;;;; ;;;; f f i . s t k -- Foreign Function Interface for STk ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 1997-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its ;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in ;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this ;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written ;;;; permission of the copyright holder. ;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 17-Sep-1997 12:35 ;;;; Last file update: 8-Apr-1998 10:18 (select-module STk) (define (ffi:arg-type type return?) (let ((type (if (and (pair? type) (eq? '* (cadr type))) ;; We have (:xxx *). If xxx=char return :string, ;; :dynamic-ptr otherwise (if (eq? :char (car type)) :string :dynamic-ptr) type))) ;; DO NOT CHANGE the following values without changing the correponding ;; constants in the file dynload.c!!!! (case type ((:void) (if return? 0 (error "define-external: void argument forbidden"))) ((:char) 1) ((:short) 2) ((:ushort) 3) ((:int) 4) ((:uint) 5) ((:long) 6) ((:ulong) 7) ((:float) 8) ((:double) 9) ((:static-ptr) 10) ((:dynamic-ptr) 11) ((:string) 12) ((:boolean) 13) (else (error "define-external: bad type: ~S" type))))) (define (ffi:interface-type type) ;available calling conventions (case type ((:c) 0) ;args pushed right-to-left, caller pops ((:argc/argv) 1) ;argv pushed, then argc, caller pops ((:winapi) 2))) ;args pushed left-to-right, callee pops (define (ffi:parse-arglist l) (letrec ((aux (lambda (l names types) (cond ((null? l) (list names types names)) ((pair? l) (aux (cdr l) (append names (list (caar l))) (append types (list (ffi:arg-type (cadar l) #f))))) (else (list (append names l) (append types (ffi:arg-type :void #t)) (append names (list l)))))))) (aux l '() '()))) (define-macro (define-external name args . l) (let* ((args (ffi:parse-arglist args)) (lib-name (get-keyword :library-name l "")) (entry-name (get-keyword :entry-name l (symbol->string name))) (return-type (ffi:arg-type (get-keyword :return-type l :void) #t)) (interface (ffi:interface-type (get-keyword :interface l :C))) (names (car args)) (types (cadr args)) (actuals (caddr args)) (prologue `(,(if (string=? lib-name "") "" (string-append lib-name "." *shared-suffix*)) ,entry-name ,return-type ',names ',types))) `(define ,name (lambda ,names ,(if (list? names) `(%call-external ,@prologue ,@(copy-tree actuals)) `(apply %call-external ,@prologue ,@(copy-tree actuals))))))) (define (external-exists? entry . lib) (apply %external-exists? entry (list (if (null? lib) "" (string-append (car lib) "." *shared-suffix*))))) (provide "ffi")