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1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
:;exec /usr/local/bin/stk -f "$0" "$@"
;;;; STetris Version 1.1
;;;; By Harvey J. Stein
;;;; Copyright (C) 1994 Harvey J. Stein, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose is hereby granted, provided that
;;;; both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear
;;;; in all copies and derived works, and that copies and/or derived
;;;; works are used, copied and/or distributed without fees. Fees for
;;;; distribution or use of this software or derived works may only be
;;;; charged with express written permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
;;; This is an implementation of a falling block game. Just run it.
;;; The controls are as follows, but are easily modified (see below):
;;; Move to left : j or left arrow
;;; Move to right: l or right arrow
;;; Rotate right : k or down arrow
;;; Rotate left : i or up arrow
;;; Drop quick : space
;;; New game : n
;;; Pause : p
;;; Continue : c
;;; Scramble : s - Scrambles the blocks so that rotate left &
;;; rotate right actually transform the shape
;;; instead of rotating it. Only available
;;; between games.
;;; Unscramble : u - Go back to original configuration
;;; Help : h
;;; Quit : q
;;; End game : e
;;; Bump up level: b
;;; ------------- Installation -------------------------------
;;; Should just work fine as is. If you have xboing, and you have a
;;; /dev/audio device, this game can produce sounds. To get the
;;; sounds, edit the definition of sounddir (first definition of the
;;; global variables section below). Make sure it refers to the
;;; directory with your xboing sounds.
;;; To do:
;;; -Maintain high score file. Question: How can I protect it?
;;; (Typically one will make a high score file write only to group
;;; games & make the game suid games. But, this can't be done in
;;; general for shellscripts).
;;; -Man page.
;;; -Next piece preview.
;;; -More sounds.
;;; -Better way to play sounds than catting to /dev/audio.
;;; -Make up sounds for game instead of just "borrowing" sounds from
;;; xboing.
;;; -Code cleanup - Parameterize the pieces better. Right now I
;;; have the number 7 (for the number of pieces) hard wired into
;;; the code, and the colors of each piece are just stuffed into a
;;; fcn. It would be nice to have a global variable (n) for the # of
;;; blocks to use in the pieces & then to generate all the pieces
;;; containing n squares.
;;; -Find better way of playing sounds than catting to /dev/audio
;;; -Standardize comment style.
;;; -Write STk program which uses send to play stetris.
;;; -Need to change name of window before I can write a stetris
;;; player that uses send...
;;; -Fix bug where game sometimes ends with last piece overlapping
;;; another piece.
;;; Changes from v1.0 to v1.1:
;;; -Got rid of some of the 7s.
;;; -Added scrambling & help.
;;; -Didn't fix bug where game sometimes ends with last piece
;;; overlapping another piece, but made it more rare.
;;; -Now starts of pieces off screen so that they all appear
;;; initially as one row.
;;; -Added buttons for new game, pause, unpause, help, etc.
;;; -Blank screen during pauses.
;;; -No need for stetris shellscript (thanks to Erick).
;;; -Added <b> to increase level by 1.
;;; -Reduced min-fall-delay from 80 to 60 because it seems to be
;;; long enough (at least on my 486dx33). Make it bigger if your
;;; top level is jerky.
;;; Helpful for debugging (so that stetris.stk can be reloaded into
;;; the interpreter):
(for-each destroy (winfo 'children *root*))
;;; To avoid inopportune garbage collections:
(cond ((not (symbol-bound? 'heap-expanded)) ; Don't expand after addn'l loads.
(expand-heap 75000)
(define heap-expanded #t)))
;;; ------------------- Include files ------------------------
(require "Tk-classes")
1999-09-05 07:16:41 -04:00
(require "fs")
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(require "dialog")
;;; ----------- Global variables ---------------------------
;; Sound directory (set for your system, or set to a nonexistent directory to
;; disable sound):
(define sounddir "/usr/games/lib/xboing/sounds")
;;; Sounds (modifiable):
;;; Expects to find (string-append soundir "/" ""), for example.
;;; Sound is played by catting it to /dev/audio
(define soundmap
'((game-over "")
(near-end "")
(goto-next-level "")
(piece-landed "")
(piece-moved "")
(three-in-row "")
(four-in-row "")))
;; Keyboard mappings & corresponding actions (modifiable).
