'\" Color=Yellow '\" '\" Copyright © 1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI '\" '\" Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its '\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided '\" that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in '\" all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this '\" software or derived works may only be charged with express written '\" permission of the copyright holder. '\" This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. '\" '\" Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] '\" Creation date: 8-Jul-1996 08:16 '\" Last file update: 19-Jul-1996 14:47 '\" .so STk-man.macros .TH posix n 3.1 STk "STk procedures" .BS '\" Note: do not modify the .SH NAME line immediately below! .SH NAME posix \- Access to posix functions .SH SYNOPSIS .IP \fIERROR\ MANAGEMENT\fR \fB*errno*\fR .SP (\fBposix-perror\fR \fIstr\fR) .IP \fIFILES\ AND\ DIRECTORIES\fR (\fBposix-stat\fR \fIfilename\fR) .SP (\fBposix-stat->vector\fR \fIdescr\fR) .SP (\fBposix-access \fIfilename mode\fR) .SP (\fBposix-pipe\fR) .IP \fITIME\ FUNCTIONS\fR (\fBposix-time\fR) .SP (\fBposix-asctime\fR) .SP (\fBposix-asctime\fR seconds) .SP (\fBposix-ctime\fR) .SP (\fBposix-ctime\fR \fIseconds\fR) .SP (\fBposix-localtime\fR \fI seconds\fR) .SP (\fBposix-gmtime\fR \fIseconds\fR) .SP (\fBposix-mktime\fR \fItime\fR) .SP (\fBposix-tm->vector\fR \fItime\fR) .SP (\fBvector->posix-tm\fR \fIvect\fR) .SP (\fBposix-strftime\fR \fIformat\fR) .SP (\fBposix-strftime\fR \fIformat time\fR) .IP \fIPROCESSES\ FUNCTIONS\fR .SP (\fBposix-fork\fR) .SP (\fBposix-wait\fR) .IP \fISYSTEM\ INFORMATIONS\fR .SP (\fBposix-uname\fR) .SP (\fBposix-host\fR) .SP (\fBposix-domain\fR) .BE .SH DESCRIPTION The functions of the posix library must be loaded before use with: .CS (require "posix") .CE The functions will not be described here completely. For full details about a functions and its behaviour, look at the corresponding Unix manual page or to the POSIX.1 document. .IP \fIERROR\ MANAGEMENT\fR .sp .TP \fB*errno*\fR is a variable which always contains the error number of last encountered error. It is equivalent to the errno POSIX.1 variable. .TP (\fBposix-perror\fR \fIstr\fR) produces a message on the standard error output, describing the last error encountered during a call to a system or library function. The \fIstr\fR parameter is an identifying string which will be printed before the error message. See \fBperror(3)\fR. .IP \fIFILES\ AND\ DIRECTORIES\fR .sp .TP (\fBposix-stat\fR \fIfilename\fR) returns a C structure which contains a description of \fIfilename\fR). This structure is not viewable by itself. Use, \fBposix-stat->vector\fR to access its content in Scheme.If \fIfilename\fR does not exists, this procedure returns \fI#f\fR. .TP (\fBposix-stat->vector\fR \fIdescr\fR) transforms a file description sructure obtained by \fBposix-stat\fR to a Scheme vector. The components of the vector are given here with their index: .CS st_dev (0) st_ino (1) st_mode (2) st_nlink (3) st_uid (4) st_gid (5) st_size (6) st_atime (7) st_mtime (8) st_ctime (9) .CE .DS See \fBfstat(2)\fR for details on the semantic of this fields. .DE .TP (\fBposix-access \fIfilename mode\fR) checks whether the interpreter is allowed to read, write, execute or test for existence of \fIfilename\fR. \fIMode\fR must be one of the following constants: \fB|R_OK|\fR, \fB|W_OK|\fR, \fB|X_OK|\fR or \fB|F_OK|\fR. If \fIfilename\fR does not exit, this function returns \fB#f\fR. See \fBaccess(2)\fR for details. .TP (\fBposix-pipe\fR) returns a pair of Scheme ports associated to a pipe inode. If a pipe cannot be created, this function returns \fB#f\fR. .LP \fBTO BE CONTINUED\fR