;;;; ;;;; w w w - h t m l . s t k -- WWW for STk (html reader) ;;;; No form support (yet) ;;;; No frame support (never) ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 1995-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its ;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in ;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this ;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written ;;;; permission of the copyright holder. ;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. ;;;; ;;;; This version uses some of the enhancements done by Harvey J. Stein: ;;;; Copyright (c) 1995 Harvey J. Stein (hjstein@math.huji.ac.il) ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 1-Sep-1995 09:52 ;;;; Last file update: 10-Mar-1998 18:58 ;;;; (require "regexp") (require "security") (select-module WWW) (export WWW:applet->html ; for Scheme applet writers WWW:html->applet) (if (symbol-bound? '%init-html) ;; Html module is in the core interpreter (%init-html) ;; Try to load html module dynamically (load (string-append "html." *shared-suffix*))) (define (WWW:applet->html f) (let ((code (format #f "~S" (procedure-body f)))) (set! code (regexp-replace-all "&" code "&")) (set! code (regexp-replace-all ">" code ">")) (set! code (regexp-replace-all "<" code "<")) code)) (define (WWW:html->applet code) (set! code (regexp-replace-all ">?" code ">")) (set! code (regexp-replace-all "<?" code "<")) (set! code (regexp-replace-all "&?" code "&")) code) (let () (define default-indent-step 30) ; default indentation step (define default-border 8) (define default-font "times") ; Font to use for display (define default-size 14) ; Default point size (define default-background "gray") (define point-size 14) ; Point size (define weight #f) (define slant #f) (define underline #f) (define verbatim #f) (define strike #f) (define current-font "times") (define fixed-font "courier") ; Fixed-width font (define header-font "times") ; Font for headers (define left default-border) ; left margin indent (define right default-border) ; right margin indent (define justify 'left) (define text-color "black") ; Color for displaying text (define color "black") ; Current color for text (define color-link "blue") ; Color for display hyperlinks (define color-old-link "blue4") (define base-dir #f) (define list-stack '()) (define ignore-spaces #t) ; control multiple spaces (define NL-count 2) ; control multiple \n (define buffered-text "") (define list-level -1) (define list-stack '()) (define list-color "IndianRed1") (define font-info '(("helvetica" (medium bold) (r o)) ("times" (medium bold) (r i)) ("symbol" (medium medium) (r r)) ("courier" (medium bold) (r o)) ("lucida" (medium bold) (r i)))) (define header-info '(("h1" 24 bold) ("h2" 20 bold) ("h3" 18 bold) ("h4" 16 bold) ("h5" 16 italic) ("h6" 0 italic))) (define html #f) (define base-url ()) (define last-end-tag #f) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; view ;;;; ;;;; This procedure is called to read HTML from a port, parsing it and ;;;; inserting it into a text widget as it is read in, tagging it and ;;;; inserting graphics, etc, as appropriate. Basically, it just ;;;; sets up afew environment variables for itself & calls ;;;; parse-port, which does the real work. ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (view txt fd url) (www:hook-title "No title") (set! base-url url) (set! html (make-hash-table string=?)) (set! current-font default-font) ; Initialize font (set! point-size default-size) ; Point size (set! verbatim #f) (set! weight #f) (set! slant #f) (set! underline #f) (set! strike #f) (set! left default-border) ; left margin indent (set! right default-border) ; right margin indent (set! list-level -1) (set! list-stack '()) (set! justify 'left) (set! color text-color) ; Current color for text (set! list-stack '()) (set! ignore-spaces #t) ; Don't output multiple blanks in a row (set! NL-count 2) ; Don't output more than two \n in a row. (set! buffered-text "") ;; reset background color if txt widget (tk-set! txt :background default-background) ;; ;; Let's go ;; (parse-port fd txt "")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Parsing ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (parse-port fd txt delimiter) (let loop ((token (%html:next-token fd))) (www:hook-formatting) (cond ((eof-object? token) #f) (www:stop-loading #f) ((string? token) ;; This is simple text (insert-simple-text txt token) (loop (%html:next-token fd))) (ELSE ;; This is an HTML request (let ((command (car token)) (args (cdr token))) (unless (string=? command delimiter) (html:handle-request fd txt command args) (loop (%html:next-token fd))))))) (mark-up txt)) (define (insert-simple-text txt token) (if verbatim (set! buffered-text (string-append buffered-text token)) (let* ((t (%html:clean-spaces token ignore-spaces)) (next (car t)) (only-spaces (cdr t))) (unless (string=? next "") (let ((c (string-ref