;; Now found at end...
;; block size & playing field size parameters (modifyable).
(define block-width 20) ; Width of a block.
(define block-height 20) ; Height of a block.
(define block-border-width 2) ; Width of block borders.
(define play-cols 9) ; cols # 0-9 = 10 cols.
(define play-rows 29) ; rows # 0-28 = 29 rows.
;; Window shape & size parameters (modifyable).
(define frame-border-width 3) ; Width of frame border for
; playing field & score box.
(define score-frame-width 150) ; Width of score box (don't
; make too small!).
;; Game parameters (modifiable).
(define start-fall-delay 750) ; initially, game drops stetris piece
; one notch every start-fall-delay
; milliseconds.
(define level-time (* 40 start-fall-delay)) ; Length of time (in milliseconds)
; that each level lasts.
(define min-fall-delay 60) ; Min amt of time allowable btw piece
; drops.
(define delta-reducer .80) ; Each time level goes up, multiply
; fall-delay by this to get new fall
; delay.
(define bump-bonus 300) ; When you bump up the level
; manually, you get bump-bonus
; pts * the % of time left
; until the next level.
;;; -------------- Less modifiable parameters --------------------
;; Game parameters (don't touch).
(define winx (* block-width (1+ play-cols))) ; size of playing field
(define winy (* block-width (1+ play-rows)))
(define start-delta-count 0) ; # of steps at game start.
(define delta-count start-delta-count) ; Lapsed time (in steps) of current
; level.
(define level-number 1) ; Current level number.
(define fall-delay start-fall-delay) ; Current amt of time btw drops (in ms)
(define move-count 1) ; # drops since beginning of game.
(define old-count 1) ; # drops since last piece hit bottom.
(define quit-now #t) ; False causes game to stop.
(define current-piece ()) ; Piece that is currently falling.
(define score 0) ; Score.
(define game-over "") ; String to display when game ends.
(define paused-game #f)
(define (ms-left)
(- level-time (* fall-delay delta-count)))
(define (time-left)
(/ (ms-left) 1000)))
(define time-to-speedup (time-left)) ; Time left to current level.
(define current-block-colors ()) ; Used to store block colors
; when screen is blanked.
;;; ------------ Start real work ----------------------------
;;; Check sound validity - First check that sounddir exists & that
;;; /dev/audio exists.
(cond ((or
(not (file-is-directory? sounddir)) ;;; If sounddir doesn't exist.
(not (file-is-writable? "/dev/audio"))) ;; If /dev/audio doesn't exist.
(set! soundmap ())))
;;; Now, check that all sounds are readable. Delete the ones that
;;; aren't.
(set! soundmap
(let delete-nonexistent ((l soundmap))
(cond ((null? l) ())
((file-is-readable? (string-append sounddir "/" (cadar l)))
(cons (car l) (delete-nonexistent (cdr l))))
(else (delete-nonexistent (cdr l))))))
(define (reset-vars)
;;; Clears game variables for start of new game.
(set! delta-count start-delta-count)
(set! level-number 1)
(set! fall-delay start-fall-delay)
(set! old-count 1)
(set! move-count 1)
(set! quit-now #f)
(set! score 0)
(set! game-over ""))
;;; ------------------ Window size setup --------------------------
(wm 'title *root* "STetris")
(wm 'minsize *root*
(+ winx score-frame-width)
(+ winy (* 2 frame-border-width)))
(wm 'maxsize *root*
(+ winx score-frame-width)
(+ winy (* 2 frame-border-width)))
(wm 'geometry *root* (format #f "~Ax~A"
(+ winx score-frame-width)
(+ winy (* 2 frame-border-width))))
;;; -------------------- Widget Creation ---------------------------
;;; Playing canvas
'(define canvas-frame
(make <Frame>
:relief 'ridge
:highlight-thickness -2
:border-width frame-border-width))
'(pack canvas-frame :side 'left)
(define stetris-canvas
(make <Canvas>
:height winy
:border-width 0
:relief 'ridge
:highlight-thickness 0
:width winx))
(pack stetris-canvas :side 'left :fill 'both :expand #f)
;;; Statistics frame
(define score-frame
(make <Frame>
:relief 'ridge
:border-width frame-border-width))
(pack score-frame :fill 'both :expand #t :side 'left)
