@String{pub-IEEE = "IEEE Computer Society Press"} @String{pub-IEEEadr = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"} @String{pub-DP = "Digital Press"} @String{pub-DPadr = "12 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730, USA"} @String{pub-PH = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall"} @String{pub-PHadr = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA"} @book{AMOP, author = {Gregor Kickzales, Jim de Rivi\`eres and Daniel G. Bobrow}, title = {The Art of Meta Object Protocol}, year = {1991}, publisher = {MIT Press} } @article{CLOS, key = {CLOS}, author = {{Daniel D. Bobrow,} {Linda G DeMichiel,} {Richard P. Gabriel,} {Sonya E. Keene,} {Gregor Kiczales} and {David A. Moon}}, title = {{Common Lisp Object System} Specification}, journal = {Sigplan Notices}, year = {1986}, month = {november}, volume = {23}, number = {Special Issue} } @book{CLtL2, author = {Guy L. {Steele Jr.}}, title = {Common Lisp: the Language, 2nd Edition}, year = {1990}, publisher = pub-DP, address = pub-DPadr, isbn = {1-55558-042-4}, lccn = {QA76.73.L23 S73 1990} } @inproceedings{Ducasse93-1, author = {Stephane Ducasse et Mireille Blay-Fornarino}, title = {Protocol for managing Dependencies between Objects by controlling Generic Function InvocationO}, booktitle = {OOPSLA'93 workshop on Object-Oriented Refelection and Metalevel Architectures}, organization = {ACM}, year = {1993}, month = {october} } @book{Dylan, author = {Apple Computer}, title = {Dylan: an Object Oriented Dynamic Language}, year = {1992}, month = {April}, editor = {Apple}, publisher = { } } @inproceedings{Gallesio93-1, author = {Erick Gallesio}, title = {Embedding a Scheme Interpreter in the {Tk} Toolkit}, booktitle = {First Tcl/Tk Workshop, Berkeley}, year = {1993}, month = {June}, editor = {Lawrence A. Rowe}, pages = {103--109} } @inproceedings{Gallesio94-1, key = {Gallesio94-1}, author = {Erick Gallesio}, title = {{\stklos}: A Scheme Object Oriented System dealing with the Tk Toolkit}, booktitle = {Xhibition 94, San Jose, CA}, year = {1994}, month = {June}, editor = {ICS}, pages = {63--71} } @techreport{Gallesio95-1, author = {Erick Gallesio}, title = {{\stk} Reference Manual}, institution = {I3S CNRS / Universit\'e de Nice - Sophia Antipolis}, year = {1995}, month = {juillet}, number = {RT~95-31}, pages = {82} } @techreport{Gallesio95-1a, author = {Erick Gallesio}, title = {{\stk} Reference Manual}, institution = {I3S CNRS / Universit\'e de Nice - Sophia Antipolis}, year = {1995}, month = {juillet}, number = {RT~95-31a}, pages = {82} } @techreport{Gallesio95-2, author = {Erick Gallesio}, title = {Designing a Meta Object Protocol to wrap a Standard Graphical Toolkit}, institution = {I3S CNRS / Universit\'e de Nice - Sophia Antipolis}, year = {1995}, month = {juillet}, number = {RT~95-32}, pages = {16} } @inproceedings{Gallesio96-1, author = {Erick Gallesio}, title = {{Designing a Meta Object Protocol to wrap a Standard Graphical Toolkit}}, booktitle = {{ISOTAS'96}}, year = {1996}, month = {march}, publisher = {LNCS 1049, Springer-Verlag}, pages = {137--156}, } @article{IEEE-Scheme, author = {IEEE Standard 1178--1990}, title = {{IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language}}, journal = {Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers, Inc. (New York)}, year = {1991} } @book{Kernighan:CPL88, author = {Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie}, title = {The C Programming Language}, year = {1988}, publisher = pub-PH, address = pub-PHadr, edition = {Second}, isbn = {0-13-110362-8}, lccn = {QA76.73.C15 K47 1988}, pages = {xii + 272}, bibdate = {Wed Dec 15 10:36:09 1993} } @inbook{Kickzales:PCL, author = {Gregor J. Kiczales and Luis H. Rodriguez Jr}, title = {Object-Oriented Programming: The {CLOS} Perspective}, chapter = {Efficient Method Dispatch in {PCL}}, year = {1993}, editor = {A. Paepcke}, publisher = {The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA}, pages = {335--348} } @inproceedings{Kickzales:oopsla92, author = {Gregor Kickzales and John Lamping}, title = {Issues in the Design and Specification of Class Libraries}, booktitle = {Proceedings of OOPSLA}, year = {1992} } @inproceedings{Lisp:History-1, author = {John McCarthy}, title = {History of Lisp}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Hystory of Programming Languages Conference, Los Angeles, California}, year = {1978}, month = {june} } @article{Lisp:History-2, author = {{Guy L. Steele Jr.