/* * r e a d . c -- reading stuff * * Copyright © 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI * * * Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this * software or derived works may only be charged with express written * permission of the copyright holder. * This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. * * This software is a derivative work of other copyrighted softwares; the * copyright notices of these softwares are placed in the file COPYRIGHTS * * $Id: read.c 1.5 Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:44:28 +0200 eg $ * * Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] * Creation date: ??-Oct-1993 ??:?? * Last file update: 10-Sep-1998 15:31 * */ #include #include "stk.h" #include "module.h" static SCM cycles = NULL; /* used for reading circular data */ static char *proc_name = "read"; /* for Serror macro */ static SCM read_rec(FILE *f, int case_significant); static int flush_ws(FILE *f, char *message) { int c; c = Getc(f); for ( ; ; ) { switch (c) { case EOF: if (message) Serror(message,NIL); else return(c); case ';': do c = Getc(f); while (c != '\n' && c != EOF); continue; case '\n': STk_line_counter += 1; break; default: if (!isspace(c)) return(c); } c = Getc(f); } } static SCM read_list(FILE *f, char delim, int case_significant) /* Read a list ended by the `delim' char */ { int c; SCM tmp; c = flush_ws(f, "End of file inside list"); if (c == delim) return(NIL); /* Read the car */ Ungetc(c, f); tmp = read_rec(f, case_significant); /* Read the cdr */ if (EQ(tmp, Sym_dot)) { tmp = read_rec(f, case_significant); c = flush_ws(f, "End of file inside list"); if (c != delim) Serror("missing close parenthesis", NIL); return(tmp); } return(Cons(tmp, read_list(f, delim, case_significant))); } static void read_word(FILE *f, int c, int case_significant) /* read an item whose 1st char is in c */ { register int j = 0; int allchars = 0; for( ; ; ) { allchars ^= (c == '|'); if (c != '|') STk_tkbuffer[j++] = (allchars || case_significant) ? c : tolower(c); c = Getc(f); if (c == EOF) break; if (!allchars) { if (strchr("()[]'`,;\"\n", c)) { Ungetc(c, f); break; } if (isspace(c)) break; } if (j >= TKBUFFERN-1) Serror("token too large", NIL); } STk_tkbuffer[j] = '\0'; } static void read_char(FILE *f, int c) /* read an char (or a char name) item whose 1st char is in c */ { register int j = 0; for( ; ; ) { STk_tkbuffer[j++] = c; c = Getc(f); if (c == EOF || isspace(c)) break; if (strchr("()[]'`,;\"", c)) { Ungetc(c, f); break; } if (j >= TKBUFFERN-1) Serror("token too large", NIL); } STk_tkbuffer[j] = '\0'; } static SCM read_token(FILE *f, int c, int case_significant) { SCM z; read_word(f, c, case_significant); z = STk_Cstr2number(STk_tkbuffer, 10L); if (z == Ntruth) /* It is not a number */ switch (*STk_tkbuffer) { case ':': return STk_makekey(STk_tkbuffer); case '#': Serror("bad # syntax", STk_makestring(STk_tkbuffer)); default : return Intern(STk_tkbuffer); } /* Return the number read */ return z; } static SCM read_cycle(FILE *f, int c, int case_significant) /* read a #xx# or #xx= cycle item whose 1st char is in c. */ { register int j = 0; for( ; ; ) { STk_tkbuffer[j++] = c; c = Getc(f); if (c == EOF || !isdigit(c)) break; if (j >= TKBUFFERN-1) Serror("token too large", NIL); } STk_tkbuffer[j] = '\0'; switch (c) { case '#': { SCM tmp, k = STk_makeinteger(atoi(STk_tkbuffer)); if ((tmp = STk_assv(k, cycles)) != Ntruth) { return CDR(tmp); } else { char buffer[70]; sprintf(buffer, "key ``#%d='' not defined", atoi(STk_tkbuffer)); Serror(buffer, NIL); } } case '=': { SCM val, tmp, k = STk_makeinteger(atoi(STk_tkbuffer)); if ((tmp = STk_assv(k, cycles)) == Ntruth) { /* This is a little bit tricky here: We create a fake cell * that could be referenced by the further read. Once the read * is finished, we overwrite the fake