(define filler-1 (make <frame> :parent score-frame))
(define score-title-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text "Score"))
(define score-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text-variable 'score))
(define delay-title-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text "Delay"))
(define delay-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text-variable 'fall-delay))
(define count-title-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text "Moves"))
(define count-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text-variable 'move-count))
(define level-title-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text "Level"))
(define level-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text-variable 'level-number))
(define time-to-speedup-title-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text "Time to speedup"))
(define time-to-speedup-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text-variable 'time-to-speedup))
(define game-over-label
(make <label>
:parent score-frame
:text-variable 'game-over))
(define pause-button
(make <button>
:parent score-frame
:text "Pause"
:command '(do-pause)))
(define continue-button
(make <button>
:parent score-frame
:text "Continue"
:command '(do-continue-game)))
(define newgame-button
(make <button>
:parent score-frame
:text "New Game"
:command '(do-new-game)))
(define endgame-button
(make <button>
:parent score-frame
:text "End Game"
:command '(do-end-game)))
(define help-button
(make <button>
:parent score-frame
:text "Help"
:command '(do-help)))
(define quit-button
(make <button>
:parent score-frame
:text "Quit"
:command '(do-exit)))
(define filler-2 (make <frame> :parent score-frame))
(define filler-3 (make <frame> :parent score-frame))
(pack filler-1 :expand #t :fill 'both)
(pack score-title-label score-label
delay-title-label delay-label
count-title-label count-label
level-title-label level-label
time-to-speedup-title-label time-to-speedup-label
(pack filler-3 :expand #t :fill 'both)
(pack pause-button continue-button newgame-button
endgame-button help-button quit-button
:fill 'x)
;;;(pack filler-2 :expand #t :fill 'both)
;;; -------------- Convert from block coords to screen coords -----------
(define (block-pos-coords x y)
(list (+ (* x block-width) (/ block-border-width 2))
(+ (* y block-height) (/ block-border-width 2))
(- (* (1+ x) block-width) (/ block-border-width 2))
(- (* (1+ y) block-height) (/ block-border-width 2))))
;;; --------- Methods for treating rectangles like stetris blocks --------
(define-method fall ((r <Rectangle>))
(slot-set! r 'coords
(map + (coords r) (list 0 block-height 0 block-height))))
(define-method left ((r <Rectangle>))
(slot-set! r 'coords
(map + (coords r) (list (- block-width) 0 (- block-width) 0))))
(define-method right ((r <Rectangle>))
(slot-set! r 'coords
(map + (coords r) (list block-width 0 block-width 0))))
(define-method up ((r <Rectangle>))
(slot-set! r 'coords
(map + (coords r) (list 0 (- block-height) 0 (- block-height)))))
;;; ------------------- Class stetris-block ----------------------
;;; Instances of this class are basically just rectangles that keep
;;; track of their position in block coordinates instead of screen
;;; coordinates. There are probably better ways to do this (such as
;;; making the coordinates virtual slots). On the other hand, if they
;;; were virtual slots, they would have to scale the coordinates,
;;; which might make things slower.
;;; Also includes methods for checking that a location is legal
;;; (i.e. - that it isn't already occupied by another block).
;;; Actually, we call a spot legal if it's on the screen & isn't
;;; occupied by another block with the same tag. Each tetris piece
;;; gets a unique tag which is shared by the blocks which compose it.
;;; One good improvement would probably be to remove the testing
;;; against the top of the screen, since blocks should be able to fall
;;; from above the screen.
