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;;;; I m a g e . s t k -- The Tk4.0 image mechanism
;;;; Copyright <20> 1993-1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <eg@unice.fr>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio [eg@unice.fr]
;;;; Creation date: 26-Jul-1995 11:23
;;;; Last file update: 13-Dec-1995 23:25
(require "Basics")
;;;; <Tk-image> class definition
(define-class <Tk-Image> ()
((Id :getter Id)
(file :accessor file
:init-keyword :file
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(data :accessor image-data
:init-keyword :data
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
(define-method initialize ((self <Tk-Image>) initargs)
(let ((tk-options (get-keyword :tk-options initargs '())))
(slot-set! self 'id (initialize-image self tk-options))
;;; Tk-write-object is called when a STklos object is passed to a Tk-command.
;;; By default, we do the same job as write; but if an object is a <Tk-Image>
;;; we will pass it its id. This method does this job.
(define-method Tk-write-object((self <Tk-Image>) port)
(write (widget-name (slot-ref self 'id)) port))
;;; Destroy
(define-method destroy ((self <Tk-image>))
(Tk:image 'delete self))
;;;; <Bitmap-image> class definition
(define-class <Bitmap-image> (<Tk-Image>)
((background :accessor background
:init-keyword :background
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(foreground :accessor foreground
:init-keyword :foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(mask-data :accessor mask-data
:init-keyword :mask-data
:tk-name maskdata
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(mask-file :accessor mask-file
:init-keyword :mask-file
:tk-name maskfile
:allocation :tk-virtual)))
(define-method initialize-image((self <Bitmap-image>) args)
(apply Tk:image 'create 'bitmap (gensym "img") args))
;;;; <Photo-image> class definition
(define-class <Photo-image> (<Tk-Image>)
(define-method initialize-image((self <Photo-image>) args)
(apply Tk:image 'create 'photo (gensym "img") args))
(provide "Image")