<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Tk Built-In Commands - tkwait manual page</TITLE></HEAD> <BR> <BODY bgcolor = #c3c3ff> <H2><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/ManPageBlue.gif"> tkwait</H2> <I>Wait for variable to change or window to be destroyed</I><P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"> <H3><A NAME="M2">SYNOPSIS</A></H3> (<B>tkwait 'variable </B><I>name</I>)<BR> (<B>tkwait 'visibility </B><I>name</I>)<BR> (<B>tkwait 'window </B><I>name</I>)<BR> <H3><A NAME="M3">DESCRIPTION</A></H3> The <B>tkwait</B> procedure waits for one of several things to happen, then it returns without taking any other actions. The return value is always an empty string. If the first argument is <B>variable</B> (or any abbreviation of it) then the second argument is the name of a global variable and the procedure waits for that variable to be modified. If the first argument is <B>visibility</B> (or any abbreviation of it) then the second argument is the name of a window and the <B>tkwait</B> procedure waits for a change in its visibility state (as indicated by the arrival of a VisibilityNotify event). This form is typically used to wait for a newly-created window to appear on the screen before taking some action. If the first argument is <B>window</B> (or any abbreviation of it) then the second argument is the name of a window and the <B>tkwait</B> procedure waits for that window to be destroyed. This form is typically used to wait for a user to finish interacting with a dialog box before using the result of that interaction. <P> While the <B>tkwait</B> procedure is waiting it processes events in the normal fashion, so the application will continue to respond to user interactions. <P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"><P> <A HREF=./STk-hlp.html><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/RefBookBlue.gif"> Back to the <B>STk</B> main page</A> </BODY></HTML>