<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Tk Built-In Commands - option-menu manual page</TITLE></HEAD> <BR> <BODY bgcolor = #c3ffc3> <H2><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/ManPageGreen.gif"> option-menu</H2> <I>Create an option menubutton and its menu</I><P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"> <H3><A NAME="M2">SYNOPSIS</A></H3> (<B>Tk:option-menu </B><I>w varname value </I>?<I>value value ...</I>?)<BR> <H3><A NAME="M3">DESCRIPTION</A></H3> This procedure creates an option menubutton whose name is <I>w</I>, plus an associated menu. Together they allow the user to select one of the values given by the <I>value</I> arguments. The current value will be stored in the global variable whose name is given by <I>varname</I> and it will also be displayed as the label in the option menubutton. The user can click on the menubutton to display a menu containing all of the <I>value</I>s and thereby select a new value. Once a new value is selected, it will be stored in the variable and appear in the option menubutton. The current value can also be changed by setting the variable. <P> The return value from <B>Tk:option-menu</B> is the menu associated with <I>w</I>, so that the caller can change its configuration options or manipulate it in other ways. <H3><A NAME="M4">EXAMPLE</A></H3> <PRE>(Tk:option-menu '.m 'foo "One" "Two" "Three") (pack .m)</PRE> <H3><A NAME="M5">SEE ALSO</A></H3> <B><A HREF="./menu.n.html">menu</A></B>, <B><A HREF="./popup.n.html">popup</A></B> <P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"><P> <A HREF=./STk-hlp.html><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/RefBookGreen.gif"> Back to the <B>STk</B> main page</A> </BODY></HTML>