
244 lines
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;;;; M s g b o x . s t k l o s -- Various Messsage boxes classes
;;;; Copyright © 1996-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 29-Aug-1997 21:06
;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 20:13 (eg)
(require "image")
(require "Basics")
(select-module STklos+Tk)
;;;; Utilities
(define msgbox-button #f)
(define (msgbox-create-button name parent box)
(make <Button> :parent parent
:text name
:width 6
:command (lambda ()
(set! msgbox-button
(string->symbol (string-lower name)))
(destroy box))))
;(define msgbox-default-image (make-image "error"))
; < T k - m e s s a g e - b o x >
; This class is not intended for the user. It is in fact the ancestor of
; the class defined below.
;;;; Resources
;(option 'add "*MessageBox*icon.Image" msgbox-default-image "widgetDefault")
(option 'add "*MessageBox*msg.Font" '(Helvetica -16 bold) "widgetDefault")
(option 'add "*MessageBox*msg.Aspect" 1000 "widgetDefault")
;;;; Class definition
(define-class <Tk-message-box> (<Tk-composite-toplevel> <Message>)
(icon msg
(class :init-keyword :class
:init-form "MessageBox")
(default-button :accessor default-button
:init-keyword :default-button)
;; fictive slots
(font :accesssor font
:init-keyword :font
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (msg))
(bitmap :accessor bitmap
:init-keyword :bitmap
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (icon))
(image :accessor bitmap
:init-keyword :bitmap
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (icon))))
(define-method initialize-composite-widget ((self <Tk-message-box>) initargs frame)
(let* ((top (make <Frame> :parent frame :relief "raised" :border-width 1))
(bot (make <Frame> :parent frame :relief "raised" :border-width 1))
(icon (make <Label> :parent top :Id 'icon))
(msg (make <Message> :parent top :anchor 'w :Id 'msg :justify 'left)))
;; Top window
(pack icon :side 'left :padx '5m :pady '5m :expand #f :fill "both")
(pack msg :side 'right :padx '3m :pady '3m :expand #t :fill "both")
(pack top :side 'top :fill 'both :expand #t)
;; Bottom window
(initialize-message-box-buttons self bot frame)
(pack bot :side 'bottom :fill 'x :expand #f)
;; True slots initialization
(slot-set! self 'Id (slot-ref msg 'Id))
(slot-set! self 'icon icon)
(slot-set! self 'msg msg)))
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons((self <Tk-composite-widget>)frame box)
(error "initialize-message-box-button: ~S must be a subclass of <Tk-message-box>"
; < A b o r t - r e t r y - i g n o r e - m e s s a g e - b o x >
(define-class <Abort-retry-ignore-message-box> (<Tk-message-box>)
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons
((self <Abort-retry-ignore-message-box>) frame box)
(let ((abt (msgbox-create-button "Abort" frame box))
(rty (msgbox-create-button "Retry" frame box))
(ign (msgbox-create-button "Ignore" frame box)))
(pack abt rty ign :side 'left :expand #t :padx '3m :pady '2m)))
; < O k - m e s s a g e - b o x >
(define-class <Ok-message-box> (<Tk-message-box>)
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons((self <Ok-message-box>) frame box)
(let ((ok (msgbox-create-button "Ok" frame box)))
(pack ok :side 'left :expand #t :padx '3m :pady '2m)))
; < O k - c a n c e l - m e s s a g e - b o x >
(define-class <Ok-cancel-message-box> (<Tk-message-box>)
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons
((self <Ok-cancel-message-box>) frame box)
(let ((ok (msgbox-create-button "Ok" frame box))
(cnl (msgbox-create-button "Cancel" frame box)))
(pack ok cnl :side 'left :expand #t :padx '3m :pady '2m)))
; < R e t r y - c a n c e l - m e s s a g e - b o x >
(define-class <Retry-cancel-message-box> (<Tk-message-box>)
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons
((self <Retry-cancel-message-box>) frame box)
(let ((rty (msgbox-create-button "Retry" frame box))
(cnl (msgbox-create-button "Cancel" frame box)))
(pack rty cnl :side 'left :expand #t :padx '3m :pady '2m)))
; < Y e s - n o - m e s s a g e - b o x >
(define-class <Yes-no-message-box> (<Tk-message-box>)
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons((self <Yes-no-message-box>) frame box)
(let ((yes (msgbox-create-button "Yes" frame box))
(no (msgbox-create-button "No" frame box)))
(pack yes no :side 'left :expand #t :padx '3m :pady '2m)))
; < Y e s - n o - c a n c e l - m e s s a g e - b o x >
(define-class <Yes-no-cancel-message-box> (<Tk-message-box>)
(define-method initialize-message-box-buttons
((self <Yes-no-cancel-message-box>) frame box)
(let ((yes (msgbox-create-button "Yes" frame box))
(no (msgbox-create-button "No" frame box))
(cnl (msgbox-create-button "Cancel" frame box)))
(pack yes no cnl :side 'left :expand #t :padx '3m :pady '2m)))
; Tk:message-box (for Unix)
(when (eqv? (os-kind) 'Unix)
(define (Tk:message-box . l)
(let* ((default (get-keyword :default l ""))
(icon (get-keyword :icon l #f))
(msg (get-keyword :message l ""))
(title (get-keyword :title l ""))
(class (case (get-keyword :type l 'ok)
((abortretryignore) <Abort-retry-ignore-message-box>)
((okcancel) <Ok-cancel-message-box>)
((retrycancel) <Retry-cancel-message-box>)
((yesno) <Yes-no-message-box>)
((yesnocancel) <Yes-no-cancel-message-box>)
(else <Ok-message-box>)))
(box (make class :text msg :title title)))
;; Default
;/////// must be done ////////
;; Icon
(when icon
(let ((labicon (slot-ref box 'icon)))
(case icon
((error info question warning)
(make-image (& icon ".gif")))
(else (destroy box)
(error (string-append
"Tk:message-box: icon must be "
"one of error, info, question or warning.")))))))
(let ((old-grab (grab 'current box)))
(tkwait 'visibility box)
(grab 'set box)
(tkwait 'window box)
(and old-grab (grab 'set old-grab))
(provide "MsgBox")