<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Tk Built-In Commands - destroy manual page</TITLE></HEAD> <BR> <BODY bgcolor = #c3c3ff> <H2><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/ManPageBlue.gif"> destroy</H2> <I>Destroy one or more windows</I><P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"> <H3><A NAME="M2">SYNOPSIS</A></H3> (<B>destroy </B>?<I>window window ...</I>?)<BR> <H3><A NAME="M3">DESCRIPTION</A></H3> This procedure deletes the windows given by the <I>window</I> arguments, plus all of their descendants. If a <I>window</I> <B>*root*</B> (or ``.'') is deleted then the entire application will be destroyed. The <I>window</I>s are destroyed in order, and if an error occurs in destroying a window the procedure aborts without destroying the remaining windows. <P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"><P> <A HREF=./STk-hlp.html><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/RefBookBlue.gif"> Back to the <B>STk</B> main page</A> </BODY></HTML>