;;;; ;;;; T k - m e t a . s t k -- Metaclasses definitions ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its ;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in ;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this ;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written ;;;; permission of the copyright holder. ;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 24-Feb-1994 15:08 ;;;; Last file update: 23-Aug-1995 11:59 ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; The original idea and implementation ;;;; are due to Robert DeLine . ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Compatibility: ;;;; - the :pseudo allocation is now replaced by :tk-virtual (Rob DeLine ;;;; proposition). However both name are accepted. Avoid to use :pseudo ;;;; since it will disappear in the future. ;;;; ;;;; - the :special allocation is now replaced by :propagated (Rob DeLine ;;;; proposition). However both name are accepted. Avoid to use :special ;;;; since it will disappear in the future. ;;;; ;;;; - the :propagate option for propagated slots is now replaced by ;;;; :propagate-to. Avoid to use :propagate since it will disappear in ;;;; the future. (require "stklos") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; class ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Define Tk slots getters and setters. In fact this metaclass permits ;; a direct mapping of STklos slots to the Tk-library widget options. ;; For instance, a