/* * * g c . c -- Mark and Sweep Garbage Collector * * * Copyright © 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI * * * Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this * software or derived works may only be charged with express written * permission of the copyright holder. * This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. * * This software is a derivative work of other copyrighted softwares; the * copyright notices of these softwares are placed in the file COPYRIGHTS * * * Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] * Creation date: 17-Feb-1993 12:27 * Last file update: 8-Apr-1998 18:53 * */ #include "stk.h" #include "gc.h" #ifdef USE_STKLOS # include "stklos.h" #endif #ifdef USE_TK # include "tk-glue.h" #endif #define MIN_HEAP 100 /* A too small value cause an infinite loop */ #define VALID_ADDRESS(heap_org, p) \ ((p >= heap_org) && (p < heap_org + heap_size) && \ (((((char *)p) - ((char *)heap_org)) % sizeof(struct obj)) == 0)) #define HEAPS_INCREMENT 10 #define gc_mark(ptr) STk_gc_mark(ptr) struct gc_protected { SCM *location; struct gc_protected *next; }; /* exported vars */ SCM STk_freelist; SCM *STk_stack_start_ptr; double STk_total_gc_time = 0.0; long STk_alloc_cells; int STk_gc_requested = 0; /* internal vars */ static jmp_buf save_regs_gc_mark; static long gc_cells_collected; static long heap_size = INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE; static int gc_verbose = 0; static int gc_calls = 0; static SCM *heaps = NULL; static int heaps_length = 0; static int heaps_used = 0; static double time_gc_start; static struct gc_protected *protected_registers = NULL; static void no_memory(void) { STk_panic("No more memory. Cannot allocate a new heap."); } static void allocate_new_heap(void) { SCM ptr, next; SCM heap_org, heap_end; /* Don't use must_malloc here since it can conduct to call GC when * allocating large heaps (typically with large -cells xxx) */ if (heaps_used == heaps_length) { /* Realloc heaps */ heaps_length += HEAPS_INCREMENT; heaps = (heaps_used) ? realloc(heaps, heaps_length*sizeof(SCM)): malloc(heaps_length*sizeof(SCM)); if (!heaps) no_memory(); } ptr = (SCM) malloc(sizeof(struct obj)*heap_size); if (ptr) { heap_org = heaps[heaps_used++] = ptr; heap_end = heap_org + heap_size; } else no_memory(); /* Prepare heap space */ for(ptr = heap_org, next=ptr+1; ptr < heap_end; ptr=next, next=ptr+1) { ptr->type = tc_free_cell; ptr->cell_info = 0; ptr->gc_mark = 0; CDR(ptr) = (next < heap_end) ? next : STk_freelist; } STk_freelist = heap_org; if (gc_verbose) fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; [new heap allocated (%d/%d)]\n", heaps_used, heaps_length); } void STk_gc_count_cells(long *allocated, long *used, long* calls) { register SCM ptr, heap_org, heap_end; register long used_cells = 0L; int i; for (i=0; i < heaps_used; i++) { heap_org = heaps[i]; heap_end = heap_org + heap_size; for(ptr = heap_org; ptr < heap_end; ptr++) if (NTYPEP(ptr, tc_free_cell)) used_cells += 1; } *allocated = heaps_used * heap_size; *used = used_cells; *calls = (long) gc_calls; } int STk_valid_address(SCM p) /* True if p is a valid address. Used for #Pxyz */ { int i; for(i=0; i < heaps_used; i++) { register SCM heap_org=heaps[i]; if (VALID_ADDRESS(heap_org, p)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void STk_gc_mark(SCM ptr) { Top: if (NULLP(ptr) || SMALL_CSTP(ptr)) return; if (ptr->gc_mark) return; ptr->gc_mark = GC_MARK; switch (TYPE(ptr)) { case tc_nil: return; case tc_cons: gc_mark(CAR(ptr));ptr = CDR(ptr); goto Top; case tc_flonum: return; case tc_integer: return; case tc_bignum: return; case tc_symbol: ptr = VCELL(ptr);goto Top; case tc_keyword: return; case tc_subr_0: return; case tc_subr_1: return; case tc_subr_2: return; case tc_subr_3: return; case tc_subr_0_or_1: return; case tc_subr_1_or_2: return; case tc_subr_2_or_3: return; case tc_lsubr: return; case tc_ssubr: return; case tc_fsubr: return; case tc_syntax: return; case tc_closure: gc_mark(CLOSCODE(ptr)); ptr = CLOSENV(ptr); goto Top; case tc_free_cell: /* -----> Error */ case tc_char: return; case tc_string: return; case tc_vector: { long j; for(j = 0;j < ptr->storage_as.vector.dim; j++) gc_mark(ptr->storage_as.vector.data[j]); return; } case tc_eof: return; case tc_undefined: return; case tc_iport: case tc_oport: gc_mark(PORT_REVENT(ptr)); ptr = PORT_WEVENT(ptr); goto Top; case tc_isport: return; case tc_osport: return; case tc_boolean: return; case tc_macro: ptr = ptr->storage_as.macro.code; goto Top; case tc_localvar: ptr = ptr->storage_as.localvar.symbol; goto Top; case tc_globalvar: ptr = VCELL(ptr); goto Top; case tc_modulevar: ptr = CAR(ptr); goto Top; case tc_cont: ptr = STk_mark_continuation(ptr); goto Top; case tc_env: case tc_address: ptr = ptr->storage_as.env.data; goto Top; case tc_autoload: gc_mark(CAR(ptr)); ptr = CDR(ptr); goto Top; case tc_Cpointer: return; case tc_module: STk_mark_module(ptr); return; case tc_frame: gc_mark(CAR(ptr));ptr = CDR(ptr); goto Top; case tc_values: ptr = CAR(ptr); goto Top; #ifdef USE_STKLOS case tc_instance: { /* ACCESSORS_OF(ptr) doesn't need to be marked since it * is always accessible from SLOTS_OF(CLASS_OF(ptr)) */ long j; gc_mark(CLASS_OF(ptr)); for (j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_SLOTS(ptr); j++) gc_mark(THE_SLOT_OF(ptr, j)); return; } case tc_next_method: gc_mark(CAR(ptr)); ptr = CDR(ptr); goto Top; #endif #ifdef USE_TK case tc_tkcommand: ptr = ptr->storage_as.tk.l_data; goto Top; case tc_tclobject: ptr = CAR(ptr); if (ptr) goto Top; return; #endif case tc_quote: return; case tc_lambda: return; case tc_if: return; case tc_setq: return; case tc_cond: return; case tc_and: return; case tc_or: return; case tc_let: return; case tc_letstar: return; case tc_letrec: return; case tc_begin: return; case tc_promise: ptr = ptr->storage_as.promise.expr; goto Top; case tc_apply: case tc_call_cc: return; case tc_dynwind: return; case tc_extend_env: return; case tc_unbound: return; default: if (EXTENDEDP(ptr)) {STk_extended_mark(ptr); return;} } /* if we are here, it's an implementation error. Signal it */ fprintf(STk_stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: trying to mark %lx (type=%d)\n", (unsigned long) ptr, TYPE(ptr)); } static void gc_sweep(void) { SCM ptr, heap_org, heap_end, nfreelist; long n; int i; n = 0; nfreelist = NIL; for (i = 0; i < heaps_used; i++) { /* Sweep a heap */ heap_org = heaps[i]; heap_end = heap_org + heap_size; for (ptr=heap_org; ptr < heap_end; ptr++) { if (ptr->gc_mark == 0) { switch (TYPE(ptr)) { case tc_nil: break; case tc_cons: break; case tc_flonum: free(ptr->storage_as.flonum.data); case tc_integer: break; case tc_bignum: mpz_clear(BIGNUM(ptr)); free(BIGNUM(ptr)); break; case tc_symbol: STk_free_symbol(ptr); break; case tc_keyword: STk_free_keyword(ptr); break; case tc_subr_0: break; case tc_subr_1: break; case tc_subr_2: break; case tc_subr_3: break; case tc_subr_0_or_1: break; case tc_subr_1_or_2: break; case tc_subr_2_or_3: break; case tc_lsubr: break; case tc_ssubr: break; case tc_fsubr: break; case tc_syntax: break; case tc_closure: break; case tc_free_cell: break; case tc_char: break; case tc_string: free(ptr->storage_as.string.data); break; case tc_vector: free(ptr->storage_as.vector.data); break; case tc_eof: break; case