(define-class <stetris-block> (<Rectangle>)
((x :init-keyword :x :accessor x-of :initform 3)
(y :init-keyword :y :accessor y-of :initform 0)
(parent :init-keyword :parent :accessor parent-of)))
(define-method initialize ((self <stetris-block>) initargs)
(slot-set! self 'true-color (slot-ref self 'fill))
(slot-set! self 'width block-border-width)
(slot-set! self 'coords
(block-pos-coords (x-of self) (y-of self))))
(define-method hide ((self <stetris-block>))
(slot-set! self 'fill 'black))
(define-method show ((self <stetris-block>))
(slot-set! self 'fill (slot-ref self 'true-color)))
(define-method fall ((self <stetris-block>))
(set! (y-of self) (1+ (y-of self)))
(define-method up ((self <stetris-block>))
(set! (y-of self) (1- (y-of self)))
(define-method right ((self <stetris-block>))
(set! (x-of self) (1+ (x-of self)))
(define-method left ((self <stetris-block>))
(set! (x-of self) (1- (x-of self)))
(define-method can-fall? ((self <stetris-block>))
(ok-spot (x-of self) (1+ (y-of self)) (tags self)))
(define-method can-up? ((self <stetris-block>))
(ok-spot (x-of self) (1- (y-of self)) (tags self)))
(define-method can-left? ((self <stetris-block>))
(ok-spot (1- (x-of self)) (y-of self) (tags self)))
(define-method can-right? ((self <stetris-block>))
(ok-spot (1+ (x-of self)) (y-of self) (tags self)))
(define (ok-spot x y tag)
(and (eval
(cons 'and (map (lambda (x) (string=? tag (car (tags x))))
`(,stetris-canvas overlapping
,@(block-pos-coords x y))))))
(onscreen x y)))
(define (onscreen x y)
(and (>= x 0)
(<= x play-cols)
;;; (>= y 0) ;;; Taken out To allow pieces to drop in from
;;; above the canvas.
(<= y play-rows)))
;;; -------------- Class stetris-piece ------------------------
;;; A collection of stetris-blocks.
;;; Class slot descriptions:
;;; parent - Canvas containing stetris-piece
;;; blocks - List of blocks composing stetris piece.
;;; shape - Integer indicating shape of piece. Meaning is defined
;;; by shape-list-slow function. 0 = line, 1 = square, etc.
;;; tag - tag for this piece & all the blocks composing it. It's a
;;; unique identifier for this piece.
;;; rotation - Better name would be rotation.
;;; x - x coord of piece in game coordinates.
;;; y - y coord of piece in game coordinates.
;;; Basically, a stetris-piece is a collection of blocks. A
;;; stetris-piece has a location, a shape & a rotation. The
;;; locations of the blocks are defined by the shape-list function.
;;; (shape-list shape rotation) function returns a list of
;;; coordinates. The coordinates of the blocks composing a
;;; stetris-piece are computed by adding the location of the stetris
;;; piece to each of the coordinates returned by shape-list.
;;; When the user rotates the stetris piece, the rotation slot is
;;; incremented (or decremented).
;;; For (possibly ineffective) speed reasons, we store the
;;; shapes in a vector & use a macro to access them.
(define-class <stetris-piece> ()
((parent :accessor parent-of :init-keyword :parent)
(blocks :accessor blocks-of)
(shape :accessor shape-of :init-keyword :shape :initform 0)
(tag :accessor tag-of :init-keyword :tag :initform "")
(rotation :accessor rotation-of :initform 0 :init-keyword :rotation)
(x :accessor x-of :initform 0 :init-keyword :x)
(y :accessor y-of :initform 0 :init-keyword :y)))
(define-method initialize ((self <stetris-piece>) initargs)
(set! (blocks-of self)
(make-blocks (shape-of self)
(rotation-of self)
(x-of self)
(y-of self)
(parent-of self)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (set! (tags x) (tag-of self))) (blocks-of self)))
(define (make-blocks shape rotation x y parent)
(define (quick-make p)
(make <stetris-block>
:x (+ (car p) x) :y (+ (cadr p) y)
:coords '(0 0 0 0)
:fill (colors-of shape)
:parent parent))
(map quick-make (shape-list shape rotation)))
;;; Function which returns, for a given shape & rotation, a list of
;;; the positions that the blocks must be in relative to the
;;; stetris-piece.
