;;;; ;;;; T e x t . s t k -- Text class definition ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <eg@unice.fr> ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this ;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted, ;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all ;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any ;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is ;;;; required for any of the authorized uses. ;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied ;;;; warranty. ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@kaolin.unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 22-Aug-1993 10:55 ;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 20:11 (eg) (require "hash") (require "Basics") (select-module STklos+Tk) (export ;; Text methods bounding-box compare-index text-delete text-line-info text-get text-index text-insert text-search text-see text-tags text-marks text-x-view text-y-view get-line text-save text-read ;; Text tag methods Tid->instance tag-add bind tag-lower tag-raise tag-next-range tag-ranges tag-remove ;; Text mark class and methods <Text-mark> mark-set mark-unset ;; Text window methods embedded-text-windows) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Text> class definition ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-class <Text> (<Tk-simple-widget> <Tk-sizeable> <Tk-editable> <Tk-selectable> <Tk-text-selectable>) ((spacing1 :init-keyword :spacing1 :accessor spacing1 :allocation :tk-virtual) (spacing2 :init-keyword :spacing2 :accessor spacing2 :allocation :tk-virtual) (spacing3 :init-keyword :spacing3 :accessor spacing3 :allocation :tk-virtual) (state :init-keyword :state :accessor state :allocation :tk-virtual) (tabs :init-keyword :tabs :accessor tabs :allocation :tk-virtual) (x-scroll-command :init-keyword :x-scroll-command :accessor x-scroll-command :tk-name xscrollcommand :allocation :tk-virtual) (y-scroll-command :init-keyword :y-scroll-command :accessor y-scroll-command :tk-name yscrollcommand :allocation :tk-virtual) (wrap :init-keyword :wrap :accessor wrap :allocation :tk-virtual) (set-grid :accessor set-grid :init-keyword :set-grid :allocation :tk-virtual :tk-name setgrid) (pad-x :accessor pad-x :init-keyword :pad-x :allocation :tk-virtual :tk-name padx) (pad-y :accessor pad-y :init-keyword :pad-y :allocation :tk-virtual :tk-name pady) (value :accessor value :init-keyword :value :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (lambda (o) ;; use "end-1c", rather than "end" ;; because the text widget likes to tack ;; on trailing newlines, which means ;; (set! [value t] [value t]) ;; actually changes t's value. ((slot-ref o 'Id) 'get "1.0" "end-1c")) :slot-set! (lambda (o v) ((slot-ref o 'Id) 'delete "1.0" "end") ((slot-ref o 'Id) 'insert "1.0" v))) ;; The hash-table of associated tags (tags :init-form (make-hash-table)))) (define-method tk-constructor ((self <Text>)) Tk:text) (define-method initialize ((self <Text>) initargs) (next-method) ;; Create a tag text selection (because Tk handle the tag "sel" specifically (make <Text-tag> :parent self :Tid "sel") ;; Create "insert" and "current" mark (make <Text-mark> :parent self :Mid "insert" :index "1.0") (make <Text-mark> :parent self :Mid "current" :index "1.0") ;; If a value is specified upon init, set it. (let ((val (get-keyword :value initargs #f))) (when val (initialize-value-slot self val)))) (define-method destroy ((self <Text>)) ;; Destroy all the embedded tags (hash-table-for-each (slot-ref self 'tags) (lambda (k v) (catch (destroy v)))) (next-method)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Text> methods ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Bounding-box ;;; (define-method bounding-box ((self <Text>) index) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'bbox index)) ;;; ;;; Compare-index ;;; (define-method compare-index ((self <Text>) index1 op index2) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'compare index1 op index2)) ;;; ;;; Text-delete ;;; (define-method text-delete ((self <Text>) index1) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'delete index1)) (define-method text-delete ((self <Text>) index1 index2) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'delete