#!/usr/local/bin/stk -f ;; ;; Hanoi - Towers of Hanoi diversion ;; ;; This program is a rewriting in STk of a program found on the net. Original ;; author is Damon A Permezel (probably fubar!dap@natinst.com) ;; Re-writing is very direct and needs much more working ;; (define *gc-verbose* #f) (define hanoi-canvas "") (define hanoi-running #f) (define hanoi-stop #f) (define previousRings 0) (define max-rings 20) (define num-rings 6) (define colours '(DarkOliveGreen snow4 royalblue2 palegreen4 rosybrown1 wheat4 tan2 brown2 tomato3 hotpink3)) (define pole (make-vector 3)) ; elts are (define ring (make-vector (+ max-rings 1))); elts are (define accel 0) (define base 32) (define fly-row 32) (define width-incr 12) (define width-min (* 8 width-incr)) (define ring-height 26) (define ring-spacing (* 2 (/ ring-height 3))) ;; ;; Setup the main window ;; (define (SetupHanoi) (wm 'title "." "Towers of Hanoi") ;; ;; setup frame and main menu button ;; (label ".title" :text "Towers of Hanoi" :bd 4 :fg "RoyalBlue" :relief "ridge") (frame ".f") (button ".f.run" :text "Run" :command (lambda () (DoHanoi (.nrframe.scale 'get) #t))) (button ".f.stop" :text "Stop" :command (lambda () (set! hanoi-stop 1))) (button ".f.quit" :text "Quit" :command (lambda () (exit 0))) (pack .f.run .f.stop .f.quit :fill "x" :side "left" :expand #t) ;; ;; setup next frame, for #rings slider ;; (frame ".nrframe" :bd 2 :relief 'raised) (pack [label ".nrframe.label" :text "Number of Rings: " :width 15 :anchor 'e] :side "left") (pack [scale ".nrframe.scale" :orient 'hor :from 1 :to max-rings :font "fixed" :command (lambda (val) (set! num-rings val))] :side "right" :expand #t :fill "x") (.nrframe.scale 'set num-rings) ;; ;; setup next frame, for speed slider ;; (frame ".speed-frame" :bd 2 :relief 'raised) (pack [label ".speed-frame.label" :text "Speed: " :width 15 :anchor 'e] :side "left") (pack [scale ".speed-frame.scale" :orient 'hor :from 1 :to 100 :font "fixed" :command (lambda (val) (set! accel val))] :side "right" :expand #t :fill "x") (.speed-frame.scale 'set 100) ;; ;; setup frame for canvas to appear in ;; (frame ".canv-frame" :bd 4 :relief 'groove) (pack [canvas ".canv-frame.canvas" :relief 'sunken]) (set! hanoi-canvas .canv-frame.canvas) ;; ;; Pack evrybody ;; (pack .title .nrframe .speed-frame .canv-frame .f :expand #t :fill "x") ;; ;; key bindings ;; (bind "." "" (lambda () (DoHanoi [.nrframe.scale 'get] #t))) (bind "." "" (lambda () (set! hanoi-stop #t))) (bind "." "" (lambda () (exit 0))) ;; ;; Display tower ;; (DoHanoi num-rings #f) ) ;; ;; DoHanoi ;; ;; Input: ;; n # of rings ;; ;; setup the canvas for displaying the Hanoi simulation ;; Call hanoi if run-it is true. ;; (define (DoHanoi n run-it) (unless hanoi-running (define ring-width (+ width-min (* n width-incr))) (define wm-width (+ (* 3 ring-width) (* 4 12))) (define wm-height (+ (* ring-spacing n) fly-row (* 2 ring-height))) (set! hanoi-stop #f) (set! hanoi-running #t) (set! base (- wm-height 32)) ;; ;; cleanup from previous run ;; (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ((> i previousRings)) (hanoi-canvas 'delete (cddr (vector-ref ring i)))) ;; ;; configure the canvas appropriately ;; (hanoi-canvas 'configure :width wm-width :height wm-height) ;; ;; setup poles ;; (let loop ((i 0)) (vector-set! pole i (cons 0 (+ (* i (/ wm-width 3)) (/ ring-width 2) 8))) (when (< i 2) (loop (+ 1 i)))) ;; ;; setup rings ;; (let loop ((i 0)) (let* ((colour (list-ref colours (modulo i 10))) (w (- ring-width (* i 12))) (y (- base (* i ring-spacing))) (x (- (cdr (vector-ref pole 0)) (/ w 2))) (r (- n i))) (vector-set! ring r (cons 0 (cons w (hanoi-canvas 'create 'oval x y (+ x w) (+ y ring-height) :fill colour :outline colour :width 12))))) (if (< i (- n 1)) (loop (+ i 1)))) (vector-set! pole 0 (cons n (cdr (vector-ref pole 0)))) (set! previousRings n) (update) (when run-it (Hanoi n 0 2 1)) (set! hanoi-running #f))) ;; ;; Hanoi : the guts of the algorithm ;; ;; Input: ;; n # of rings ;; from pole to move from ;; to pole to move to ;; work pole to aid in performing work ;; (define (Hanoi n from to work) (when (and (> n 0) (not hanoi-stop)) (Hanoi (- n 1) from work to) (unless hanoi-stop (MoveRing n to)) (Hanoi (- n 1) work to from))) ;; ;; MoveRing : move a ring to a new pole ;; ;; Input: ;; n ring number ;; to destination pole ;; (define (MoveRing n to) ;; ;; ring(n,obj) can be queried as to its current position. ;; Thus, we don't need to know which pole the ring is moving from. ;; (let* ((inc 0) (tox 0) (toy 0) (r (cddr (vector-ref ring n))) (coords (hanoi-canvas 'coords r)) (x0 (list-ref coords 0)) (y0 (list-ref coords 1)) (x1 (list-ref coords 2)) (y1 (list-ref coords 3))) ;; ;; move up to the "fly row" ;; (do () ((<= y0 fly-row)) (set! inc (if (> (- y0 fly-row) accel) accel (- y0 fly-row))) (set! y0 (- y0 inc)) (set! y1 (- y1 inc)) (hanoi-canvas 'coords r x0 y0 x1 y1) (update)) ;; ;; one less ring on this pole ;; (let ((tmp (car (vector-ref ring n)))) (set-car! (vector-ref pole tmp) (- (car (vector-ref pole tmp)) 1))) ;; ;; determine target X position, based on destination pole, and fly ring ;; over to new pole ;; (set! toX (- (cdr (vector-ref pole to)) (/ (cadr (vector-ref ring n)) 2))) (do () ((>= x0 toX)) (set! inc (if (> (- toX x0) accel) accel (- toX x0))) (set! x0 (+ x0 inc)) (set! x1 (+ x1 inc)) (hanoi-canvas 'coords r x0 y0 x1 y1) (update)) (do () ((<= x0 toX)) (set! inc (if (> (- x0 toX) accel) accel (- x0 toX))) (set! x0 (- x0 inc)) (set! x1 (- x1 inc)) (hanoi-canvas 'coords r x0 y0 x1 y1) (update)) ;; ;; determine target Y position, based on ;; rings on destination pole. ;; (set! toY (- base (* (car (vector-ref pole to)) ring-spacing))) ;; ;; float ring down ;; (do () ((>= y0 toY)) (set! inc (if (> (- toY y0) accel) accel (- toY y0))) (set! y0 (+ y0 inc)) (set! y1 (+ y1 inc)) (hanoi-canvas 'coords r x0 y0 x1 y1) (update)) ;; ;; increase destination pole usage ;; (set-car! (vector-ref pole to) (+ (car (vector-ref pole to)) 1)) (set-car! (vector-ref ring n) to))) (SetupHanoi)