tc_undefined: break; case tc_iport: case tc_oport: STk_freeport(ptr); break; case tc_isport: case tc_osport: STk_free_string_port(ptr); break; case tc_boolean: break; case tc_macro: break; case tc_localvar: break; case tc_globalvar: break; case tc_modulevar: break; case tc_cont: free(ptr->storage_as.cont.data); break; case tc_env: break; case tc_address: break; case tc_autoload: break; case tc_Cpointer: if (!EXTSTATICP(ptr)) free(EXTDATA(ptr)); break; case tc_module: STk_free_module(ptr); break; case tc_frame: break; case tc_values: break; #ifdef USE_STKLOS case tc_instance: STk_free_instance(ptr); break; case tc_next_method: break; #endif #ifdef USE_TK case tc_tkcommand: if (! ptr->storage_as.tk.data->deleted) Tcl_internal_DeleteCommand (STk_main_interp, ptr->storage_as.tk.data->Id); free(ptr->storage_as.tk.data); break; case tc_tclobject: break; #endif case tc_quote: break; case tc_lambda: break; case tc_if: break; case tc_setq: break; case tc_cond: break; case tc_and: break; case tc_or: break; case tc_let: break; case tc_letstar: break; case tc_letrec: break; case tc_begin: break; case tc_promise: break; case tc_apply: break; case tc_call_cc: break; case tc_dynwind: break; case tc_extend_env: break; case tc_unbound: break; default: if (EXTENDEDP(ptr)) STk_extended_sweep(ptr); else fprintf(STk_stderr, "FATAL ERROR: trying to sweep %lx " "(type=%d)\n", (unsigned long) ptr, TYPE(ptr)); } /* Declare this cell free and put it in free list */ ptr->type = tc_free_cell; ptr->cell_info = 0; CDR(ptr) = nfreelist; nfreelist = ptr; n += 1; } else ptr->gc_mark = 0; } } gc_cells_collected = n; STk_freelist = nfreelist; } void STk_mark_stack(SCM *start, SCM *end) { register SCM p, heap_org; register long i, j, n; if (start > end) { SCM *tmp; tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp; } n = end - start; if (gc_verbose) fprintf(STk_stderr, "[Marking zone <0x%lx->0x%lx> (%ld words)]\n", (unsigned long) start, (unsigned long) end, (unsigned long) n); for(j=0; jnext) gc_mark(*(reg->location)); /* Mark all objects accessible from obarray */ STk_mark_symbol_table(); /* Mark the module table */ STk_mark_module_table(); /* Mark the signal table */ STk_mark_signal_table(); /* Mark the table of traced variables */ STk_mark_tracevar_table(); #ifdef USE_TK /* Mark all Tcl/Tk callbacks */ STk_mark_callbacks(); #endif } static void gc_start(void) { time_gc_start = STk_my_time(); gc_calls += 1; gc_cells_collected = 0; gc_verbose = STk_lookup_variable(GC_VERBOSE, NIL) != Ntruth; if (gc_verbose) fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; [starting GC]\n"); } static void gc_end(void) { long total_cells, used_cells; double time_for_this_gc; total_cells = heaps_used * heap_size; used_cells = total_cells - gc_cells_collected; time_for_this_gc = STk_my_time() - time_gc_start; STk_total_gc_time += time_for_this_gc; /* * If heap is more than 75% filled after gc, allocate a new heap to * avoid continuous GCs */ if (((float) used_cells / total_cells) > 0.75) allocate_new_heap(); STk_gc_requested = 0; if (gc_verbose) fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; [end of GC (cells used: %ld/%ld; time: %.2fms)]\n", used_cells, total_cells, time_for_this_gc); } static void gc_mark_and_sweep(void) { long prev_context = Error_context; SCM stack_end; /* The topmost variable (at least a SCM) allocated on stack */ /**** Disallow interrupts while GC'ing because signal handlers may cons */ STk_ignore_signals(); Error_context = ERR_FATAL; gc_start(); /**** Marking phase */ setjmp(save_regs_gc_mark); /* registers */ STk_mark_stack((SCM *) save_regs_gc_mark, (SCM *) (((char *) save_regs_gc_mark)+sizeof(save_regs_gc_mark))); STk_mark_stack((SCM *) STk_stack_start_ptr, (SCM *) &stack_end); /* stack */ mark_protected(); /* globals */ /**** Sweep phase */ gc_sweep(); /* Re-allow signals */ gc_end(); Error_context = prev_context; STk_allow_signals(); /* send the pseudo-signal SIGHADGC to say that we had a finished GC'ing */ STk_signal_GC(); } void STk_gc_for_newcell(void) { if (Error_context != ERR_FATAL) { gc_mark_and_sweep(); if (NNULLP(STk_freelist)) return; } STk_panic("Out of storage"); } PRIMITIVE STk_gc(void) { gc_mark_and_sweep(); return UNDEFINED; } void STk_gc_protect(SCM *location) { struct gc_protected *reg; reg = (struct gc_protected *) must_malloc(sizeof(struct gc_protected)); reg->location = location; reg->next = protected_registers; protected_registers = reg; } void STk_gc_unprotect(SCM *location) { struct gc_protected *reg, *prev; for (prev=NULL, reg=protected_registers; reg; prev=reg, reg=reg->next) if (reg->location == location) { if (prev) prev->next = reg->next; else protected_registers = reg->next; free(reg); return; } } PRIMITIVE STk_gc_stats(void) { int i, freq[tc_stop_extd+1]; register SCM ptr, heap_org, heap_end; long used_cells = 0L; /* Reset array of frequencies */ for (i=0; i <=tc_stop_extd; i++) freq[i] = 0; /* Fill the frequencies array */ for (i=0; i < heaps_used; i++) { heap_org = heaps[i]; heap_end = heap_org + heap_size; for(ptr = heap_org; ptr < heap_end; ptr++) { if (NTYPEP(ptr, tc_free_cell)) { used_cells += 1; freq[TYPE(ptr)] += 1; } } } /* Print statistics */ fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; GC statistics\n"); fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; -------------\n"); fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; cells used %ld/%ld\n", used_cells, heaps_used*heap_size); fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; # of used heaps %d\n", heaps_used); fprintf(STk_stderr, ";; # of GC calls %d (time spent in GC %.2fms)\n", gc_calls, STk_total_gc_time); for (i=0; i <= tc_stop_extd; i++) if (freq[i]) fprintf(STk_stderr, "(%d %d) ", i, freq[i]); fprintf(STk_stderr, "\n;;\n"); return UNDEFINED; } #ifdef DEBUG_STK PRIMITIVE STk_find_cells(SCM type) { SCM ptr, z, heap_org, heap_end; int i,t,l; if (NINTEGERP(type)) Err("%find-cells: bad integer", type); t = INTEGER(type); /* Count how many items we have */ for (i=l=0; i < heaps_used; i++) { heap_org = heaps[i]; heap_end = heap_org + heap_size; for (ptr=heap_org; ptr < heap_end; ptr++) if (TYPEP(ptr, t)) l += 1; } /* Allocate a vector for the result */ z = STk_makevect(l, NULL); l = 0; /* Place all the items in the newly created vector */ for (i=l=0; i < heaps_used; i++) { heap_org = heaps[i]; heap_end = heap_org + heap_size; for (ptr=heap_org; ptr < heap_end; ptr++) if (ptr != z && TYPEP(ptr, t)) VECT(z)[l++] = ptr; } return z; } #endif PRIMITIVE STk_expand_heap(SCM arg) { int i, number_of_heaps, wanted; if (NINTEGERP(arg)) Err("expand-heap: bad value", arg); gc_verbose = STk_lookup_variable(GC_VERBOSE, NIL) != Ntruth; wanted = INTEGER(arg); number_of_heaps = (wanted + heap_size - 1) / heap_size; for (i = heaps_used; i < number_of_heaps; i++) allocate_new_heap(); return UNDEFINED; } /*=============================================================================*/ /* i n i t */ /*=============================================================================*/ #ifndef max #define max(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(b):(a)) #endif void STk_init_gc(void) { STk_freelist = NIL; if (STk_arg_cells) { /* Set the heap size to the specified value */ int tmp = atoi(STk_arg_cells); if (tmp > 0) heap_size = max(tmp,MIN_HEAP); } allocate_new_heap(); }