next (- (string-length next) 1)))) (set! ignore-spaces (char-whitespace? c)) (unless only-spaces (set! NL-count 0)) (set! buffered-text (string-append buffered-text next))))))) (define (html:handle-request fd txt token args) (let ((proc (string->symbol (string-append "html:" token)))) (if (symbol-bound? proc (the-environment) ) ((eval proc (the-environment)) fd txt args) ;; Signal an error only if 1rst char is not a / ;; (to allow non paired ) ;; (unless (eq? (string-ref token 0) #\/) ;; (format (current-error-port) ;; "html: `~a'request not implemented\n" token))))) ))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (create-color color) (if (string? color) (let ((val (string->number color 16))) (if val (string-append "#" color) color)) color)) (define (try-eval str) ;; Eval str in the secure-environment (let* ((p (open-input-string str)) (sexpr (read p))) (eval sexpr (secure-environment)))) (define (html:make-font-name name weight slant point-size) (let ((info (cdr (assoc name font-info)))) (format #f "-*-~a-~a-~a-normal-*-~a-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" name ((if weight cadr car) (car info)) ((if slant cadr car) (cadr info)) point-size))) (define last-tag "") (define (mark-up txt) (unless (string=? buffered-text "") (let ((tag (format #f "Tag-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A-~A" current-font (if weight "b" "") (if slant "i" "") (if underline "u" "") (if strike "s" "") point-size left left right color justify))) (set! last-tag tag) ;; configure it (let ((font (html:make-font-name current-font weight slant point-size))) (unless (hash-table-get html tag #f) ;; New tag; configure it (hash-table-put! html tag font) (txt 'tag 'configure tag :font font :foreground color :underline underline :overstrike strike :justify justify :lmargin1 (if (> left 0) left "") :lmargin2 (if (> left 0) left "") :rmargin (if (> right 0) right "")))) ;; apply formatting (txt 'insert "end" buffered-text tag) (set! buffered-text "")))) (define (output-newline count) ;; Output newlines. Try and limit how many consequtive newlines get output. (when (< NL-count count) (if (> (+ count NL-count) 2) (set! count (- 2 NL-count))) (set! buffered-text (string-append buffered-text (make-string count #\newline))) (set! NL-count count) (set! ignore-spaces #t))) ;;; Split-fields is used to decompose a complex HTML command such as ;;; ALIGN=top SRC="image_URL" alt="" ;; In this case, it returns ;; (("align" . "top") ("src" . "image_URL") (alt . "")) (define html:split-fields (let ((rgxp (string->regexp " *([^=> ]+) *= *\"?([^ >\"]+)\"?"))) ; Yeah!! (lambda (str) (let loop ((str str) (res '())) (let ((one (rgxp str))) (if one (let ((len (string-length str)) (key (apply substring str (cadr one))) (value (apply substring str (caddr one)))) (set! res (cons (cons (string-lower key) value) res)) (if (< (cadar one) (- len 1)) ;; see if other matches (loop (substring str (+ (cadar one) 1) len) res) ;; We have finished res)) res)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Mark-up procedures ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;

(define (html:p fd txt unused) (output-newline 2)) ;;;;
(define (html:br fd txt unused) (output-newline 1)) ;;;; (define (html:teletype fd txt delimiter) (mark-up txt) ;; decrement size since fixed font are generally larger than proportionnal ones ;; Be careful to not decrement if already in fixed font (i.e. forgotten) (fluid-let ((point-size (if (equal? current-font fixed-font) point-size (- point-size 2))) (current-font fixed-font)) (parse-port fd txt delimiter))) (define (html:tt fd txt unused) (html:teletype fd txt "/tt")) (define (html:code fd txt unused) (html:teletype fd txt "/code")) (define (html:kbd fd txt unused) (html:teletype fd txt "/kbd")) (define (html:samp fd txt unused) (html:teletype fd txt "/samp")) ;;;; (define (html:bold fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! weight #t)) (define (html:/bold fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! weight #f)) (define html:b html:bold) (define html:strong html:bold) (define html:/b html:/bold) (define html:/strong html:/bold) ;;;; (define (html:italic fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! slant #t)) (define (html:/italic fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! slant #f)) (define html:i html:italic) (define html:em html:italic) (define html:var html:italic) (define html:cite html:italic) (define html:dfn html:italic) (define html:/i html:/italic) (define html:/em html:/italic) (define html:/var html:/italic) (define html:/cite html:/italic) (define html:/dfn html:/italic) ;;;; (define (html:u fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! underline #t)) (define (html:/u fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! underline #f)) ;;;; (define (html:strike fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! strike #t)) (define (html:/strike fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (set! strike #f)) ;;;;