index1 index2)) ;;; ;;; Text-line-info ;;; (define-method text-line-info ((self <Text>) index) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'dlineinfo index)) ;;; ;;; Text-get ;;; (define-method text-get ((self <Text>) index1) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'get index1)) (define-method text-get ((self <Text>) index1 index2) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'get index1 index2)) ;;; ;;; Text-index ;;; (define-method text-index ((self <Text>) index) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'index index)) ;;; ;;; Text-insert ;;; (define-method text-insert ((self <Text>) . l) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'insert l)) ;;; ;;; Text-search ;;; (define-method text-search ((self <Text>) . l) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'search l)) ;;; ;;; Text-see ;;; (define-method text-see ((self <Text>) . index) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'see index)) ;;; ;;; Text-tags ;;; (define-method text-tags ((self <Text>) . args) (map (lambda (x) (Tid->instance self x)) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'names args))) ;;; ;;; Text-marks ;;; (define-method text-marks ((self <Text>)) (map (lambda (x) (Tid->instance self x)) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'mark 'names))) ;;; ;;; Text-x-view ;;; (define-method text-x-view ((self <Text>) . l) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'xview l)) ;;; ;;; Text-x-view ;;; (define-method text-y-view ((self <Text>) . l) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'yview l)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Other <Text> methods ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-method get-line ((self <Text>) line) (let ((l (format #f "~A.0" line))) (if (compare-index self l ">" "end") #f ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'get (& line ".0" ) (& line ".0 lineend"))))) (define-method text-save ((self <Text>) filename) (with-output-to-file filename (lambda() (display (slot-ref self 'value))))) (define-method text-read ((self <Text>) filename) (slot-set! self 'value (with-input-from-file filename (lambda() (let ((res "")) (do ((l (read-line) (read-line))) ((eof-object? l) (string-append res "\n")) (set! res (if (string=? res "") l (string-append res "\n" l))))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Text-tag> class definition ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-class <Text-tag> (<Tk-object>) ((Tid :getter Tid) (background :accessor background :init-keyword :background :allocation :tk-virtual) (bg-stipple :accessor bg-stipple :init-keyword :bg-stipple :tk-name bgstipple :allocation :tk-virtual) (border-width :accessor border-width :init-keyword :border-width :tk-name borderwidth :allocation :tk-virtual) (fg-stipple :accessor fg-stipple :init-keyword :fg-stipple :tk-name fgstipple :allocation :tk-virtual) (font :accessor font :init-keyword :font :allocation :tk-virtual) (foreground :accessor foreground :init-keyword :foreground :allocation :tk-virtual) (justify :accessor justify :init-keyword :justify :allocation :tk-virtual) (lmargin1 :accessor lmargin1 :init-keyword :lmargin1 :allocation :tk-virtual) (lmargin2 :accessor lmargin2 :init-keyword :lmargin2 :allocation :tk-virtual) (offset :accessor offset :init-keyword :offset :allocation :tk-virtual) (overstrike :accessor overstrike :init-keyword :overstrike :allocation :tk-virtual) (relief :accessor relief :init-keyword :relief :allocation :tk-virtual) (rmargin :accessor rmargin :init-keyword :rmargin :allocation :tk-virtual) (spacing1 :accessor spacing1 :init-keyword :spacing1 :allocation :tk-virtual) (spacing2 :accessor spacing2 :init-keyword :spacing2 :allocation :tk-virtual) (spacing3 :accessor spacing3 :init-keyword :spacing3 :allocation :tk-virtual) (tabs :accessor tabs :init-keyword :tabs :allocation :tk-virtual) (underline :accessor underline :init-keyword :underline :allocation :tk-virtual) (wrap :accessor wrap :init-keyword :wrap :allocation :tk-virtual)) :metaclass <Tk-tag-metaclass>) (define-method initialize ((self <Text-tag>) initargs) (let ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs #f))) ;; Verify that parent exists and that