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;;;; Combobox.stklos -- A Combobox Implementation
;;;; Copyright © 1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 5-Apr-1999 11:22
;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 20:12 (eg)
(require "Basics")
(select-module STklos+Tk)
; < C o m b o b o x >
;;;; Resources
(option 'add "*Combobox.Entry.Background" "white" "widgetDefault")
;(option 'add "*Combobox.Entry.Font" '(Courier-12) "widgetDefault")
;;;; Globals
(define *max-item-in-combo* 8)
(define *combo-down-arrow* (make-image ""))
(define *combo-up-arrow* (make-image ""))
(define *combo-focus* #f)
;;;; Class definition
(define-class <Combobox> (<Tk-composite-widget> <Entry>)
((%visible :init-form #f)
(entry :accessor entry-of)
(button :accessor button-of)
(toplevel :accessor toplevel-of)
(listbox :accessor listbox-of)
(class :init-keyword :class
:init-form "Combobox")
(command :init-keyword :command
:init-form ""
:accessor command)
;; Virtual slots
(values :accessor values
:init-keyword :values
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to ((listbox value)))
(background :accessor background
:init-keyword :background
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (frame button listbox))
(relief :accessor relief
:init-keyword :relief
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (frame))
(text-background :accessor text-background
:init-keyword :text-background
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to ((entry background)))))
(define-method initialize-composite-widget ((self <Combobox>) initargs parent)
(let* ((t (make <Toplevel> :highlight-thickness 0 :border-width 0))
(l (make <Scroll-Listbox> :parent t :highlight-thickness 0
:border-width 0))
(e (make <Entry> :parent parent :highlight-thickness 0 :relief 'flat))
(b (make <Button> :parent parent :highlight-thickness 0
:image *combo-down-arrow* :border-width 1
:command (lambda () (show/hide-combo-list self )))))
; Change the relief of parent to sunken
(set! (border-width parent) 2)
(set! (relief parent) 'ridge)
;; Make a thin scrollbar (default value makes too much fat scrollbar)
(set! (width (slot-ref l 'v-scrollbar)) 10)
;; Pack the visible parts
(pack e :expand #t :fill 'x :side 'left)
(pack b :expand #f :fill 'y :side 'left :ipadx 2)
; Pack the listbox and make it transient
(pack l :expand #t :fill "both")
(make-transient t)
;; Initialize true slots
(slot-set! self 'Id (slot-ref e 'Id))
(slot-set! self 'entry e)
(slot-set! self 'button b)
(slot-set! self 'toplevel t)
(slot-set! self 'listbox l)))
;;;; THE all-in-one function which deals with opening and closing the
;;;; associated listbox
(define (show/hide-combo-list self)
(let ((visible (slot-ref self '%visible))
(top (toplevel-of self)))
(if visible
;; Close the listbox window
(withdraw top)
(set! (image-of (button-of self)) *combo-down-arrow*))
;; Open it
(let* ((f (frame-of self))
(l (listbox-of self))
(posx (winfo 'rootx f))
(posy (winfo 'rooty f))
(height (winfo 'height f))
(width (winfo 'width f))
(card (length (values self)))
(nbitems 0))
;; Set geometry and width/height of the toplevel window
(if (> card *max-item-in-combo*)
;; Too much item in the listbox. Use a scrollbar
(set! (height l) (- *max-item-in-combo* 1))
(set! (v-scroll-side l) "right"))
;; Use a listbox which is just the good size and no scrollbar
(set! (height l) card)
(set! (v-scroll-side l) #f)))
(update) ; to have a correct height for l (Tk problem)!!!
(wm 'geometry top (format #f "~Ax~A+~A+~A"
width (winfo 'height l) posx (+ posy height)))
;; Display the listbox
(wm 'deiconify top)
(raise top)
;; Associate all the bindings
(let* ((do-action (lambda ()
(let ((command (command self)))
;; If the user has specified a command, do it
(when (procedure? command) (command (value self)))
;; Release the grab set on the toplevel
(grab 'release top)
(focus (or *combo-focus*
(winfo 'toplevel self)))
;; Close the associated toplevel
(show/hide-combo-list self))))
(select (lambda ()
(let ((v "")
(s (state self)))
(unless (catch (set! v (selection 'get)))
(set! (state self) "normal")
(slot-set! self 'value v)
(set! (state self) s)
(bind top "<Leave>"
(lambda () (bind top "<Any-ButtonRelease>" do-action)))
(bind top "<Enter>"
(lambda ()
(let ((lb (listbox-of l)))
(bind top "<Any-ButtonRelease>" "")
(set! *combo-focus* (focus :displayof top))
(focus lb)
(bind lb "<Any-ButtonRelease>" select)
(bind lb "<Return>" select)))))
;; We need a global grab (otherwise displacement of the
;; entry with the wm lets the listbox in place...
(grab :global top)
;; Change the bitmap of the menu button to an up arrow
(set! (image-of (button-of self)) *combo-up-arrow*)))
(slot-set! self '%visible (not visible))))
(provide "Combobox")
(let* ((fonts (sort (font 'families) string<?))
(c1 (make <Combobox> :value (car fonts) :values fonts
:state "disabled"))
(c2 (make <Combobox> :value 10 :values '(8 10 12 14 16 20 24 36)
:width 3 :string-value #f
:command (lambda (x)
(format #t "Value: ~S\n" x)))))
(pack (make <Label> :text "Font:") :side 'left)
(pack c1 :expand #f :fill 'x :padx 3 :pady 3 :side 'left)
(pack (make <Label> :text "Size:") :side 'left)
(pack c2 :expand #f :fill 'x :padx 3 :pady 3 :side 'left))