(define (shape-list-slow shape rotation)
(case shape
(0 (case rotation ;; line
(0 '( (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (6 1)))
(1 '( (4 0) (4 1) (4 2) (4 3)))))
(1 (case rotation ;; square
(0 '( (3 1) (4 1) (3 2) (4 2)))))
(2 (case rotation ;; left zig
(0 '( (3 1) (4 1) (4 2) (5 2)))
(1 '( (4 0) (4 1) (3 1) (3 2)))))
(3 (case rotation ;; right zig
(0 '( (3 2) (4 2) (4 1) (5 1)))
(1 '( (4 1) (4 2) (5 2) (5 3)))))
(4 (case rotation ;; T
(0 '( (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (4 0)))
(1 '( (4 0) (4 1) (4 2) (5 1)))
(2 '( (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (4 2)))
(3 '( (4 0) (4 1) (4 2) (3 1)))))
(5 (case rotation ;; right L
(0 '( (3 1) (3 2) (3 3) (4 3)))
(1 '( (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (3 2)))
(2 '( (4 1) (5 1) (5 2) (5 3)))
(3 '( (3 3) (4 3) (5 3) (5 2)))))
(6 (case rotation ;; left L
(0 '( (5 0) (5 1) (5 2) (4 2)))
(1 '( (3 2) (4 2) (5 2) (3 1)))
(2 '( (3 0) (3 1) (3 2) (4 0)))
(3 '( (3 0) (4 0) (5 0) (5 1)))))))
;;; given a shape, returns the number of rotations that that shape can
;;; go through.
(define (num-rotations-slow shape)
(case shape
(0 2)
(1 1)
(2 2)
(3 2)
(4 4)
(5 4)
(6 4)))
;;; We initialize a vector to contain the number of rotations of each
;;; shape & use a macro to access it. I was hoping for speed
;;; benefits, but I don't know if it really helps.
(define num-rotations-vect (make-vector 7))
(dotimes (shape (vector-length num-rotations-vect))
(vector-set! num-rotations-vect shape
(num-rotations-slow shape)))
(define-macro (num-rotations shape)
`(vector-ref num-rotations-vect ,shape))
;;; The same applies here for the shape-list. We store the shapes in
;;; a vector of vectors, and use a macro for access, hoping that this
;;; will speed access.
(define shape-list-vect (make-vector 7))
(dotimes (shape (vector-length shape-list-vect))
(vector-set! shape-list-vect shape
(make-vector (num-rotations shape))))
(define-macro (shape-list shape rotation)
(vector-ref shape-list-vect ,shape)
(define (set-standard-shape-vect!)
(dotimes (shape (vector-length shape-list-vect))
(dotimes (pos (num-rotations shape))
(vector-set! (vector-ref shape-list-vect shape)
(shape-list-slow shape pos)))))
(define (delete-list-el l i)
;;; Removes element i from list l
(cond ((<= i 0) (cdr l))
(else (cons (car l) (delete-list-el (cdr l) (- i 1))))))
(define (scramble)
;;; Scrambles the blocks so that rotate left & rotate right actually
;;; transform the shape instead of rotating it. Call this function
;;; before playing to play a variant of stetris.
(let ((l ()))
(dotimes (shape (vector-length shape-list-vect))
(dotimes (pos (num-rotations shape))
(set! l
(vector-ref (vector-ref shape-list-vect shape)
(dotimes (shape (vector-length shape-list-vect))
(dotimes (pos (num-rotations shape))
(let ((i (random (length l))))
(vector-set! (vector-ref shape-list-vect shape)
(list-ref l i))
(set! l (delete-list-el l i)))))))
;;; Specifies the color that each shape has.
(define (colors-of shape)
(case shape
(0 "red")
(1 "green")
(2 "blue")
(3 "yellow")
(4 "purple")
(5 "orange")
(6 "cyan")))
(define-method quick-change ((self <stetris-piece>))
;;; Repositions the blocks of a stetris piece according to it's shape &
;;; rotation. Basically just does this by force - setting each blocks
;;; position according to shape-list.
(let ((x (x-of self))
(y (y-of self)))
(lambda (b p)
(slot-set! b 'x (+ x (car p)))
(slot-set! b 'y (+ y (cadr p)))
(slot-set! b 'coords (block-pos-coords
(+ x (car p)) (+ y (cadr p)))))
(blocks-of self)
(shape-list (shape-of self) (rotation-of self)))))
(define (ok-spots p x y tag)
;;; p is a list of coordinate offsets from point (x y). This routine
;;; returns true iff each coordinate in p + (x y) is a good
;;; postion for the block with the specified tag. Basically, just
;;; makes sure that each block would be on the screen & not on top of
;;; any other blocks. The tag is needed so that we ignore the pieces
;;; blocks themselves when checking that locations are unoccupied.
