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1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; F i l e b o x . s t k -- File Box composite widget
;;;; Copyright <20> 1993-1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 22-Mar-1994 13:05
;;;; Last file update: 13-Aug-1996 23:18
(require "unix")
(require "Toplevel")
(require "Button")
(require "Paned")
(require "Scrollbox")
(require "Lentry")
;;;; <File-box> class-definition
(define-class <File-box> (<Tk-composite-widget>)
(paned ;; paned and button are not intended to the user
(left-frame :accessor left-frame-of)
(right-frame :accessor right-frame-of)
(left-title :accessor left-title-of)
(right-title :accessor right-title-of)
(lentry :accessor lentry-of)
(ok-button :accessor ok-button-of)
(canc-button :accessor cancel-button-of)
(help-button :accessor help-button-of)
(all-button :accessor all-button-of)
;; Fictives slots
(value :accessor value
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (lentry))
(background :accessor background
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (frame paned buttons left-frame right-frame
left-title right-title lentry
ok-button canc-button help-button all-button))
(width :accessor width
:init-keyword :width
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (frame))
(height :accessor height
:init-keyword :height
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (frame))))
;;;; <File-box> methods
;;; Interface
(define-method initialize-composite-widget ((self <File-box>) initargs frame)
(let* ((paned (make <VPaned> :parent frame :fraction 0.3))
(f (make <Frame> :parent frame))
(lf (left-frame-of paned))
(rf (right-frame-of paned)))
(slot-set! self 'paned paned)
(slot-set! self 'buttons f)
(slot-set! self 'left-frame (make <Scroll-Listbox> :parent lf))
(slot-set! self 'right-frame (make <Scroll-Listbox> :parent rf))
(slot-set! self 'left-title (make <Label> :parent lf :text "Parents"))
(slot-set! self 'right-title (make <Label> :parent rf :text "Files"))
(slot-set! self 'lentry (make <Labeled-entry> :parent frame
:title "File name"))
(slot-set! self 'ok-button (make <Button> :text " Ok " :parent f))
(slot-set! self 'canc-button (make <Button> :text " Cancel " :parent f))
(slot-set! self 'help-button (make <Button> :text " Help " :parent f))
(slot-set! self 'all-button (make <Check-button> :text "All files"
:parent f))
;; Pack everybody
(pack [left-title-of self] [right-title-of self] :fill "x") ; lists titles
(pack [left-frame-of self] ; paned
[right-frame-of self]
:expand #t :fill "both" :padx 4 :pady 5)
(pack [lentry-of self] :fill "x" :padx 5 :pady 5) ; lentry
(pack [ok-button-of self] ; bottom buttons
[cancel-button-of self]
[all-button-of self]
[help-button-of self]
:side "left" :expand #t :ipadx 3 :ipady 3)
(pack f :fill "x" :side "bottom" :padx 10 :pady 10) ; bot but's frame
;; Set grip visible
(set! (background (grip-of paned)) "red")
;; Set geometry of this widget (necessary to avoid a 0x0 widget).
(slot-set! paned 'width (get-keyword :width initargs 400))
(slot-set! paned 'height (get-keyword :height initargs 200))
;; Don't export selection on Listboxes
(slot-set! (left-frame-of self) 'export-selection #f)
(slot-set! (right-frame-of self) 'export-selection #f)
;; Associate bindings
(STk:associate-bindings self)
;; Initialize listboxes
(let ((dir (getcwd)))
(slot-set! self 'value dir)
(scan-directory self dir))))
;;;; Bindings association
(define-method STk:associate-bindings ((self <File-box>))
(let ((directory (slot-ref self 'value))
(& string-append))
;; toggle-all-files
(define (toggle-all-files fb)
(let ((val (slot-ref fb 'value)))
(unless (file-is-directory? val)
(set! val (dirname val)))
(slot-set! fb 'value val)
(scan-directory fb val)))
;; choose-parent
(define (choose-parent fb)
(let* ((lb (left-frame-of fb))
(sel (current-selection lb)))
(when sel
;; Read all component from 0 to sel and append them in a string
(let ((dir "")
(sel (car sel)))
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((> i sel))
(set! dir (& dir "/" (get lb i))))
(let ((new-dir (if (string=? dir "") "/" dir)))
(slot-set! fb 'value new-dir)
(scan-directory fb new-dir))))))
;; choose-file
(define (choose-file fb)
(let* ((lb (right-frame-of fb))
(sel (current-selection lb)))
(when sel
(let* ((sel (car sel))
(val (& (slot-ref fb 'value) "/" (get lb sel))))
(if (file-is-directory? val)
;; Make a new file name
(let ((cur (getcwd)))
;; Make a pretty name (i.e. avoid things such as /a/b/../c)
(chdir val)
(set! val (getcwd))
(chdir cur)))
(slot-set! fb 'value val)
(scan-directory fb val))
(invoke fb))))))
;; complete-file
(define (complete-file fb)
(let ((val (sort (glob (& (value fb) "*")) string<?)))
