/* * * h t m l . c -- Html support for STk * * Copyright © 1993-1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI * * * Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this * software or derived works may only be charged with express written * permission of the copyright holder. * This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. * * * * Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@kaolin.unice.fr] * Creation date: 1-Sep-1995 23:10 * Last file update: 11-Oct-1996 15:54 */ #include #include "stk.h" struct char_type { char *name; unsigned char c; }; static struct char_type table [] = { {"lt", '<'}, {"gt", '>'}, {"amp", '&'}, {"quot", '"'}, {"nbsp", '\xa0'}, {"iexcl", '\xa1'}, {"cent", '\xa2'}, {"pound", '\xa3'}, {"curren", '\xa4'}, {"yen", '\xa5'}, {"brvbar", '\xa6'}, {"sect", '\xa7'}, {"uml", '\xa8'}, {"copy", '\xa9'}, {"ordf", '\xaa'}, {"laquo", '\xab'}, {"not", '\xac'}, {"shy", '\xad'}, {"reg", '\xae'}, {"hibar", '\xaf'}, {"deg", '\xb0'}, {"plusmn", '\xb1'}, {"sup2", '\xb2'}, {"sup3", '\xb3'}, {"acute", '\xb4'}, {"micro", '\xb5'}, {"para", '\xb6'}, {"middot", '\xb7'}, {"cedil", '\xb8'}, {"sup1", '\xb9'}, {"ordm", '\xba'}, {"raquo", '\xbb'}, {"frac14", '\xbc'}, {"frac12", '\xbd'}, {"frac34", '\xbe'}, {"iquest", '\xbf'}, {"Agrave", '\xc0'}, {"Aacute", '\xc1'}, {"Acirc", '\xc2'}, {"Atilde", '\xc3'}, {"Auml", '\xc4'}, {"Aring", '\xc5'}, {"AElig", '\xc6'}, {"Ccedil", '\xc7'}, {"Egrave", '\xc8'}, {"Eacute", '\xc9'}, {"Ecirc", '\xca'}, {"Euml", '\xcb'}, {"Igrave", '\xcc'}, {"Iacute", '\xcd'}, {"Icirc", '\xce'}, {"Iuml", '\xcf'}, {"ETH", '\xd0'}, {"Ntilde", '\xd1'}, {"Ograve", '\xd2'}, {"Oacute", '\xd3'}, {"Ocirc", '\xd4'}, {"Otilde", '\xd5'}, {"Ouml", '\xd6'}, {"times", '\xd7'}, {"Oslash", '\xd8'}, {"Ugrave", '\xd9'}, {"Uacute", '\xda'}, {"Ucirc", '\xdb'}, {"Uuml", '\xdc'}, {"Yacute", '\xdd'}, {"THORN", '\xde'}, {"szlig", '\xdf'}, {"agrave", '\xe0'}, {"aacute", '\xe1'}, {"acirc", '\xe2'}, {"atilde", '\xe3'}, {"auml", '\xe4'}, {"aring", '\xe5'}, {"aelig", '\xe6'}, {"ccedil", '\xe7'}, {"egrave", '\xe8'}, {"eacute", '\xe9'}, {"ecirc", '\xea'}, {"euml", '\xeb'}, {"igrave", '\xec'}, {"iacute", '\xed'}, {"icirc", '\xee'}, {"iuml", '\xef'}, {"eth", '\xf0'}, {"ntilde", '\xf1'}, {"ograve", '\xf2'}, {"oacute", '\xf3'}, {"ocirc", '\xf4'}, {"otilde", '\xf5'}, {"ouml", '\xf6'}, {"divide", '\xf7'}, {"oslash", '\xf8'}, {"ugrave", '\xf9'}, {"uacute", '\xfa'}, {"ucirc", '\xfb'}, {"uuml", '\xfc'}, {"yacute", '\xfd'}, {"thorn", '\xfe'}, {"yuml", '\xff'}, {"", 0}}; static void skip_spaces(FILE *f) { int c; for (;;) { c = Getc(f); if (c == EOF) break; if (!isspace(c)) { Ungetc(c, f); break; } } } static PRIMITIVE STk_html_next_token(SCM iport) { /* Return next HTML token */ char ch, *t, token[256]; int c; Tcl_DString dStr1, dStr2; SCM z; FILE *f; if (!INP(iport)) Err("%Html:next-token: bad port", iport); f = PORT_FILE(iport); if (Eof(f) || ((c = Getc(f)) == EOF)) return STk_eof_object; Tcl_DStringInit(&dStr1); Tcl_DStringInit(&dStr2); if (c == '<') { skip_spaces(f); while ((c = Getc(f)) != EOF && (c != '>') && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t')) { ch = tolower(c); Tcl_DStringAppend(&dStr1, &ch, 1); } if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { /* Read the argument */ skip_spaces(f); while ((c = Getc(f)) != EOF && (c != '>')) { ch = c; Tcl_DStringAppend(&dStr2, &ch, 1); } } if (Tcl_DStringValue(&dStr1)[0] == '\0') z = STk_makestring("<>"); else if (Tcl_DStringValue(&dStr1)[0]=='/' && Tcl_DStringValue(&dStr1)[1] == '\0') z = STk_makestring(""); else z = Cons(STk_makestring(Tcl_DStringValue(&dStr1)), STk_makestring(Tcl_DStringValue(&dStr2))); } else { if (c == '&') { t = token; while ((c = Getc(f)) != EOF && c != ';' && isalpha(c)) *t++ = c; *t = 0; if (c != ';') Ungetc(c, f); /* Search the given token in the translation table */ { int i; for (i = 0; table[i].c; i++) if (strcmp(token, table[i].name) == 0) { Tcl_DStringAppend(&dStr1, &table[i].c, 1); break; } if (!table[i].c) /* Not found */ Tcl_DStringAppend(&dStr1, token, -1); } } else { do { if (c == '<' || c == '&') { Ungetc(c, f); break; } ch = c; Tcl_DStringAppend(&dStr1, &ch, 1); } while ((c = Getc(f)) != EOF); } z = STk_makestring(Tcl_DStringValue(&dStr1)); } Tcl_DStringFree(&dStr1); Tcl_DStringFree(&dStr2); return z; } static PRIMITIVE STk_html_clean_spaces(SCM str, SCM ignore_spaces) { Tcl_DString dString; char c, *s; int only_spaces = TRUE; SCM z; if (!STRINGP(str)) Err("%html:clean-spaces: bad string", str); Tcl_DStringInit(&dString); for (s = CHARS(str); c = *s; s++) { if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') { if (ignore_spaces == Ntruth) { Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, " ", 1); ignore_spaces = Truth; } } else { Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, &c, 1); only_spaces = FALSE; ignore_spaces = Ntruth; } } z = Cons(STk_makestring(Tcl_DStringValue(&dString)), only_spaces ? Truth: Ntruth); Tcl_DStringFree(&dString); return z; } PRIMITIVE STk_init_html(void) { STk_add_new_primitive("%html:clean-spaces", tc_subr_2, STk_html_clean_spaces); STk_add_new_primitive("%html:next-token", tc_subr_1, STk_html_next_token); return UNDEFINED; }