#!/bin/sh :;exec /usr/local/bin/stk -f "$0" "$@" ;;;; ;;;; A simple STk browser ;;;; ;;;; This script generates a directory browser, which lists the working ;;;; directory and allows you to open files or subdirectories by ;;;; double-clicking. ;;;; ;;;; $Id: browse.stklos 1.2 Mon, 16 Feb 1998 07:28:39 +0000 eg $ ;;;; ;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr] ;;;; Creation date: 3-Aug-1993 17:33 ;;;; Last file update: 12-Feb-1998 11:28 (require "Tk-classes") (require "unix") ;;;; ;;;; Interface ;;;; (define lb (make :width 30 :height 20 :font 'fixed)) (pack lb :fill "both" :side "top" :expand #t) (define quit (make