cell with the value * returned by the read. So, the fake cell becomes the real * result (not too clear :-). * ATTENTION: the value returned the next read can be of * any type (e.g. '(1 2 #0="ab" #0#) ). But all our cells * have the same size => no problem. */ tmp = Cons(UNBOUND, UNBOUND); /* The fake cell */ cycles = Cons(Cons(k, tmp), cycles); /* For next read */ val = read_rec(f, case_significant);/* Read item */ *tmp = *val; /* Overwrt fake cell*/ return tmp; } else { char buffer[70]; sprintf(buffer, "key ``#%d='' already defined", atoi(STk_tkbuffer)) ; Serror(buffer, NIL); } } default: Ungetc(c, f); Serror("bad # syntax", STk_makestring(STk_tkbuffer)); } return UNBOUND; /* for the compiler */ } static SCM read_string(FILE *f) { int j, k ,c,n; size_t len; char *p, *buffer; SCM z; j = 0; len = 100; p = buffer = must_malloc(len); while(((c = Getc(f)) != '"') && (c != EOF)) { if (c == '\\') { c = Getc(f); if (c == EOF) Serror("eof encountered after \\", NIL); switch(c) { case 'b' : c = '\b'; break; /* Bs */ case 'e' : c = 0x1b; break; /* Esc */ case 'n' : c = '\n'; break; /* Lf */ case 'r' : c = '\r'; break; /* Cr */ case 't' : c = '\t'; break; /* Tab */ case '\n': STk_line_counter += 1; continue; case '0' : for( k=n=0 ; ; k++ ) { c = Getc(f); if (c == EOF) Serror("eof encountered after \\0", NIL); if (isdigit(c) && (c < '8') && k < 3) /* Max = 3 digits */ n = n * 8 + c - '0'; else { Ungetc(c, f); break; } } c = n & 0xff; } } else if (c == '\n') STk_line_counter += 1; if ((j + 1) >= len) { len = len + len / 2; buffer = must_realloc(buffer, len); p = buffer + j; } j++; *p++ = c; } if (c == EOF) Serror("end of file while reading a string", NIL); *p = '\0'; z = STk_makestrg(j, buffer); free(buffer); return z; } static SCM read_rec(FILE *f, int case_significant) { int c; for ( ; ; ) { c = flush_ws(f, "end of file inside read encountered"); switch (c) { case '(': return(read_list(f, ')', case_significant)); case '[': return(read_list(f, ']', case_significant)); case ')': case ']': fprintf(STk_stderr, "\nread: unexpected close parenthesis"); if (STk_current_filename != UNBOUND) fprintf(STk_stderr, " at line %d in file %s", STk_line_counter, CHARS(STk_current_filename)); fprintf(STk_stderr, "\n"); break; case '\'': return LIST2(Sym_quote, read_rec(f, case_significant)); case '`': return LIST2(Sym_quasiquote, read_rec(f, case_significant)); case '#': switch(c=Getc(f)) { case 't': case 'T': return Truth; case 'f': case 'F': return Ntruth; case '\\': read_char(f, Getc(f)); return STk_makechar(STk_string2char(STk_tkbuffer)); case '(' : { SCM l = read_list(f, ')', case_significant); return STk_vector(l, STk_llength(l)); } case '!' : while ((c=Getc(f)) != '\n') if (c == EOF) return STk_eof_object; Ungetc(c, f); continue; case '|': do do if (c == '\n') STk_line_counter += 1; while ((c != EOF) && (c = Getc(f)) != '|'); while ((c != EOF) && (c = Getc(f)) != '#'); c = flush_ws(f, (char *) NULL); if (c == EOF) return STk_eof_object; Ungetc(c,f); continue; case 'p': case 'P': read_word(f, Getc(f), TRUE); return STk_address2object(STk_tkbuffer); case '.': return STk_eval(read_rec(f, case_significant), MOD_ENV(STk_selected_module)); case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return read_cycle(f, c, case_significant); default: Ungetc(c, f); return read_token(f, '#', FALSE); } case ',': { SCM symb; c = Getc(f); if (c == '@') symb = Sym_unq_splicing; else { symb = Sym_unquote; Ungetc(c, f); } return LIST2(symb, read_rec(f, case_significant)); } case '"': return read_string(f); default: return read_token(f, c, case_significant); } } } SCM STk_readf(FILE *f, int case_significant) { int c; if (cycles == NULL) STk_gc_protect(&cycles); cycles = NIL; c = flush_ws(f, (char *) NULL); if (c == EOF) return(STk_eof_object); Ungetc(c, f); return read_rec(f, case_significant); }