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1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;; C'est tr<74>s laid. puisque ca peremt de d<>finir une globale et donc de
;; truander les controles d'acc<63>s.
;; (scale '.s :variable 'speed)
;; (.s 'set 1)
;; (destroy .s)
(require "image")
(define (make-animation pattern parent delay)
(let* ((files (sort (glob pattern) string<?))
(size (length files))
(images (make-vector size))
(name (gensym (& (if (eq? parent *root*) "" parent) ".l")))
(widget (label name :bd 0 :relief "flat" :background "white"
:env (the-environment))))
;; Store in the image vector all the components of the animation
(dotimes (i size)
(let ((key (list-ref files i)))
(vector-set! images
(make-image key :file key))))
;; Display the first image of the animation
(tk-set! widget :image (vector-ref images 0))
;; Animate the image
(letrec ((anim (let ((i 0))
(lambda ()
(when (winfo (quote exists) widget)
(when (>= i size)
(set! i 0))
(tk-set! widget :image (vector-ref images i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(after delay anim))))))
(after 'idle anim))
(define (change-animation-delay w delay)
(let ((env (tk-get w :env)))
(eval `(set! delay ,delay) env)))
(define x (make-animation "/users/eg/PublicHtml/img*.gif" *root* 100))
(pack x :fill "both" :expand #t)
(change-animation-delay x 1000)