(define (html:center fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (fluid-let ((justify 'center)) (parse-port fd txt "/center")) (mark-up txt)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Headers ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (header fd txt token pre-skip) (let* ((info (cdr (assoc token header-info))) (point (if (> (car info) 0) (car info) point-size)) (mode (cadr info)) (end (string-append "/" token))) (output-newline pre-skip) (mark-up txt) (fluid-let ((point-size point) (current-font header-font) (left default-border) (weight (eq? mode 'bold)) (slant (eq? mode 'italic)) (underline (eq? mode 'underline))) (parse-port fd txt end) (output-newline 2)))) (define (html:h1 fd txt unused) (header fd txt "h1" 2)) (define (html:h2 fd txt unused) (header fd txt "h2" 2)) (define (html:h3 fd txt unused) (header fd txt "h3" 2)) (define (html:h4 fd txt unused) (header fd txt "h4" 2)) (define (html:h5 fd txt unused) (header fd txt "h5" 2)) (define (html:h6 fd txt unused) (header fd txt "h6" 1)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Lists ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (start-list fd txt delimiter value) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 1) (fluid-let ((left (+ left default-indent-step)) (list-level (+ list-level 1)) (list-stack (cons value list-stack))) (parse-port fd txt delimiter)) (output-newline 1)) (define (html:ul fd txt unused) (start-list fd txt "/ul" #f)) (define (html:ol fd txt unused) (start-list fd txt "/ol" 1)) (define (html:dir fd txt unused) (start-list fd txt "/dir" #f)) (define (html:menu fd txt unused) (start-list fd txt "/menu" #f)) (define (html:li fd txt unused) (when (>= list-level 0) (output-newline 1) (mark-up txt) (let* ((half-dist (quotient default-indent-step 2)) (value (car list-stack)) (mark (if (number? value) (format #f "~A." value) (if (even? list-level) "*" "-")))) ;; Push new value in the stack if it is a numbered list (if value (set-car! list-stack (+ value 1))) (set! buffered-text (string-append buffered-text mark "\t")) (fluid-let ((left (- left half-dist)) (weight #t) (color list-color)) (mark-up txt) (set! ignore-spaces #t))))) ;; ;; Definition Lists ;; (define dlist-stack '()) ; stores (left . weight) for each
(define (start-dl) (output-newline 1) (set! dlist-stack (cons (cons left weight) dlist-stack))) (define (html:dl fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (start-dl) (parse-port fd txt "/dl") (set! left (caar dlist-stack)) (set! weight (cdar dlist-stack)) (set! dlist-stack (cdr dlist-stack)) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 1)) (define (html:dt fd txt unused) (if (null? dlist-stack) (start-dl)) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 1) (set! left (caar dlist-stack)) (set! weight #t)) (define (html:dd fd txt unused) (if (null? dlist-stack) (start-dl)) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 1) (set! left (+ (caar dlist-stack) default-indent-step)) (set! weight (cdar dlist-stack))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Anchors ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (html:a fd txt args) ;; Local defines (define (enter-binding) (txt 'configure :cursor "hand2")) (define (leave-binding) (txt 'configure :cursor "top_left_arrow")) (define (make-tag name) (or (hash-table-get html name #f) (let ((res (gensym "anchor-"))) (hash-table-put! html name res) res))) ;; html:a starts here (mark-up txt) (let* ((start (txt 'index "end-1c")) (fields (html:split-fields args)) (tag (gensym "tag-")) (href (assoc "href" fields)) (name (assoc "name" fields)) (expr (assoc "expr" fields))) (if (or href expr) (fluid-let ((underline #t) (color color-link)) (parse-port fd txt "/a")) (parse-port fd txt "/a")) (txt 'tag 'add tag start "end-1c") (txt 'tag 'bind tag "" enter-binding) (txt 'tag 'bind tag "" leave-binding) (when href (let ((url (url:parse-url (cdr href) base-url))) (txt 'tag 'bind tag "" (lambda () (html:href txt url (cdr href) tag))))) (when name ;; We must set a tag whose name is "tag#xxxx" (where xxxx ;; is the given name) (txt 'tag 'add (string-append "tag#" (cdr name)) start)) (when expr ;; embed a frame in the text (txt 'tag 'bind tag "" (lambda () (html:eval txt tag args)))))) (define (html:href txt url href tag) (txt 'tag 'configure tag :foreground color-old-link) (unless (char=? (string-ref href 0) #\#) ;; It's a hack: when the href is "#xxxx", the reference is in the current ;; page (and we don't need to load it). We can't use the encoded url here ;; since the pathnam is et to / by the url package. (www:view-URL txt url)) (let ((anchor (url:anchor url))) (when anchor (let ((index (txt 'index (string-append "tag#" anchor ".first")))) (txt 'see index))))) ;;;; ;;;; HTML:EVAL a BIG BIG BIG security hole ;;;; (define (html:eval txt tag str) (let ((r ((string->regexp "[Ee][Xx][Pp][Rr][ \t]*=(.