;;;; ;;;; G a u g e . s t k l o s -- Gauges class definition ;;;; ;;;; Copyright © 1996-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its ;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in ;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this ;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written ;;;; permission of the copyright holder. ;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. ;;;; ;;;; $Id: Gauge.stklos 1.1 Wed, 04 Feb 1998 11:34:59 +0100 eg $ ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 17-Oct-1996 14:53 ;;;; Last file update: 4-Feb-1998 10:23 ;;; (require "Basics") (select-module STklos+Tk) ;============================================================================= ; ; < G a u g e > ; ;============================================================================= ;; ;; Resources ;; ;; We don't use the class for implementing gauges to avoid ;; to load (which is rather long to load if no are ;; used elsewhere). BTW, only a little bit of canvas capabilities are ;; used here (define-class () ( priv-box ;; The Cid of the box used in the canvas to represent the gauge (foreground :accessor foreground :initform "#3a5fcd" ; RoyalBlue3 :init-keyword :foreground :allocation :active :after-slot-set! (lambda(o v) (when (slot-bound? o 'priv-box) ((Id o) 'itemconfigure (slot-ref o 'priv-box) :fill v :outline v)))) (height :accessor height :init-keyword :height :init-form 20 :allocation :tk-virtual) (value :accessor value :init-keyword :value :initform 0 :allocation :active :after-slot-set! (lambda(o v) (configure-gauge o))) (width :accessor width :init-keyword :width :init-form 200 :allocation :tk-virtual)) :metaclass ) (define-method tk-constructor ((self )) Tk:canvas) ;;;; ;;;; Initialize ;;;; (define-method initialize ((self ) initargs) (next-method) (let ((Id (slot-ref self 'Id)) (fg (foreground self))) (slot-set! self 'highlight-thickness 0) (slot-set! self 'relief "raised") (slot-set! self 'priv-box (Id 'create 'rectangle 0 0 0 0 :outline fg :fill fg)) (bind self "" (lambda () (configure-gauge self))))) ;;;; ;;;; configure-gauge ;;;; (define-method configure-gauge ((self )) (when (slot-bound? self 'priv-box) (let ((width (winfo 'width self)) (height (winfo 'height self))) ((Id self) 'coords (slot-ref self 'priv-box) 0 0 (quotient (* width (value self)) 100) height)))) ;============================================================================= ; ; < V a l u e d - G a u g e > ; ;============================================================================= (define-class () ( priv-txt (text-font :accessor text-font :initform '(Helvetica -14 bold) :allocation :active :after-slot-set! (lambda(o v) (when (slot-bound? o 'priv-txt) ((Id o) 'itemconfigure (slot-ref o 'priv-txt) :font v)))) (text-foreground :accessor text-foreground :initform "black" :allocation :active :after-slot-set! (lambda(o v) (when (slot-bound? o 'priv-txt) ((Id o) 'itemconfigure (slot-ref o 'priv-txt) :fill v)))))) ;;;; ;;;; Initialize ;;;; (define-method initialize ((self ) initargs) (next-method) (let* ((Id (slot-ref self 'Id)) (fg (slot-ref self 'text-foreground)) (fn (slot-ref self 'text-font))) (slot-set! self 'priv-txt (Id 'create 'text 10 10 :anchor "nw" :text "XX%" :fill fg :font fn)))) (define-method configure-gauge ((self ) . val) (next-method) (when (slot-bound? self 'priv-txt) (let* ((Id (Id self)) (txt (slot-ref self 'priv-txt)) (bbox (Id 'bbox txt)) (wtxt (- (list-ref bbox 2) (list-ref bbox 0))) (htxt (- (list-ref bbox 3) (list-ref bbox 1)))) (Id 'coords txt (/ (- (winfo 'width self) wtxt) 2) (/ (- (winfo 'height self) htxt) 2)) (Id 'itemconfigure (slot-ref self 'priv-txt) :text (format #f "~A%" (value self)))))) (provide "Gauge") #| Example: (define g1 (make :border-width 2 :relief "raised")) (define g2 (make :border-width 2 :relief "raised")) (pack g1 g2) (dotimes (i 101) (set! (value g1) i) (set! (value g2) (- 100 i)) (update 'idle) (after 60)) |#