/* * * e n v . c -- Environment management * * Copyright © 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI * * * Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this * software or derived works may only be charged with express written * permission of the copyright holder. * This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. * * This software is a derivative work of other copyrighted softwares; the * copyright notices of these softwares are placed in the file COPYRIGHTS * * $Id: env.c 1.6 Wed, 30 Sep 1998 14:02:29 +0200 eg $ * * Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@kaolin.unice.fr] * Creation date: 23-Oct-1993 21:37 * Last file update: 29-Sep-1998 10:31 */ #include "stk.h" #include "extend.h" #include "module.h" static void makelocalvar(SCM x, int level, int position) { if (ModifyCode() && CONSP(x)) { /* Replace (CAR x) by a localvar access */ SCM z; NEWCELL(z, tc_localvar); z->storage_as.localvar.position = position; z->storage_as.localvar.level = level; z->storage_as.localvar.symbol = CAR(x); CAR(x) = z; } } static void makeglobalvar(SCM x) { if (ModifyCode() && CONSP(x)) { /* Replace (CAR x) by a globalvar access */ SCM z; NEWCELL(z, tc_globalvar); VCELL(z) = CAR(x); CAR(x) = z; } } static void makemodulevar(SCM x, SCM var, SCM module, SCM pvalue) { return; if (ModifyCode() && CONSP(x)) { /* Replace (CAR x) by a modulevar access */ SCM z; NEWCELL(z, tc_modulevar); CAR(z) = Cons(var, module); CDR(z) = pvalue; CAR(x) = z; } } SCM STk_makeframe(SCM formals, SCM actuals) { register SCM z; NEWCELL(z, tc_frame); CAR(z) = formals; CDR(z) = actuals; return z; } SCM STk_makeenv(SCM l, int create_if_null) { SCM z; if (NULLP(l) && !create_if_null) return STk_globenv; NEWCELL(z, tc_env); z->storage_as.env.data = l; return z; } /* Return the value of var in given env. Search is done only at out most level */ SCM *STk_value_in_env(SCM var, SCM env) { SCM fl, *al; al = &CAR(env); for (fl=CAR(CAR(env)); NNULLP(fl); fl=CDR(fl)) { if (NCONSP(fl)) { if (EQ(fl, var)) return &CDR(*al); else break; } al = &CDR(*al); if EQ(CAR(fl), var) return &CAR(*al); } /* Not found */ return &UNBOUND; } static SCM *module_lookup(SCM module, SCM var, SCM context, int err_if_unbound) { register SCM m; Tcl_HashEntry *entry; SCM *avalue; /* If module is a real module (i.e. not a fake one), we have to try * to find var in the current module and then in the exported variables * of imported modules. * Fake modules are created by parent-environment: when asking the * parent environment of a module M importing M1 and M2, we must create * a fake module similar to M1 importing solely M2. In this case, * the search is done in the exported variables of M only, and then in * the exported variables of imported modules. * All this complicated stuff to allow things like: * (eval 'a (parent-environment (module-environment M))) */ if (NULLP(module) || EQ(module, STk_global_module)) { if (VCELL(var) == UNBOUND) m = MOD_IMPORTED(STk_global_module); else goto Global; } else { if (FAKE_MODULEP(module)) m = Cons(module, MOD_IMPORTED(module)); else { /* Search variable in the current module */ if (entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(MOD_TABLE(module), (char*) var)) { avalue = (SCM*) &Tcl_GetHashValue(entry); if (*avalue != UNBOUND) { makemodulevar(context, var, module, (SCM) entry); if (err_if_unbound && TYPEP(*avalue, tc_autoload)) STk_do_autoload(var, *avalue); return avalue; } } m = MOD_IMPORTED(module); } } /* Variable not found in the given module (which could be the global one) * Try to find it in exported variables of the "m" list of modules */ for ( ; NNULLP(m); m = CDR(m)) { module = CAR(m); if (entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(FIND_TABLE(module), (char*) var)) { if (MOD_EXPORTALL(module) || STk_memq(var, MOD_EXPORTS(module)) != Ntruth) { avalue = (SCM*) &Tcl_GetHashValue(entry); if (*avalue != UNBOUND) { makemodulevar(context, var, module, (SCM) entry); if (TYPEP(*avalue, tc_autoload)) STk_do_autoload(var, *avalue); return avalue; } } } } Global: /* "True" global variable (i.e. one which is accessed from its symbol) */ { SCM val = VCELL(var); if (err_if_unbound) { if (val == UNBOUND) { /* C variables are always seen as unbound variables. This tends to * make them slower than standard variables but, in counterpart, this * doesn't slow down acceses to Scheme variable */ if (var->cell_info & CELL_INFO_C_VAR) { /* This is not an unbound variable but rather a C variable */ static SCM tmp; tmp = STk_apply_getter_C_variable(PNAME(var)); return &tmp; } Err("unbound variable", var); } if (TYPEP(val, tc_autoload)) STk_do_autoload(var, val); } makeglobalvar(context); return &VCELL(var); } } SCM *STk_varlookup(SCM x, SCM env, int err_if_unbound) { SCM frame, fl, *al, var; int level, pos; var = CONSP(x)? CAR(x) : x; frame = env; /* Try to find var in env */ for(level=0; CONSP(frame); frame=CDR(frame), level++) { al = &CAR(frame); if (MODULEP(*al)) return module_lookup(*al, var, x, err_if_unbound); for (pos=0, fl=CAR(CAR(frame)); NNULLP(fl); fl=CDR(fl), pos++) { if (NCONSP(fl)) { if (EQ(fl, var)) { makelocalvar(x, level, pos); return &CDR(*al); } else break; } al = &CDR(*al); if EQ(CAR(fl), var) { makelocalvar(x, level, pos); return &CAR(*al); } } } return module_lookup(frame, var, x, err_if_unbound); } SCM STk_localvalue(SCM var, SCM env) { register SCM p, q; register int i; p = env; /* Go down ``level'' environments */ for (i = var->storage_as.localvar.level; i; i--) p = CDR(p); /* Go forward ``position'' variables */ q = CAR(CAR(p)); p = CDR(CAR(p)); for (i = var->storage_as.localvar.position; i; i--) { p = CDR(p); q = CDR(q); } return CONSP(q) ? CAR(p) : p; } PRIMITIVE STk_symbol_boundp(SCM x, SCM env) { SCM tmp; if (NSYMBOLP(x)) Err("symbol-bound?: not a symbol", x); if (env == UNBOUND) env = STk_globenv; else if (NENVP(env)) Err("symbol-bound?: bad environment", env); tmp = *STk_varlookup(x, env->storage_as.env.data, FALSE); return (tmp == UNBOUND) ? Ntruth : Truth; } PRIMITIVE STk_the_environment(SCM args, SCM env, int len) { if (len) Err("the-environement: Too much parameters", args); return STk_makeenv(env, 0); } PRIMITIVE STk_parent_environment(SCM env) { SCM tmp, parent; if (NENVP(env)) Err("parent->environment: bad environment", env); if (env==STk_globenv) return Ntruth; tmp = env->storage_as.env.data; if (MODULEP(CAR(tmp))) { parent = STk_make_parent_module(CAR(tmp)); if (MODULEP(parent)) return STk_makeenv(LIST1(parent), 0); } return STk_makeenv(CDR(tmp),0); } PRIMITIVE STk_global_environment(void) { return STk_globenv; } static SCM local_env2list(SCM l) { register SCM res=NIL, l1, l2; for (l1=CAR(l), l2=CDR(l); NNULLP(l1); l1=CDR(l1), l2=CDR(l2)) if (CONSP(l1)) res = Cons(Cons(CAR(l1), CAR(l2)), res); else /* We had a dotted list */ return Cons(Cons(l1, l2), res); return res; } PRIMITIVE STk_environment2list(SCM env) { SCM l, res = NIL; if (NENVP(env)) Err("environment->list: bad environment", env); for (l=env->storage_as.env.data; NNULLP(l); l=CDR(l)) { if (MODULEP(CAR(l))) { res = STk_append2(STk_module_env2list(CAR(l)), res); break; } res = Cons(local_env2list(CAR(l)), res); } res = Cons(STk_global_env2list(), res); return Reverse(res); } PRIMITIVE STk_environmentp(SCM obj) { return ENVP(obj)? Truth: Ntruth; } #ifdef DEBUG_STK PRIMITIVE STk_get_environment(SCM env) { if (NENVP(env)) Err("%get-environment: bad environment", env); return env->storage_as.env.data; } #endif