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1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>STk procedures - posix manual page</TITLE></HEAD>
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
<BODY bgcolor = #ffffa0>
<H2><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./Img/ManPageYellow.gif"> posix </H2>
<I>Access to posix functions</I><P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif">
<H3><A NAME="M2">SYNOPSIS</A></H3>
(<B>posix-perror</B> <I>str</I>)
(<B>posix-stat</B> <I>filename</I>)
(<B>posix-stat-&gt;vector</B> <I>descr</I>)
(<B>posix-access </B><I>filename mode</I>)
(<B>posix-asctime</B> seconds)
(<B>posix-ctime</B> <I>seconds</I>)
(<B>posix-localtime</B> <I> seconds</I>)
(<B>posix-gmtime</B> <I>seconds</I>)
(<B>posix-mktime</B> <I>time</I>)
(<B>posix-tm-&gt;vector</B> <I>time</I>)
(<B>vector-&gt;posix-tm</B> <I>vect</I>)
(<B>posix-strftime</B> <I>format</I>)
(<B>posix-strftime</B> <I>format time</I>)
The functions of the posix library must be loaded before use with:
<PRE>(require &quot;posix&quot;)</PRE>
The functions will not be described here completely. For full details
about a functions and its behaviour, look at the corresponding Unix
manual page or to the POSIX.1 document.
<DT><A NAME="M10"><B>*errno*</B></A><DD>
is a variable which always contains the error number of last
encountered error. It is equivalent to the errno POSIX.1 variable.
<DT><A NAME="M11">(<B>posix-perror</B> <I>str</I>)</A><DD>
produces a message on the standard error output, describing the last
error encountered during a call to a system or library function. The
<I>str</I> parameter is an identifying string which will be printed before
the error message.
See <B>perror(3)</B>.
<DT><A NAME="M12"><I>FILES&nbsp;AND&nbsp;DIRECTORIES</I></A><DD>
<DT><A NAME="M13">(<B>posix-stat</B> <I>filename</I>)</A><DD>
returns a C structure which contains a description of <I>filename</I>). This
structure is not viewable by itself. Use, <B>posix-stat-&gt;vector</B>
to access its content in Scheme.If <I>filename</I> does not exists, this procedure
returns <I>#f</I>.
<DT><A NAME="M14">(<B>posix-stat-&gt;vector</B> <I>descr</I>)</A><DD>
transforms a file description sructure obtained by <B>posix-stat</B> to a Scheme
vector. The components of the vector are given here with their index:
<PRE>st_dev (0) st_ino (1)
st_mode (2) st_nlink (3)
st_uid (4) st_gid (5)
st_size (6) st_atime (7)
st_mtime (8) st_ctime (9)</PRE>
<PRE>See <B>fstat(2)</B> for details on the semantic of this fields.</PRE>
<DT><A NAME="M15">(<B>posix-access </B><I>filename mode</I>)</A><DD>
checks whether the interpreter is allowed to read, write, execute or test for
existence of <I>filename</I>. <I>Mode</I> must be one of the following constants:
<B>|R_OK|</B>, <B>|W_OK|</B>, <B>|X_OK|</B> or <B>|F_OK|</B>.
If <I>filename</I> does not exit, this function returns <B>#f</B>.
See <B>access(2)</B> for details.
<DT><A NAME="M16">(<B>posix-pipe</B>)</A><DD>
returns a pair of Scheme ports associated to a
pipe inode. If a pipe cannot be created, this function returns
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
<P><IMG ALIGN=TOP SRC="./Img/line-red.gif"><P>
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
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