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1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; C a n v a s . s t k -- Canvas class definition
1999-09-05 07:16:41 -04:00
;;;; Copyright <20> 1993-1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
1999-09-05 07:16:41 -04:00
;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,and license this
;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
;;;; provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
;;;; copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
;;;; distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is
;;;; required for any of the authorized uses.
;;;; This software is provided ``AS IS'' without express or implied
;;;; warranty.
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 18-Aug-1993 19:55
1999-09-05 07:16:41 -04:00
;;;; Last file update: 3-Sep-1999 20:09 (eg)
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(require "hash")
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(require "Basics")
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export add-tag bounding-box bind canvas-x canvas-y coords (setter coords)
delete-chars canvas-delete delete-tag find-items item-with-focus
focus get-tags icursor text-index text-insert item-configure lower
move postscript raise rescale scan text-selection
x-view x-view-scroll-units x-view-scroll-pages x-view-moveto
y-view y-view-scroll-units y-view-scroll-pages y-view-moveto
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; Canvas class definition
(define-class <Canvas> (<Tk-simple-widget> <Tk-sizeable> <Tk-xyscrollable>
<Tk-editable> <Tk-selectable>)
((items :initform (make-hash-table))
(close-enough :init-keyword :close-enough
:accessor close-enough
:tk-name closeenough
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(confine :init-keyword :confine
:accessor confine
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(x-scroll-increment :init-keyword :x-scroll-increment
:accessor x-scroll-increment
:tk-name xscrollincrement
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(y-scroll-increment :init-keyword :y-xscroll-increment
:accessor y-scroll-increment
:tk-name yscrollincrement
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(scroll-region :init-keyword :scroll-region
:accessor scroll-region
:tk-name scrollregion
:allocation :tk-virtual)))
(define-method tk-constructor ((self <Canvas>))
;;;; Utilities
;; tag-value delivers the integer Id of an object. A method for canvas items
;; will be defined later
(define-method tag-value ((object <top>))
(if (or (symbol? object) (integer? object) (string? object))
(error "**** object ~A is not contained in a canvas" object)))
;;;; <Canvas> methods
;;; Add-tag
(define-method add-tag ((self <Canvas>) tag . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'addtag tag args))
;;; Bounding-box
(define-method bounding-box ((self <Canvas>) tag)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'bbox (tag-value tag)))
;;; Bind
(define-method bind ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id . args)
(if (and (string? tag-or-Id)
(> (string-length tag-or-Id) 2)
(eq? (string-ref tag-or-Id 0) #\<))
(apply bind (slot-ref self 'Id) tag-or-Id args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'bind (tag-value tag-or-Id) args)))
;;; Canvas-x
(define-method canvas-x ((self <Canvas>) screenx . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'canvasx screenx args))
;;; Canvas-y
(define-method canvas-y ((self <Canvas>) screeny . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'canvasy screeny args))
;;; Coords et (setter coords)
(define-method coords ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'coords (tag-value tag-or-Id)))
(define-method (setter coords) ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'coords (tag-value tag-or-Id) args))
;;; Delete-chars
(define-method delete-chars ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id first . last)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'dchars (tag-value tag-or-Id) first last))
;;; Delete (BUG. This procedure doesn't clean the hash table).....