it is a <Text> (unless parent (error "**** You must specify the text which contain this tag")) (unless (is-a? parent <Text>) (error "**** Specified text ~A is not valid" parent)) (let ((parent-Id (slot-ref parent 'Id)) (Tid (get-keyword :Tid initargs (gensym "tag_")))) (slot-set! self 'Id parent-Id) (slot-set! self 'Eid parent-Id) (slot-set! self 'parent parent) (slot-set! self 'Tid Tid) ;; Create the tag (configuring it suffice to create it) ((slot-ref parent 'Id) 'tag 'configure Tid) ;; Add this tag to the hash-table (hash-table-put! (slot-ref parent 'tags) Tid self) (next-method)))) ;;; Tk-write-object is called when a STklos object is passed to a Tk-command. ;;; By default, we do the same job as write; but if an object is a <Tk-widget> ;;; we will pass it its Eid. This method does this job. (define-method Tk-write-object((self <Text-tag>) port) (write (slot-ref self 'Tid) port)) ;;; ;;; Utility: Tid->instance ;;; (define (Tid->instance text id) (hash-table-get (slot-ref text 'tags) id id)) ;;; ;;; Tag-add ;;; (define-method tag-add ((self <Text-tag>) index1) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'add (slot-ref self 'Tid) index1)) (define-method tag-add ((self <Text-tag>) index1 index2) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'add (slot-ref self 'Tid) index1 index2)) ;;; ;;; Bind ;;; (define-method bind ((self <Text-tag>) . args) (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'bind (slot-ref self 'Tid) args)) ;;; ;;; Destroy (for tags) ;;; (define-method destroy ((self <Text-tag>)) (let ((parent (slot-ref self 'parent)) (Tid (slot-ref self 'Tid))) ;; Destroy the tag from the Text ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'delete Tid) ;; Delete it from the hash table (hash-table-remove! (slot-ref parent 'tags) Tid) ;; Change its class to <Destroyed-object> (change-class self <Destroyed-object>))) ;;; ;;; Tag-lower ;;; (define-method tag-lower ((self <Text-tag>)) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'lower (slot-ref self 'Tid))) (define-method tag-lower ((self <Text-tag>) below-this) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'lower (slot-ref self 'Tid) below-this)) ;;; ;;; Tag Raise ;;; (define-method tag-raise ((self <Text-tag>)) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'raise (slot-ref self 'Tid))) (define-method tag-raise ((self <Text-tag>) below-this) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'raise (slot-ref self 'Tid) below-this)) ;;; ;;; Tag-next-range ;;; (define-method tag-next-range ((self <Text-tag>) index1) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'nextrange (slot-ref self 'Tid) index1)) (define-method tag-next-range ((self <Text-tag>) index1 index2) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'nextrange (slot-ref self 'Id) index1 index2)) ;;; ;;; Tag-ranges ;;; (define-method tag-ranges ((self <Text-tag>)) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'ranges (slot-ref self 'Tid))) ;;; ;;; Tag Remove ;;; (define-method tag-remove ((self <Text-tag>) index1) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'remove (slot-ref self 'Tid) index1)) (define-method tag-remove ((self <Text-tag>) index1 index2) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'remove (slot-ref self 'Tid) index1 index2)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Text-mark> class definition ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-class <Text-mark> (<Tk-object>) ((Mid :getter Mid) (gravity :accessor gravity :init-keyword :gravity :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (lambda (o) ((slot-ref o 'Id) 'mark 'gravity (slot-ref o 'Mid))) :slot-set! (lambda (o v) ((slot-ref o 'Id) 'mark 'gravity (slot-ref o 'Mid) v)))) :metaclass <Tk-metaclass>) (define-method Tk-write-object ((self <Text-mark>) port) (write (slot-ref self 'Mid) port)) (define-method initialize ((self <Text-mark>) initargs) (let ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs #f)) (index (get-keyword :index initargs #f))) ;; Verify that parent exists and that it is a <Text> (unless parent (error "**** You must specify the text which contain this mark")) (unless (is-a? parent <Text>) (error "**** Specified text ~A is not valid" parent)) (unless index (error "**** You must supply an index for the mark")) (let ((parent-Id (slot-ref parent 'Id)) (Mid (get-keyword :Mid initargs (gensym "mark_")))) (slot-set! self 'Id parent-Id) (slot-set! self 'Eid parent-Id) (slot-set! self 'parent parent) (slot-set! self 'Mid Mid) ;; Add this mark to the hash-table (hash-table-put! (slot-ref parent 'tags) Mid self) ;; Create the mark (parent-Id 'mark 'set Mid index))) (next-method)) (define-method mark-set ((self <Text-mark>) where) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'mark 'set (slot-ref self 'Mid) where)) (define-method mark-unset ((self <Text-mark>)) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'mark 'unset (slot-ref self 'Mid))) ;;; ;;; Destroy (for marks) ;;; (define-method destroy ((self <Text-mark>)) (let ((parent (slot-ref self 'parent)) (Mid (slot-ref self 'Mid))) ;; Destroy the tag from the Text ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'tag 'delete Mid) ;; Delete it from the hash table (hash-table-remove! (slot-ref parent 'tags) Mid) ;; Change its class to <Destroyed-object> (change-class self <Destroyed-object>))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Tk-Text-inset> class definition ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-class <Tk-Text-inset> (<Tk-object>) ((Iid :accessor Iid) (kind :allocation :class ;; can be window or image depending of :init-form 'window) ;; the inset (align :init-keyword :align :accessor align :allocation :tk-virtual) (pad-x :init-keyword :pad-x :accessor pad-x :tk-name padx :allocation :tk-virtual) (pad-y :init-keyword :pad-y :accessor pad-y :tk-name pady :allocation :tk-virtual)) :metaclass <Tk-text-inset-metaclass>) (define-method initialize ((self <Tk-text-inset>) initargs) (let ((parent-Id (Id (parent self)))) (slot-set! self 'Id parent-Id) (slot-set! self 'Eid parent-Id) (slot-set! self 'parent parent) (next-method))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Text-window> class definition ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-class <Text-window> (<Tk-Text-inset>) ((create :init-keyword :create :accessor create :allocation :tk-virtual) (stretch :init-keyword :stretch :accessor stretch :allocation :tk-virtual) (window :init-keyword :window :accessor window :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (lambda(o) (slot-ref o 'Iid)) :slot-set! (lambda (o v) (let ((Iid (slot-ref o 'IId)) (txt (slot-ref o 'Id))) (txt 'window 'configure Iid :window v) (slot-set! o 'IId v)))))) (define-method initialize ((self <Text-window>) initargs) (let ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs #f)) (window (get-keyword :window initargs #f)) (index (get-keyword :index initargs #f))) (unless window (error "**** A window must be supplied when the inset is created")) (unless parent (set! parent (slot-ref window 'parent))) (unless (is-a? parent <Text>) (error "**** Specified text ~A is not valid" parent)) (unless index (error "**** No index specified for this inset")) ((Id parent) 'window 'create index :window window) ; create inset (slot-set! self 'IId window) ; key to access the inset (slot-set! self 'parent parent) (next-method))) (define-method embedded-text-windows ((self <Text>)) ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'window 'names)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; <Text-image> class definition ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-class <Text-Image> (<Tk-Text-inset>) ((kind :allocation :class :init-form 'image) (image :init-keyword :image :accessor image-of :allocation :tk-virtual))) (define-method initialize ((self <Text-Image>) initargs) (let ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs #f)) (image (get-keyword :image initargs #f)) (index (get-keyword :index initargs #f))) (unless image (error "**** An image must be supplied when the inset is created")) (unless (is-a? parent <Text>) (error "**** Specified text ~A is not valid" parent)) (unless index (error "**** No index specified for this inset")) (let ((IId (gensym "inset_img"))) ((Id parent) 'image 'create index :image image :name IId) ; create inset (slot-set! self 'IId IId)) (next-method))) ;============================================================================= (load "STF") (provide "Text")