<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Composite Widgets</title> </head> <body bgcolor="white"> <script language="STk"> (lambda (parent url) (let ((dir (dirname (expand-file-name ((with-module URL url:filename) url))))) (chdir dir))) </script> <h1><img src="Images/STk-tiny.gif">Composite Widgets</h1> <font size=+4> A composite widget is made by assembling several widgets (simple or even composite widgets): </font> <pre> (define le (make <Labeled-entry> :value 50 :title "Valeur:")) </pre> <font size=+4> defines <tt>le</tt> as an instance of the <tt><Labeled-entry></tt> class. This object, on a screen, gives: <p> <center> <IMG SRC="Images/compo-all.gif"><P> </center> <pre> </pre> In fact, this widget is composed if three Tk basic widgets: a <i>frame</i>, a <i>label</i> an an <i>entry</i>: <pre> </pre> <center> <IMG SRC=Images/frame.gif> + <IMG SRC=Images/label.gif> + <IMG SRC=Images/entry.gif><P> </center> <pre> </pre> <ul> <li> A demonstration of some composite widgets can be launched from here with: <ul> <li> the non-installed version of STk (<a expr=(system "test-stk -f stklos-widgets.stklos&")><tt>test-stk</tt></a>) <li> the installed version of STk (<a expr=(system "stk -f stklos-widgets.stklos &")><tt>stk</tt></a>)<p> </ul> <li> The complete <a href="Lentry.stklos">code</a> of the <tt><Labeled-entry></tt> class is approximatively 60 lines. </ul> </font> <hr> <A HREF="main-fr.html"><img src="Images/backward.gif" align=middle> Retour</A> <hr> <address><a href="mailto:eg@unice.fr">Erick Gallesio</a></address> <!-- Created: Tue Mar 10 18:42:29 CET 1998 --> <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Mon Apr 13 12:08:18 CEST 1998 <!-- hhmts end --> </body> </html>