(cond ((null? p) #t)
(and (ok-spot (+ x (caar p)) (+ y (cadar p)) tag)
(ok-spots (cdr p) x y tag)))))
(define (ok-spots-by-type shape rotation x y tag)
;;; Same as ok-spots, except takes a shape & a rotation instead of a
;;; list of coordinate offsets. A convenient wrapper for ok-spots.
(ok-spots (shape-list (shape-of self) (rotation-of self))
x y tag))
(define-method ok-new-spot ((self <stetris-piece>))
;;; Same as ok-spots, except gets all its arguments from a
;;; stetris-piece. Another convenient wrapper for ok-spots.
(ok-spots (shape-list (shape-of self) (rotation-of self))
(x-of self) (y-of self) (tag-of self)))
(define-method incr-rotation ((self <stetris-piece>) incr)
;;; Sets block to next rotation.
(slot-set! self 'rotation (modulo (+ (rotation-of self) incr)
(num-rotations (shape-of self))))
(if (ok-new-spot self)
(quick-change self)
(slot-set! self 'rotation (modulo (- (rotation-of self) incr)
(num-rotations (shape-of self))))))
(define-method fall ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Drops piece t one row (if possible). Returns true iff the piece
;;; was able to move down.
(cond ((can-fall? t)
(slot-set! t 'y (1+ (y-of t)))
(for-each fall (blocks-of t))
(define-method can-fall? ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Returns true iff t can move down one row.
(ok-spots (shape-list (shape-of t) (rotation-of t))
(x-of t) (1+ (y-of t)) (tag-of t)))
(define-method up ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Moves t up one row (if possible). Returns true iff t was able to
;;; move up.
(cond ((can-up? t)
(slot-set! t 'y (1- (y-of t)))
(for-each up (blocks-of t))
(define-method can-up? ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Returns true iff t can move up one row.
(ok-spots (shape-list (shape-of t) (rotation-of t))
(x-of t) (1- (y-of t)) (tag-of t)))
(define-method left ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Moves t left one column (if possible). Returns true iff t was
;;; able to move left.
(cond ((can-left? t)
(slot-set! t 'x (1- (x-of t)))
(for-each left (blocks-of t))
(define-method can-left? ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Returns true iff t can move left one column.
(ok-spots (shape-list (shape-of t) (rotation-of t))
(1- (x-of t)) (y-of t) (tag-of t)))
(define-method right ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Moves t right one column (if possible). Returns true iff t was
;;; able to move right.
(cond ((can-right? t)
(slot-set! t 'x (1+ (x-of t)))
(for-each right (blocks-of t))
(define-method can-right? ((t <stetris-piece>))
;;; Returns true iff t can move right one column.
(ok-spots (shape-list (shape-of t) (rotation-of t))
(1+ (x-of t)) (y-of t) (tag-of t)))
(define (new-game)
;;; Starts new game by clearing the screen, resetting global counts,
;;; etc. We bind the piece moving actions here (and unbind them when
;;; the game stops) so that the user can only move pieces during game
;;; play.
(set! quit-now #t)
(after (* 2 fall-delay)
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(for-each destroy (find-items stetris-canvas 'all))
(set! current-piece (make-new-stetris-piece))
(bind-action-list game-play-bindings)
(define (continue-game)
;;; Continues game after a pause.
(bind-action-list game-play-bindings)
(cond (quit-now
(set! quit-now #f)
(define (play-sound soundfile)
;;; Plays specified sound (very crude for now - just cats it to /dev/audio).
(! (format #f "cat ~A >/dev/audio&" soundfile)))
(define (game-sound sound)
;;; Plays specified game sound (specified by a symbol in the soundmap
;;; assoc list).
(let ((soundfilepair (assq sound soundmap)))
(if soundfilepair
(play-sound (string-append sounddir "/" (cadr soundfilepair))))))
(define (fini)
;;; Called when the game is over.
(set! game-over "game over")
(set! quit-now #t)
(game-sound 'game-over))
(define maybe-play-looks-bad
;;; Play the looks bad sound only when a piece stops within 8 rows
;;; from the top, and don't play it again until after the top 20 rows
;;; have been cleared.
