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1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; M e n u . s t k -- Menu Class definition
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;;;; Copyright <20> 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; This software is a derivative work of other copyrighted softwares; the
;;;; copyright notices of these softwares are placed in the file COPYRIGHTS
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;;;; $Id: Menu.stklos 1.2 Sat, 24 Jan 1998 15:12:00 +0100 eg $
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 3-Mar-1994 21:03
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;;;; Last file update: 24-Jan-1998 13:39
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(require "Basics")
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export ;; Menu methods
activate menu-add delete disable enable menu-entry-configure
menu-index invoke menu-post menu-unpost menu-y-position
;; Menu-button Methods
menu-of (setter menu-of)
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;;;; <Menu> class definition
(define-class <Menu> (<Tk-simple-widget>)
(;; The slots hilight* are overloaded here since they don't exist in Tk
;; Change the hierarchy?
(highlight-background :accessor highlight-background
:init-keyword :highlight-background
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda (o) #f)
:slot-set! (lambda (o v) v))
(highlight-color :accessor highlight-color
:init-keyword :highlight-color
:tk-name highlightcolor
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda (o) #f)
:slot-set! (lambda (o v) v))
(highlight-thickness :accessor highlight-thickness
:init-keyword :highlight-thickness
:tk-name highlightthick
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda (o) #f)
:slot-set! (lambda (o v) v))
(active-background :init-keyword :active-background
:accessor active-background
:tk-name activebackground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(active-border-width :init-keyword :active-border-width
:accessor active-border-width
:tk-name activeborderwidth
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(active-foreground :init-keyword :active-foreground
:accessor active-foreground
:tk-name activeforeground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(disabled-foreground :init-keyword :disabled-foreground
:accessor disabled-foreground
:tk-name disabledforeground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(font :init-keyword :font
:accessor font
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(foreground :init-keyword :foreground
:accessor foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(post-command :init-keyword :post-command
:accessor post-command
:tk-name postcommand
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(select-color :init-keyword :select-color
:accessor select-color
:tk-name selectcolor
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(tear-off :init-keyword :tear-off
:accessor tear-off
:tk-name tearoff
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(title :init-keyword :title
:accessor title
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(type :init-keyword :type
:accessor type
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
:allocation :tk-virtual))
:metaclass <Tk-metaclass>)
(define-method tk-constructor ((self <Menu>))
;;;; <Menu> methods
;;; Activate
(define-method activate ((self <Menu>) index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'activate index))
;;; Menu-add
(define-method menu-add ((self <Menu>) type . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'add type args))
;;; Delete
(define-method delete ((self <Menu>) index1 . index2)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'delete index1 index2))
;;; Disable
(define-method disable ((self <Menu>) index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'entryconfigure index :state "disabled"))
;;; Enable
(define-method enable ((self <Menu>) index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'entryconfigure index :state "normal"))
;;; Menu-entry-configure
(define-method menu-entry-configure ((self <Menu>) index . args)
(apply (slot-ref self 'Id) 'entryconf index args))
;;; Menu-index
(define-method menu-index ((self <Menu>) index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'index index))
;;; Invoke
(define-method invoke ((self <Menu>) index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'invoke index))
;;; Menu-Post
(define-method menu-post ((self <Menu>) x y)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'post x y))
;;; Menu-unpost
(define-method menu-unpost ((self <Menu>))
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'unpost))
;;; Menu-y-position
(define-method menu-y-position ((self <Menu>) index)
((slot-ref self 'Id) 'ypos index))
;;;; <Menu-button> class definition
(define-class <Menu-button> (<Tk-simple-widget> <Tk-sizeable> <Tk-bitmap>
((active-background :accessor active-background
:init-keyword :active-background
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name activebackground)
(active-foreground :accessor active-foreground
:init-keyword :active-foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name activeforeground)
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(direction :accessor direction
:init-keyword :direction
:allocation :tk-virtual)
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(disabled-foreground :accessor disabled-foreground
:init-keyword :disabled-foreground
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name disabledf)
(indicator-on :init-keyword :indicator-on
:accessor indicator-on
:allocation :tk-virtual
:tk-name indicatoron)
(menu :accessor menu-of
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(state :accessor state
:init-keyword :state
:allocation :tk-virtual)
(underline :accessor underline
:init-keyword :underline
:allocation :tk-virtual)))
(define-method tk-constructor ((self <Menu-button>))
(define-method initialize ((self <Menu>) initargs)
;; Do normal initialization
;; If a parent is specified, modify the parent menu-button to point self
(let ((parent (get-keyword :parent initargs #f)))
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
(if (and parent (slot-exists? parent 'menu))
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
(slot-set! parent 'menu (Id self)))))
;;; Define new accessors for menu slot to allow (set! (menu m-b) m) where m is an
;;; instance.
;;; Note that not init-keyword exists for menu since a menu must be descendant
;;; of its's menu button (this implies it must be created after its menu button).
(define-method (setter menu-of) ((self <Menu-button>) (v <Menu>))
(slot-set! self 'menu (slot-ref v 'Id)))
(define-method menu-of ((self <Menu-button>))
(Id->instance (slot-ref self 'menu)))
;;;; Make-menubar -- A simper way to make menus
(define (make-menubar parent l)
(define (make-menu parent items)
(let ((m (make <Menu> :parent parent)))
(for-each (lambda (item)
; Separator
((equal? (car item) "")
(menu-add m 'separator))
; Normal Menu
((and (= (length item) 2)
(procedure? (cadr item))
(menu-add m 'command :label (car item)
:command (cadr item))))
; Cascade menu
((and (= (length item) 2)
(list? (cadr item))
(menu-add m 'cascade :label (car item)
:menu (make-menu m (cadr item)))))
(apply menu-add m item))))
(let ((f (make <Frame> :parent parent)))
;; Store l in the f object to avoid GC problems
(set-widget-data! (Id f)
`(:menu ,l ,@(get-widget-data (Id f))))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(let* ((title (if (list? (car x)) (caar x) (car x)))
(rest (cdr x))
(mb (make <Menu-button> :text title :parent f)))
(if (list? (car x))
;; User has specified pack options. Use them.
(apply pack mb (cdar x))
;; Pack menubutton on left and create its associated menu
(pack mb :side "left"))
(make-menu mb rest)))
;; Return the created frame as result
(provide "Menu")