STklos version 2.1 ------------------ What is STklos? --------------- STklos is an extension of STk which provides a` la CLOS objets to STk. This implementation takes its inspiration from the version 1.3 of the Tiny-clos package defined by Gregor Kickzales (available at*). Compiling STklos ---------------- STklos is compiled during the interpreter construction. Normally, You don't have to do something in this directory. Simple test of STklos --------------------- STklos needs some files to run properly. Until you have installed it in its definitive place, you have to: 1. set your default directory to STklos 2. use the the shell script test-stklos to run the interpreter So, you just have to type $ cd STklos; test-stklos To test, that everything is OK, you can try: (let () (define-class A () ((a :initform 10) b)) (define inst (make A)) (slot-set! inst 'b 20) (+ (slot-ref inst 'a) (slot-ref inst 'b))) which should yield 30 if everything is correct. Using STklos with TK -------------------- A set of classes have been defined to use Tk with object flavor. All the Tk commands have been re-written using STklos. Following example creates a three buttons panel (button 1 & 2 being on top of button 3). (require "Frame") (require "Button") (define f (make )) (define b1 (make