(let ((play #t))
(lambda ()
(cond ((and play
(< (y-of current-piece) 8))
(game-sound 'near-end)
(set! play #f))
((> (y-of current-piece) 20)
(set! play #t))))))
(define (update-score-value delay count)
(set! score
(+ score
(/ 30000 (* delay count)
(define (update-delay)
(set! delta-count (1+ delta-count))
(set! time-to-speedup (time-left))
(cond ((> (* fall-delay delta-count) level-time)
(define (increase-level)
(let ((new-fall-delay
(max (inexact->exact (* delta-reducer fall-delay))
(cond ((< new-fall-delay fall-delay)
(set! fall-delay new-fall-delay)
(set! delta-count 0)
(set! level-number (1+ level-number))
(set! time-to-speedup (time-left))
(game-sound 'goto-next-level)
(else #f))))
(define (update-screen)
;;; This is the game play function. It makes sure that the pieces
;;; fall one row every fall-delay milliseconds, updates the screen,
;;; etc.
(cond ((not quit-now)
(after fall-delay '(update-screen))
(cond ((not (fall current-piece))
;;; (game-sound 'piece-landed)
(update "idletasks")
(set! current-piece
(update-score-value fall-delay
(- move-count old-count))
(set! old-count move-count)
(cond ((not (can-fall? current-piece))
;;; (game-sound 'piece-moved)
(set! move-count (1+ move-count))
(define make-new-stetris-piece
;;; Called every time a new piece is needed.
(let ((count 0)
(shape 0))
(lambda ()
(set! shape (random (vector-length shape-list-vect)))
(set! count (1+ count))
(make <stetris-piece>
:parent stetris-canvas
:coords '(0 0 0 0)
:x (center-position shape) :y -2
:shape shape
:tag (number->string count)))))
(define (center-position shape)
;;; Proper x coord to use to get shape to appear in center of screen.
;;; I could recompute the piece offsets so that all pieces appear
;;; centered for the same stetris-piece coordinate, but that's too
;;; much work...
(case shape
(0 0)
(1 1)
(2 0)
(3 0)
(4 0)
(5 1)
(6 0)))
;;;;;; ----------------- Game Control Functions -----------------------
;;; Functions for keyboard control of pieces
(define (do-left)
(left current-piece)
(update "idletasks"))
(define (do-right)
(right current-piece)
(update "idletasks"))
(define (do-fall)
(while (fall current-piece)
(update "idletasks")))
(define (do-rotate-right)
(incr-rotation current-piece 1)
(update "idletasks"))
(define (do-rotate-left)
(incr-rotation current-piece -1)
(update "idletasks"))
;;; Game control functions.
(define (do-exit)
(destroy *root*))
(define (do-new-game)
(define (do-end-game)
(define canvas-background-color (slot-ref stetris-canvas 'background))
(define (hide-game)
(for-each hide (find-items stetris-canvas 'all))
(slot-set! stetris-canvas 'background 'black))
(define (show-game)
(for-each show (find-items stetris-canvas 'all))
(slot-set! stetris-canvas 'background canvas-background-color))
(define (do-pause)
(cond ((not quit-now)
(set! paused-game #t)
(set! quit-now #t))))
(define (do-continue-game)
(cond (paused-game
(bind-action-list game-play-bindings)
(set! paused-game #f)
;;; Between game functions
(define (do-help)
(stk::make-dialog :title "stetris help"
:text (help-text)
:buttons `( ("Ok" ,(lambda () ())))))
(define (do-scramble)
(cond (quit-now
(define (do-unscramble)
(cond (quit-now
(define (do-increase-level)
(let ((tl (max 0 (ms-left))))
(cond ((increase-level)
(set! score (+ score (inexact->exact
(* bump-bonus
(/ tl level-time)))))))))
;;; ---------- Functions for binding actions to keys -----------------
(define (bind-action-list l)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(bind 'all (car x) (cadr x)))
(define (cancel-bindings l)
(bind-action-list (map (lambda (x) (list (car x) ()))
(define (cancel-movement-bindings)
(cancel-bindings game-play-bindings))
;;; ----- Dead block maintenance routines.
(define (clear-filled-rows)
;;; Hairy function which clears all filled rows. It explicitly
;;; garbage collects before & after doing all work since this is the
;;; only decent time for such. When run with 75000 cells then there
;;; is no need for gc's (and thus no pauses) when blocks are falling.