} and {Richard P. Gabriel}}, title = {The Evolution of Lisp}, journal = {ACM SIGPLAN Notices}, year = {1993}, month = {March}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, pages = {231--270} } @conference{Lord95-1, author = {Thomas Lord}, title = {The Guile Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing, An anatomy of Guile}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Usenix Tcl/Tk Workshop'95}, year = {1995}, pages = {to appear} } @techreport{Mugridge-91, author = {W. B. Mugridge, J.G. Hosking and J. Hamer}, title = {Multi-methods in statically-typed programming language}, institution = {Departement of Computer Science, University of Auckland}, year = {1991}, number = {50} } @conference{OpenC++, author = {Shigeru Chiba and Takashi Masuda}, title = {Designing an Extensible Distributed Language with a Meta-Level Architecture}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'93)}, year = {1993}, month = {may}, publisher = {LNCS 707, Springer-Verlag}, pages = {482--501} } @inproceedings{Ouster-Tcl, key = {Ouster-Tcl}, author = {John K. Ousterhout}, title = {{Tcl}: an embeddable command language}, booktitle = {USENIX Winter Conference}, year = {1990}, month = {January}, pages = {183--192} } @inproceedings{Ouster-Tk, author = {John K. Ousterhout}, title = {{An X11 toolkit based on the Tcl Language}}, booktitle = {USENIX Winter Conference}, year = {1991}, month = {January}, pages = {105--115} } @book{Ouster-book, author = {John K. Ousterhout}, title = {Tcl and the Tk toolkit}, year = {1994}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, isbn = {0-201-63337-X} } @book{POSIX.1-90, key = {POSIX.1-90}, author = {POSIX Committee}, title = {System Application Program Interface ({API}) [C Language]}, year = {1990}, publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEEadr, series = {Information technology---Portable Operating System Interface ({POSIX})}, isbn = {1-55937-061-0}, lccn = {90-084554}, iso-standard-number = {ISO/IEC 9945-1: 1990}, ieee-standard-number = {IEEE Std 1003.1-1990}, acknowledgement = ack-kb } @article{R4RS, author = {William Clinger and Jonathan Rees (editors)}, title = {{$Revised^{4}$ Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme}}, journal = {ACM Lisp Pointers}, year = {1991}, volume = {4}, number = {3} } @book{SICP, author = {H. Abelson , G. J. Sussman and J. Sussman}, title = {Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}, year = {1985}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill (New York)} } @article{SOS, author = {Chris Hanson}, title = {The SOS Reference Manual, version 1.5}, journal = {in-line documentation of the SOS package. Source available on martigny.ai.mit.edu in /archive/cph directory}, year = {1993}, month = {March} } @unpublished{Tiny-Clos, author = {Gregor Kickzales}, title = {Tiny-Clos}, year = {1992}, month = {December}, note = {Source available on \mbox{parcftp.xerox.com} in directory \mbox{/pub/mops}}, journal = {unpublished work. Source available on \mbox{parcftp.xerox.com} in directory \mbox{/pub/mops}} } @misc{Tiollier95-1, key = {Tiollier95-1}, author = {Eve Tiollier}, title = {{I}nt\'egration de la notion de groupe dans un langage \`a objets}, year = {1995}, month = {juin}, howpublished = {DEA d'Informatique, Universit\'e de Nice} } @article{X11, author = {Robert W. Scheiflert and Jim Gettys}, title = {{The X Window System}}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, year = {1986}, month = {April}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {79--109} } @inproceedings{interviews, key = {interviews}, author = {Mark A. Linton, Paul R. Calder and John Vlissides}, title = {The Design and Implementation of InterViews}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop}, year = {1987}, month = {november}, address = {Santa Fe, New Mexico} } @inproceedings{predicate-classes, author = {Craig Chambers}, title = {{P}redicate {C}lasses}, booktitle = {EcoProceedings of the 7th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'93)}, year = {1993}, month = {may}, publisher = {LNCS 707, Springer-Verlag}, pages = {268--296} }