;;;; ;;;; STk adaptation of the Tk widget demo. ;;;; ;;;; This demonstration script creates a simple canvas that can be ;;;; scrolled in two dimensions. ;;;; (require "Tk-classes") (define canv-old-fill "") (define canv-current-item #f) (define (demo-cscroll) (define w (make-demo-toplevel "cscroll" "Scrollable Canvas Demonstration" "This window displays a canvas widget that can be scrolled either using the scrollbars or by dragging with button 2 in the canvas. If you click button 1 on one of the rectangles, its indices will be printed on stdout.")) (define (scroll-enter) (let* ((item (car (find-items c 'with 'current))) (rect (if (is-a? item ) item (Cid->instance c (- (Cid item) 1))))) (set! canv-current-item rect) (when (> (winfo 'depth c) 1) (set! canv-old-fill (fill rect)) (set! (fill rect) "RoyalBlue1")))) (define (scroll-leave) (when (and canv-current-item (> (winfo 'depth c) 1)) (set! (fill canv-current-item) canv-old-fill) (set! canv-current-item #f))) (define (scroll-button) (let* ((item (car (find-items c 'with 'current))) (txt (if (is-a? item ) item (Cid->instance c (+ (Cid item) 1))))) (format #t "You buttoned at ~A\n" (text-of txt)))) (define c (make :parent w :scroll-region '(-11c -11c 20c 20c) :h-scroll-side "bottom" :border-width 2 :relief "raised")) ;; Make internal objects (let ((bg (background c))) (dotimes (i 10) (let ((x (+ -10 (* 3 i))) (y -10)) (dotimes (j 10) (make :parent c :ouline "black" :fill bg :tags "rect" :coords (read-from-string (format #f "(~Ac ~Ac ~Ac ~Ac)" x y (+ x 2) (+ y 2)))) (make :parent c :text (cons i j) :anchor 'center :font "fixed" :tags "text" :coords (read-from-string (format #f "(~Ac ~Ac)" (+ x 1) (+ y 1)))) (set! y (+ y 3)))))) ;; Pack canvas (pack c :fill "both" :expand #t) ;; Some bindings (bind c "all" "" scroll-enter) (bind c "all" "" scroll-leave) (bind c "all" "<1>" scroll-button) (bind c "<2>" (lambda (x y) (scan c 'mark x y))) (bind c "" (lambda (x y) (scan c 'dragto x y))))