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1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;;;; C o l o r b o x . s t k l o s -- A color pcicker
;;;; Copyright <20> 1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
1998-04-30 07:04:33 -04:00
;;;; $Id: Colorbox.stklos 1.2 Mon, 16 Feb 1998 07:28:39 +0000 eg $
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 2-Jan-1998 14:00
;;;; Last file update: 12-Feb-1998 15:50
(require "Basics")
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export colorbox-wait-result)
; < C o l o r - b o x >
;;;; Resources
;;;; Utilities
(define colorbox-lock #f)
(define (colorbox-set! box v update-scales?)
(let ((entry (slot-ref box 'entry))
(sample (slot-ref box 'sample)))
(set! (background sample) v)
(if update-scales?
;; Convert the value in RGB
(let ((colors (winfo 'rgb box v)))
(set! (value (slot-ref box 'R)) (modulo (car colors) 256))
(set! (value (slot-ref box 'G)) (modulo (cadr colors) 256))
(set! (value (slot-ref box 'B)) (modulo (caddr colors) 256))
;; Update to be sure that the scales have moved (and set the
;; entry accordingly), and afer that, force the value of the entry.
(update 'idletask)))
(set! (value entry) v)))
(define (colorbox-set-scale-callback box R G B)
(let* ((color (lambda (s)
(let ((n (value s)))
(string-append (if (>= n 16) "" "0")
(number->string n 16)))))
(callback (lambda l
(colorbox-set! box
(format #f "#~A~A~A" (color R)(color G)(color B))
(slot-set! R 'command callback)
(slot-set! G 'command callback)
(slot-set! B 'command callback)))
(define (colorbox-wait-result cb)
(let ((cur-grab (grab 'current cb)))
(grab 'set cb)
(tkwait 'variable 'colorbox-lock)
(and cur-grab (grab 'set cur-grab))
;; Compute result
(case colorbox-lock
((ok) (let ((res (value cb))) (destroy cb) res))
((cancel) (destroy cb) #f)
((destroy) #f))))
(define (colorbox-make-scale name box parent)
(let* ((f (make <Frame> :parent parent))
(title (make <Label> :parent f :anchor 'e :text name :width 5))
(scale (make <Scale> :parent f :from 0 :to 255 :orientation "hor"
:scale-length 255)))
(pack title :side 'left :anchor 's)
(pack scale :side 'right :fill 'x :expand #f)
(pack f :expand #f :fill 'x)
(define-class <Color-box> (<Tk-composite-toplevel>)
(r g b entry sample
(class :init-keyword :class
:init-form "ColorBox")
(title :initform "Color Selection"
:accessor title
:init-keyword :title
:allocation :propagated
:propagate-to (frame))
(value :accessor value
:init-keyword :value
:allocation :virtual
:slot-ref (lambda (o) (slot-ref (slot-ref o 'entry) 'value))
:slot-set! (lambda(o v) (colorbox-set! o v #t)))))
(define-method initialize-composite-widget ((self <Color-box>) initargs frame)
(let* ((top (make <Frame> :parent frame))
(left (make <Frame> :parent top))
(right (make <Frame> :parent top))
(label (make <Label> :parent right :anchor 'w :text "Color:"))
(entry (make <Entry> :parent right :title "Color"
:background "white" :relief "sunken"))
(sample (make <Frame> :parent right :relief "solid" :border-width 1))
(bot (make <Frame> :parent frame :border-width 2 :relief "ridge")))
(slot-set! self 'Id (Id entry))
(slot-set! self 'entry entry)
(slot-set! self 'sample sample)
(slot-set! self 'R (colorbox-make-scale "Red" self left))
(slot-set! self 'G (colorbox-make-scale "Green" self left))
(slot-set! self 'B (colorbox-make-scale "Blue" self left))
(colorbox-set-scale-callback self (slot-ref self 'R)
(slot-ref self 'G)
(slot-ref self 'B))
(bind entry "<Return>" (lambda () (colorbox-set! self (value entry) #t)))
(bind self "<Destroy>" (lambda () (set! colorbox-lock 'destroy)))
;; Left part of the widget
(pack left :side 'left :padx 10 :pady 10 :expand #f :fill 'x :anchor 'n)
;; Right part of the widget
(pack label :expand #f :fill 'x :anchor 'w)
(pack entry :expand #f :fill 'x)
(pack sample :expand #t :fill 'both :padx 20 :pady 20)
(pack right :expand #t :fill 'both :padx 10 :pady 10)
;; Buttons
(pack (make <Button> :text "Ok" :parent bot
:command (lambda () (set! colorbox-lock 'ok)))
(make <Button> :text "Cancel" :parent bot
:command (lambda () (set! colorbox-lock 'cancel)))
:side 'left :padx 5 :pady 5)
;; Top aand bottom frame
(pack top :side 'top :fill "both" :expand #t)
(pack bot :side 'top :fill "x" :expand #f)))
; Tk:choose-color (for Unix)
(when (eqv? (os-kind) 'Unix)
(define (Tk:choose-color . args)
(let* ((val (get-keyword :initial-color args "Black"))
(title (get-keyword :title args ""))
(f (make <Color-box> :value val :title title)))
;; wait a result
(colorbox-wait-result f)))
(provide "Colorbox")