
(raise (vector-ref grips i))
(set! fp f))
;; Last frame
(if vertical?
(place (vector-ref frames (- panes 1))
:y 0 :relx f :relheight 1 :relwidth (- 1.0 f))
(place (vector-ref frames (- panes 1))
:x 0 :rely f :relwidth 1 :relheight (- 1.0 f))))))
;;; Methods for moving grips
(define-method find-grip ((self <MultiPaned>) w)
(do ((i 0 (+ 1 i)))
((eq? w (slot-ref (vector-ref (grips-of self) i) 'id)) i)))
(define-method start-grip ((self <MultiPaned>) x y w)
(extend-environment (environment self)
(let* ((grip (find-grip self w))
(ghost (ghost-of self))
(fracts (fractions-of self))
(fr (vector-ref fracts grip)))
(slot-set! self 'grip-number grip)
(slot-set! self 'drag-start (cons x y))
;; Raise ghost
(place 'forget ghost) ; otherwise old constaints seems to stay valid
(if vertical?
(place ghost :rely 0 :relx fr :anchor "n" :relh 1)
(place ghost :relx 0 :rely fr :anchor "w" :relw 1))
(raise ghost)
;; Raise current grip
(raise (vector-ref (grips-of self) grip)))))
(define-method motion-grip ((self <MultiPaned>) x y)
(extend-environment (environment self)
(let ((fraction (fractions-of self))
(gn (grip-number-of self))
(ghost (ghost-of self)))
(if vertical?
(vector-set! fraction
(max 0.0001
(min .9999
(+ (vector-ref fraction gn)
(/ (- x (car (drag-start-of self)))
(+ 1 (winfo 'width (frame-of self))))))))
(place ghost
:rely 0 :relheight 1 :relx (vector-ref fraction gn) :anchor "n")
(place (vector-ref (grips-of self) gn)
:rely 0.95 :relx (vector-ref fraction gn) :anchor "center"))
(vector-set! fraction
(max 0.0001
(min .9999
(+ (vector-ref fraction gn)
(/ (- y (cdr (drag-start-of self)))
(+ 1 (winfo 'height (frame-of self))))))))
(place ghost
:relx 0 :relwidth 1 :rely (vector-ref fraction gn) :anchor "w")
(place (vector-ref (grips-of self) gn)
:relx 0.95 :rely (vector-ref fraction gn) :anchor "center"))))))
(define-method stop-grip ((self <MultiPaned>) x y)
(let* ((gn (grip-number-of self))
(fractions (fractions-of self))
(cp (vector-ref fractions gn)))
(dotimes (i (- (panes-of self) 1))
((and (< i gn) (> (vector-ref fractions i) cp))
(vector-set! fractions i cp))
((and (> i gn) (< (vector-ref fractions i) cp))
(vector-set! fractions i cp)))))
(lower (ghost-of self))
(place-grips self))
(provide "Multipaned")
;;; Example of usage
;;; (define p (make <MultiPaned>
;;; :panes 4
;;; :width 400 :height 400
;;; :orientation "horizontal"))
;;; (define l0 (make <Label> :text "Lab0" :parent (vector-ref (frames-of p) 0)))
;;; (define l1 (make <Label> :text "Lab1" :parent (vector-ref (frames-of p) 1)))
;;; (define l2 (make <Label> :text "Lab2" :parent (vector-ref (frames-of p) 2)))
;;; (pack l0 l1 l2 :expand #t :fill "both")
;;; (pack p :expand #t)