;;;; ;;;; i m a g e . s t k -- Images functions for STk ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 1996-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its ;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in ;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this ;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written ;;;; permission of the copyright holder. ;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 15-Oct-1996 14:25 ;;;; Last file update: 28-Feb-1998 18:20 (require "hash") (select-module Tk) (define find-image #f) (define make-image #f) (define change-image #f) (define delete-image #f) ;; ;; Images are cached in a local cache variable. Each image is given a key ;; so that multple use of the same image share the same copy ;; (let* ((image-cache (make-hash-table string=?)) (image-name (lambda (key) (& "*Img " key "*"))) (mk-image (lambda (name opt) (let ((img #f) (name (image-name name))) ; to avoid breaking globals ;; Try to create a bitmap then a pixmap else a photo image. (and (catch (set! img (apply image 'cre 'bitmap name opt))) (catch (set! img (apply image 'cre 'pixmap name opt))) (catch (set! img (apply image 'cre 'photo name opt)))) img))) (create (lambda (key opt) (let ((img #f)) (if (null? opt) ;; No option given. Take the key as the file name (let loop ((l *image-path*)) (if (null? l) #f (let ((f (string-append (car l) "/" key))) (set! img (mk-image key (list :file f))) (unless img (Loop (cdr l)))))) ;. Use option given (set! img (mk-image key opt))) (when img ;; Found an image; Register it (hash-table-put! image-cache key img)) img)))) ;; ;; make-image ;; (set! make-image (lambda (key . opt) (or (find-image key) (create key opt)))) ;; ;; find-image ;; (set! find-image (lambda (key) (hash-table-get image-cache key #f))) ;; ;; change-image ;; (set! change-image (lambda (key . opt) (let ((img (find-image key))) (if img (create key opt) (error "change-image: no image with name ~S" key))))) ;; ;; delete-image ;; (set! delete-image (lambda (key) (let ((img (find-image key))) (if img (begin (image 'delete (image-name key)) (hash-table-remove! image-cache key)) (error "free-image: no image with name ~S" key))))) ) (provide "image")