STklos version 4.0 What is STklos STklos is an extension of STk which provides à la CLOS objets to STk. This implementation is based on the implementation of version 1.3 of the Tiny CLOS package defined by Gregor Kickzales (available by ftp at*). Compiling STklos STklos is compiled during the interpreter construction. You don't have to do something in this directory. Simple Test of STklos STklos needs some files to run properly. Until you have installed it in its definitive place, you have to: 1. set your default directory to STklos 2. use the the shell script ../Src/test-stk to run the interpreter So, you just have to type $ cd STklos; ../Src/test-stk To test, that everything is OK, you can try: (let () (define-class A () ((a :initform 10) b)) (define inst (make A)) (slot-set! inst 'b 20) (+ (slot-ref inst 'a) (slot-ref inst 'b))) which should yield 30 if everything is correct. Using STklos with the Tk toolkit A set of classes have been defined to use Tk with object flavor. All the Tk widgets have been wrapped in STklos. classes.The following example creates a three buttons panel (button 1 & 2 being on top of button 3). (require "Tk-classes") (define f (make )) (define b1 (make