(define-method canvas-delete ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'delete (map tag-value args)))
;;; Delete-tag
(define-method delete-tag ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id . tag-to-delete)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'dtag (tag-value tag-or-Id) tag-to-delete))
;;; Find-items
(define-method find-items ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(let ((result (apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'find args)))
(if (list? result)
(map (lambda (x) (Cid->instance self x)) result)
(Cid->instance self result))))
;;; Focus
(define-method item-with-focus ((self <Canvas>))
(Cid->instance self ((slot-ref self 'Id) 'focus)))
(define-method focus ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-id)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'focus (tag-value tag-or-id)))
;;; Get-tags
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(define-method get-tags ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id)
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'gettags (tag-value tag-or-Id)))
;;; Icursor
(define-method icursor ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-id index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'icursor (tag-value tag-or-Id) index))
;;; Index
(define-method text-index ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-id index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'index (tag-value tag-or-Id) index))
;;; Insert
(define-method text-insert ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-id before string)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'insert (tag-value tag-or-Id) before string))
;;; Item-configure
(define-method item-configure ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-id . args )
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'itemconfigure (tag-value tag-or-Id) args))
;;; Lower
(define-method lower ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id . below)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'lower (tag-value tag-or-Id) (map tag-value below)))
;;; Move
(define-method move ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id x y)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'move (tag-value tag-or-Id) x y))
;;; Postscript
(define-method postscript ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'postscript args))
;;; Raise
(define-method raise ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id . above)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'raise (tag-value tag-or-Id) (map tag-value above)))
;;; Rescale
(define-method rescale ((self <Canvas>) tag-or-Id x y xs ys)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'scale (tag-value tag-or-Id) x y xs ys))
;;; Scan
(define-method scan ((self <Canvas>) option x y)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'scan option x y))
;;; Text-selection
(define-method text-selection ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'select args))
;;;;;; item-type can be obtained by (class-name(class-of xxx))
;;; x-view family
(define-method x-view ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'xview args))
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(define-method x-view-scroll-units ((self <Canvas>) num)
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'xview 'scroll num 'units))
(define-method x-view-scroll-pages((self <Canvas>) num)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'xview 'scroll num 'pages))
(define-method x-view-moveto((self <Canvas>) fraction)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'xview 'moveto fraction))
;;; y-view family
(define-method y-view ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'yview args))
(define-method y-view-scroll-units((self <Canvas>) num)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'yview 'scroll num 'units))
(define-method y-view-scroll-pages((self <Canvas>) num)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'yview 'scroll num 'pages))
(define-method y-view-moveto((self <Canvas>) fraction)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'yview 'moveto fraction))
;;;; bind-for-dragging
:;;; You can specify a :start, :before-motion, :after-motion, and :stop scripts
;;;; If :before-motion returns #f the the object is not displaced and the
;;;; :after-motion closure is not applied.
;;;; Old :motion hook is equivalent to :after-motion but its use is deprecated
(define-generic bind-for-dragging)
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(let ()
(define last-x 0)
(define last-y 0)
(define instance-selected '())
(define (start-drag instance x y closure tag)
(let ((tag (or tag (car ((slot-ref instance 'Id) 'find 'with 'current)))))
(delete-tag instance 'selected)
(add-tag instance 'selected 'with tag)
(raise instance 'selected)
(set! last-x x)
(set! last-y y)
(set! instance-selected (Cid->instance instance tag))
;; Apply user :start hook
(if closure
(closure instance-selected x y))))
(define (motion-drag instance x y before after)
(let ((continue #t))
;; Apply user :before-motion hook
(if before
(set! continue (before instance-selected x y)))
(when continue
(move instance 'selected (- x last-x) (- y last-y))
(set! last-x x)
(set! last-y y)
;; Apply user :after-motion hook
(if after
(after instance-selected x y)))))
(define (fast-motion-drag instance x y)
(move instance 'selected (- x last-x) (- y last-y))
(set! last-x x)
(set! last-y y))
(define (stop-drag instance x y closure)
(delete-tag instance 'selected)
;; Apply user :stop hook
(if closure
(closure instance-selected x y)))
(add-method bind-for-dragging (method ((self <Canvas>) . args)
(let* ((Id (slot-ref self 'Id))
(who (tag-value (get-keyword :tag args 'all)))
(but (get-keyword :button args 1))
(mod (get-keyword :modifier args ""))
(alone (get-keyword :only-current args #t))
(str (if (equal? mod "") "" (string-append mod "-")))
(start (get-keyword :start args #f))
(before (get-keyword :before-motion args #f))
(after (get-keyword :after-motion args (get-keyword :motion args #f)))
(stop (get-keyword :stop args #f)))
;; Start binding
(bind self who (format #f "<~AButtonPress-~A>" str but)
(lambda (x y) (start-drag self x y start (if alone #f who))))
;; Motion binding
(bind self who (format #f "<~AB~A-Motion>" str but)
(if (or before after)
(lambda (x y) (motion-drag self x y before after))
;; Provide a faster motion handler
(lambda (x y) (fast-motion-drag self x y))))
;; Stop binding
(bind self who (format #f "<~AButtonRelease-~A>" str but)
(lambda (x y) (stop-drag self x y stop)))))))
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(load "Canvitem")
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(provide "Canvas")