(define (row-of block) (caar block))
(define (block-of block) (cadar block))
(let ((curr-row (make-vector (1+ play-cols)))
(curr-row-size -1)
(curr-row-num 0)
(amt-to-fall 0))
(do ((blocks (sort (map (lambda (b) (list (y-of b) b))
(find-items stetris-canvas 'all))
(lambda (x y) (> (car x) (car y))))
(cdr blocks)))
((null? blocks))
(cond ((not (= curr-row-num (row-of blocks)))
(cond ((= curr-row-size play-cols) ; delete row
(dotimes (j (1+ curr-row-size))
(destroy (vector-ref curr-row j)))
(set! amt-to-fall (1+ amt-to-fall))
(set! curr-row-size -1)
(set! curr-row-num (row-of blocks))))
(dotimes (j amt-to-fall)
(fall (block-of blocks))
(update "idletasks"))
(set! curr-row-size (1+ curr-row-size))
(vector-set! curr-row curr-row-size (block-of blocks)))
(set! score (+ score (* amt-to-fall 10)))
(if (= amt-to-fall 3) (game-sound 'three-in-row))
(if (= amt-to-fall 4) (game-sound 'four-in-row))
(define (check-blocks)
;;; This function useful when the above function wasn't working.
(for-each (lambda (b) (format #t "~A\n" b))
(sort (map (lambda (b) (list (y-of b) (x-of b) b))
(find-items stetris-canvas 'all))
(lambda (x y) (or (> (car x) (car y))
(and (= (car x) (car y))
(< (cadr x) (cadr y))))))))
;;; ----------------- Help Text ---------------------------
(define (help-text)
;; Constructs help string for help window.
(define (pad-to len str)
(define (pad-to-aux len l)
(cond ((null? l) (string->list (make-string len #\space)))
((<= len 0) ())
(else (cons (car l)
(pad-to-aux (1- len) (cdr l))))))
(list->string (pad-to-aux len (string->list str))))
(define (help-strings l)
(map (lambda (x) (format #f "~A\t~A\n"
(pad-to 12 (car x))
(action-description (cadr x))))
(apply string-append `(
Welcome to stetris - A falling block game reminiscent of another
falling block game whose name we won't mention :).
The game controls are as follows:\n"
"\n Game control:\n"
,@(help-strings control-bindings)
"\n Movement control:\n"
,@(help-strings game-play-bindings)
"\n Other (only available between games):\n"
,@(help-strings non-game-play-bindings))))
;;; ----------------- Define binding maps ---------------
(define control-bindings ; Game control actions.
`(("<q>" ,do-exit) ; Always available.
("<n>" ,do-new-game)
("<e>" ,do-end-game)
("<p>" ,do-pause)
("<c>" ,do-continue-game)
("<h>" ,do-help)
("<b>" ,do-increase-level)))
(define game-play-bindings ; Bindings for moving pieces.
`(("<j>" ,do-left) ; Only available during play.
("<Left>" ,do-left)
("<l>" ,do-right)
("<Right>" ,do-right)
("<k>" ,do-rotate-right) ; clockwise.
("<Down>" ,do-rotate-right)
("<i>" ,do-rotate-left)
("<Up>" ,do-rotate-left)
("<space>" ,do-fall)
("<5>" ,do-fall)))
(define non-game-play-bindings ; Bindings only available
`(("<s>" ,do-scramble) ; between games.
("<u>" ,do-unscramble)))
;; Game action descriptions
(define (action-description act)
(let ((descr (assoc act action-description-list)))
(if descr
(cadr descr)
(format #f "No description for ~s" act))))
(define action-description-list
`((,do-left "Move left")
(,do-right "Move right")
(,do-rotate-left "Rotate counter-clockwise")
(,do-rotate-right "Rotate clockwise")
(,do-fall "Fall")
(,do-scramble "Scramble blocks")
(,do-unscramble "Unscramble blocks")
(,do-help "Help")
(,do-exit "Exit")
(,do-new-game "New game")
(,do-end-game "End game")
(,do-pause "Pause game")
(,do-increase-level "Bump up level by one")
(,do-continue-game "Continue after pause")))
;;; ----------------- Bind the keys --------------------
(bind-action-list control-bindings)
(bind-action-list non-game-play-bindings)
;;; ----------------- Set up some global vars -----------------
(gc) ; Get a gc in before starting.
;;; regexp for finding variable c:
;;;[ ()
;;;]c[ ()