(when (= (length val) 1)
(let ((f (car val)))
(if (file-is-directory? f) (set! f (& f "/")))
(slot-set! fb 'value f)
(scan-directory fb f))))
;; Keep focus on the labeled entry widget
;; STk:associate-binding starts here
;;Display current directory in the labeled entry
(slot-set! self 'value (getcwd))
;; All files button
(slot-set! (all-button-of self) 'command (lambda () (toggle-all-files self)))
;; Help button
(slot-set! (help-button-of self) 'command
(lambda ()
(STk:show-help-file "fbox-hlp.html")))
;; Button release in paned
(bind (listbox-of (left-frame-of self)) "<Double-1>" (lambda ()
(choose-parent self)))
(bind (listbox-of (right-frame-of self)) "<Double-1>" (lambda ()
(choose-file self)))
;; Tab in the entry
(bind (entry-of (lentry-of self)) "<space>" (lambda () (complete-file self)))
(bind (entry-of (lentry-of self)) "<Tab>" (lambda () (complete-file self)))
;; Return in the entry
(bind (entry-of (lentry-of self)) "<Return>" (lambda () (invoke self)))))
;;; invoke
(define-method invoke ((self <File-box>))
(invoke (ok-button-of self)))
;; Directory listing
(define-method scan-directory ((fb <File-box>) directory)
(let ((& string-append))
(when (file-is-directory? directory)
(let ((files (if (value (all-button-of fb))
(glob (& directory "/*") (& directory "/.*"))
(glob (& directory "/*")))))
;; Display the right part
(delete (right-frame-of fb) 0 'end)
(apply insert (right-frame-of fb) 0
(map (lambda (x) (basename x)) (sort files string<?)))
;; Display the left part
(delete (left-frame-of fb) 0 'end)
(apply insert (left-frame-of fb) 0 (decompose-file-name directory))))))
;;;; make-file-box
;;;; User function which permits to create a toplevel containing a
;;;; file selection box. Result is the value of the file choosen
;;;; or #f if the CANCEL button has been depressed
(define stk:filebox-lock #F) ;; lock variable
(define (make-file-box . title)
(define (file-box-value fb)
(let* ((lb (right-frame-of fb))
(sel (current-selection lb))
(val (value fb)))
(if (file-is-directory? val)
(string-append val (if sel (string-append "/" (get lb (car sel))) ""))
(let* ((t (make <Toplevel> :class "FileSelector"
:title (if (null? title) "File Selection" (car title))))
(f (make <File-Box> :parent t))
(res #t))
;; map the filebox
(pack f :expand #t :fill "both")
;; Associate actions to Ok and Cancel button
(set! (command (ok-button-of f))
(lambda ()
(set! res (file-box-value f))
(set! stk:filebox-lock 'ok)))
(set! (command (cancel-button-of f))
(lambda ()
(set! res #f)
(set! stk:filebox-lock 'cancel)))
(bind t "<Destroy>" (lambda () (set! stk:filebox-lock 'destroy)))
;; and now wait an event
(tkwait 'variable 'stk:filebox-lock)
;; Destroy the window
(catch (destroy t))
;; Return the value of res
(provide "Filebox")