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1998-09-30 07:11:02 -04:00
;;;; S c h e m e - t e x t . s t k l o s -- A mini font-lock package
;;;; Copyright <20> 1997-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; $Id: Schemetext.stklos 1.1 Sat, 26 Sep 1998 19:19:52 +0200 eg $
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 16-Jan-1997 12:10
;;;; Last file update: 26-Sep-1998 17:00
;; This package is a extra light version of the Emacs font-lock package
;; (specialized for Scheme)
;; It is a little bit slow and it is has some "bugs":
;; - Multi-lines comments are not correctly handled (because the
;; Tk text widget works line by line
;; - Regexps are very simplistic and not correct in all circumstances
;; - There is no way to customize the font-lock colors
;; Any help to improve this package will be greatly appreciated
(require "Tk-classes")
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export fontify-buffer fontify-line)
; Global variables
(define *fontify-count* 0)
(define *fontify-idle* #t)
(define *fontify-keyword-regexp* "(^|[ \t]+):[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+")
(define *fontify-comment-regexp* "(#!|;).*$|#\\|.*\\|#")
(define *fontify-string-regexp* "\"[^\"]*\"")
(define *fontify-class-regexp* "<[^>]*>")
; < S c h e m e - T e x t >
(define-class <Scheme-Text> (<Scroll-Text>)
((string-tag :accessor string-tag)
(keyword-tag :accessor keyword-tag)
(comment-tag :accessor comment-tag)
(class-tag :accessor class-tag)))
(define-method initialize ((self <Scheme-text>) initargs)
;; Creates tags for strings keywords comments. ORDER IS IMPORTANT!!!
(for-each (lambda (slot val)
(slot-set! self slot (make <Text-tag> :parent self :foreground val)))
'(keyword-tag class-tag string-tag comment-tag)
'(purple blue IndianRed4 red3))
;; Change text bindings such that entering a new character triggers fontify
;; This is done by changing the "bindtags" of the text
(let* ((txt (text-of self))
(order (remove "Text" (bindtags txt))))
(bindtags txt (list* "Text" order))
(bind txt "<Any-KeyPress>" (lambda () (fontify-line self "insert")))
(bind txt "<<Paste>>" (lambda () (fontify-buffer self)))
(bind txt "<ButtonRelease-2>" (lambda () (fontify-buffer self)))
(bind txt "<Control-l>" (lambda () (fontify-buffer self))))
(fontify-buffer self))
; <Scheme-text> methods
(define-method fontify-line((t <Scheme-text>) line)
(define (fontify-regexp regexp tag from to)
;; Search for all instances of a given regexp in a text widget and
;; apply a given tag to each instance found.
(tag-remove tag from to)
(let Loop ((start from))
(let ((cur (text-search t :regexp :count '*fontify-count*
:env (module-environment (current-module))
regexp start to)))
(when cur
(let ((last (cons (car cur) (+ (cdr cur) *fontify-count*))))
(tag-add tag cur last)
(loop last))))))
(let* ((start (text-index t (format #f "~A linestart" line)))
(end (text-index t (format #f "~A lineend" line)))
(do-font (lambda (regexp tag)
(fontify-regexp regexp (slot-ref t tag) start end))))
(do-font *fontify-keyword-regexp* 'keyword-tag)
(do-font *fontify-class-regexp* 'class-tag)
(do-font *fontify-string-regexp* 'string-tag)
(do-font *fontify-comment-regexp* 'comment-tag)))
(define-method fontify-buffer((t <Scheme-text>))
(when *fontify-idle*
(set! *fontify-idle* #f)
(let Loop ((line 1))
(fontify-line t (cons line 0))
(after 'idle (lambda ()
(let ((end (car (text-index t "end"))))
(if (< line end)
(Loop (+ line 1)))))))
(set! *fontify-idle* #t)))
(define t (make <Scheme-Text>
:value "(define A (make <B> :key \"aa\")); comment"))
(pack t :fill "both" :expand #t)