;;;; ;;;; w w w . s t k -- WWW for STk ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 1996-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this ;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted, ;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all ;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any ;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is ;;;; required for any of the authorized uses. ;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied ;;;; warranty. ;;;; ;;;; This version uses some of the enhancements done by Harvey J. Stein: ;;;; Copyright (c) 1995 Harvey J. Stein (hjstein@math.huji.ac.il) ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 4-Oct-1996 16:14 ;;;; Last file update: 16-Sep-1999 17:21 (eg) ;; ;; This module needs a library of protocol getters & file viewers to be ;; useful. It is merely an interface for structuring access to said ;; libraries. Here the entry points defined here: ;; ;; (www:insert-url txt url . parent) ;; Reads in URL and insert it in text widget TXT. URL is parsed ;; relative to PARENT (when provided). Basically, this routine ;; determines the protocol to use to fetch the URL, and the file type of ;; the url. Based on the protocol it selects a protocol getter to open a ;; port through which the document can be read. Based on the file type ;; it selects a document viewing function with which to view the ;; document. ;; ;; (www:view-url txt url . parent) ;; Reads in URL and displays it in text widget TXT. The main difference ;; with www:insert-url is that this function clears the txt widget ;; before inserting the URL content. ;; ;; (www:add-protocol proto port-maker) ;; adds protocol getter for specified protocol. Protocol should be ;; something one would see at the beginning of a url (such as http). ;; It should be a symbol. port-maker is a closures taking 1 argument ;; - a parsed url. It should return a pair formed of a port through ;; which the specified URL can be read and a thunk to close this port. ;; ;; (www:add-viewer regexp viewer) ;; adds a viewer for files which satisfy the given regexp. The viewer ;; should take 3 arguments, a text widget, a port and a parsed url. ;; The viewer should read the document from the port, and display it ;; in the text widget. However, the viewer is free to take some ;; action other than viewing the document (such as poping up a save-to ;; dialog box, or an auxiliary handler for the document). ;; ;; This module also exports the following hooks ;; (www:hook-title title) called when title change ;; (www:hook-location title) called when location URL change ;; (www:hook-start-loading) called when a new page is loaded ;; (www:hook-stop-loading) called when a new page has been loaded ;; (www:hook-formatting) called often when formatting (pulse) ;; (www:hook-mailto . to) tested when a mailto: is encountered ;; ;; These hooks are set by default to #f (no action) ;; ;; The exported variable ;; www:stop-loading ;; is read periodically during loading. Setting it to #t interrupts loading ;; (require "hash") (require "www-url") ;; ;; Module stuff ;; (define-module WWW (import Scheme Tk URL) (export WWW:view-url WWW:insert-url WWW:add-protocol WWW:add-viewer WWW:stop-loading www:hook-title www:hook-location www:hook-start-loading www:hook-stop-loading www:hook-formatting www:hook-mailto)) (select-module WWW) ;============================================================================= ;; Exported variables and Hooks (define WWW:stop-loading #f) ;; Set it to #t to interrupt loading (define (www:hook-title title) #f) ;; called when title change (define (www:hook-location title) #f) ;; called when location URL change (define (www:hook-start-loading) #f) ;; called when a new page is loaded (define (www:hook-stop-loading) #f) ;; called when a new page has been loaded (define (www:hook-formatting) #f) ;; called often when formatting (pulse) (define www:hook-mailto #f) ;; tested when a mailto: is encountered ;============================================================================= ; ; P r o t o c o l s m a n a g e m e n t ; ;============================================================================= (define *protocols* (make-hash-table)) ; Table of recognized protocols (define (www:add-protocol proto port-maker) (hash-table-put! *protocols* proto port-maker)) (define (get-protocol->port proto) (hash-table-get *protocols* proto #f)) ;============================================================================= ; ; V i e w e r s m a n a g e m e n t ; ;============================================================================= (define *viewers* (make-hash-table)) ; Table of document viewers (define (www:add-viewer key viewer) (hash-table-put! *viewers* key viewer)) (define (get-viewer filename) ;; Try to find a viewer for a given file. We work only on the filename ;; suffix, here. That's clearly not sufficient. (let loop ((l (hash-table->list *viewers*))) (if (null? l) #f (let ((item (car l))) (if (and (regexp? (car item)) ((car item) filename)) ;; regexp matches (cdr item) ;; continue search (loop (cdr l))))))) ;============================================================================= ; ; v i e w - u r l ; ;============================================================================= (define *loading-document* #f) (define (WWW:view-url txt url . parent) (when *loading-document* ;; We are loading a document. Stop this loading (set! www:stop-loading #t) (update)) ;; ;; Start the loading of the new document ;; (set! *loading-document* #t) ; Reset text (tk-set! txt :state "normal" :wrap "word" :tabs 8) (txt 'delete 1.0 "end") ; Insert url (set! www:stop-loading #f) (www:hook-start-loading) (let ((res (apply www:insert-url txt url parent))) (www:hook-location (apply url:pretty-url url parent)) (tk-set! txt :state "disabled") ; make text read-only (www:hook-stop-loading) (set! *loading-document* #f) res)) ;============================================================================= ; ; i n s e r t - u r l ; ;============================================================================= (define (port-on-url url . parent) (letrec ((url->port (lambda (url) (let* ((service (url:service url)) (converter (get-protocol->port service))) (and converter (converter url))))) (parsed-url (if (and (list? url) (null? parent)) url ;already parsed (apply url:parse-url url parent)))) (let ((p (url->port parsed-url))) ; Return (if p (vector (car p) parsed-url (cdr p)) (vector #f parsed-url #f))))) (define (WWW:insert-url txt url . parent) (let* ((P (apply port-on-url url parent)) (port (vector-ref P 0)) (parsed-url (vector-ref P 1)) (close (vector-ref P 2)) (viewer (get-viewer (url:filename parsed-url)))) (unless viewer ;; No viewer, try to guess one depending of protocol used (case (url:service parsed-url) ((HTTP) (set! viewer (hash-table-get *viewers* 'html #f))) ((FILE) (set! viewer (hash-table-get *viewers* (if (input-string-port? port) ;; this is generated HTML ;; (e.g. a dir listing) 'html 'txt) #f)))) (unless viewer ; again (error "Don't know how to handle the URL ~S" (apply url:pretty-url url parent)))) ;; Viewer is known now. Here we go (let ((res (viewer txt port parsed-url))) (close) res))) ;============================================================================== ;; File formats (require "www-html") (require "www-txt") (require "www-img") (require "www-snd") ;;---- Protocols (require "www-http") (require "www-file") (provide "www")