*)") str))) (when r (catch (try-eval (apply substring str (cadr r))) (txt 'tag 'configure tag :foreground color-old-link))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Applets ;;;; ;;;; This is a quick hack (I should probably have a look at a document ;;;; about applet coding) ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (create-applet txt code) (let* ((f (frame (gensym (format #f "~S.applet" (widget-name txt))) :bd 0)) (c (WWW:html->applet code))) (if (catch ((try-eval c) f base-url)) (format (current-error-port) "**** WARNING: bad applet script: ~S\n" code)) f)) (define (html:script fd txt args) (let* ((fields (html:split-fields args)) (lang (assoc "language" fields)) (tmp (text (& txt (gensym ".t"))))) ; temporary widget to collect ; body of script (mark-up txt) (when (and lang (equal? (cdr lang) "STk")) ; We have a STk script to collect (parse-port fd tmp "/script")) ;; The body of the script is contained in the temp. text widget (let ((code (tmp 'get "0.0" 'end))) (destroy tmp) (insert-simple-text txt " ") (mark-up txt) (txt 'window 'create "end-1c" :window (create-applet txt code)) (insert-simple-text txt " ")))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Images ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (html:img fd txt args) (let* ((fields (html:split-fields args)) (align (assoc "align" fields)) (alt (assoc "alt" fields)) (src (assoc "src" fields))) (when src (mark-up txt) (let ((img (www:insert-url txt (cdr src) base-url))) (unless img ;; Image not found with the given url. Perhaps it's a predefined image (set! img (www:insert-url txt (cdr src)))) (if img ;;;; Image inserted (fluid-let ((verbatim #t)) (let ((index (txt 'index "end-2c"))) ;; Accessing the image ;; directly seems buggy (insert-simple-text txt " ") ;; To honour justification (mark-up txt) (if align (begin (set! align (string-lower (cdr align))) ;; I have problems with align which doesn't seem to work (cond ((string=? align "top") 'nothing) ((string=? align "middle") (set! align "center")) (ELSE (set! align "baseline")))) (set! align "baseline")) (txt 'image 'configure index :align align) ;; Extend last tag to the image (so it can pass through) (txt 'tag 'add last-tag index "end")) (mark-up txt)) ;;;; Image not found (fluid-let ((color "red") (point-size 18)) (insert-simple-text txt (string-append " " (if alt (cdr alt)"Image") " ")) (mark-up txt))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Fonts ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (html:font fd txt args) (define (compute-size old new) (let ((v (read-from-string new))) (if (number? v) (max 4 (min 48 (+ old v))) old))) (let* ((fields (html:split-fields args)) (col (assoc "color" fields)) (sz (assoc "size" fields))) (mark-up txt) (fluid-let ((color (if col (create-color (cdr col)) color)) (point-size (compute-size point-size (if sz (cdr sz) "0")))) (parse-port fd txt "/font")))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Misc ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Address (define (html:address fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 1) (fluid-let ((justify 'right) (slant #t)) (parse-port fd txt "/address"))) ;;;; Blockquote: extended quotations (define (html:blockquote fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 2) (fluid-let ((left (+ left default-indent-step)) (right (+ right default-indent-step)) (slant #t)) (parse-port fd txt "/blockquote")) (output-newline 2)) ;;;; Horizontal Rules (define (html:hr fd txt token) (output-newline 2) (mark-up txt) (fluid-let ((justify 'left) (underline #f) (left default-border) (right default-border)) (set! buffered-text " \n\n") (mark-up txt) (let ((line (car (txt 'index "end")))) (txt 'tag 'add "separator" (cons (- line 3) 0) (cons (- line 2) 0)) (txt 'tag 'configure "separator" :relief "ridge" :borderwidth 1 :font "-*-times-*-*-*-*-4-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" :justify "left"))) (output-newline 1)) ;;;; Preformatted Text (define (html:pre fd txt unused) (mark-up txt) (output-newline 1) (fluid-let ((verbatim #t)) (html:teletype fd txt "/pre") (output-newline 2))) (define (html:title fd txt unused) (www:hook-title "")) (define (html:/title fd txt unused) (www:hook-title buffered-text) (set! buffered-text "")) ;;;; + some common extensions (define (html:body fd txt args) (let* ((fields (html:split-fields args)) (bgcolor (assoc "bgcolor" fields)) (fgcolor (assoc "text" fields))) (when bgcolor (txt 'configure :background (create-color (cdr bgcolor)))) (when fgcolor (set! color (create-color (cdr fgcolor)))))) ;;;; Commands which do nothing in STk (define (html:html fd txt unused) 'OK) (define (html:head fd txt unused) 'OK) (define (html:!-- fd txt unused) 'OK) ;;;; Add the html viewer (www:add-viewer (string->regexp "\\.html?$") view) (www:add-viewer 'html view) ;;;; Set maximum security level (set-security-level! 0) ) (provide "www-html")