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1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
1999-09-27 07:20:21 -04:00
:;exec /usr/local/bin/stk -f "$0" "$@"
1996-09-27 06:29:02 -04:00
;; STk/Scheme widget tour, Version 0.2
;; Originally for Tk/Tcl by: Andrew Payne
;; This one simplified and redesigned for STk/Scheme
;; by: Suresh Srinivas
;; Main differences are in the way the demo window is created
;; The Tk/Tcl version uses send mechanisms extensively.
;; The STk/Scheme version avoids using send mechanisms and
;; fixes the user's input so as to make the user widgets to
;; be children of a top-level widget called .wtour-wdemo
(option 'add "Tk.geometry" "+25+405" "startupFile")
(option 'add "Tk.demo-geometry" "300x300+25+25" "startupFile")
(option 'add "*Entry*BorderWidth" "2")
(option 'add "*Entry*Background" "white")
(option 'add "*Entry*Relief" "sunken")
(option 'add "*Entry*Font" "-*-courier-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
(option 'add "*Entry*Width" "40")
;; prefix all the globals with wtour
;; so that we dont screw up the global name space quite a lot
(define wtour-wdemo ".wtour-wdemo")
(define wtour-filename #f)
(define wtour-action #f)
(define wtour-mframe #f)
(define wtour-txt #f)
(define wtour-maxlessons 100)
(define wtour-nlessons #f)
(define wtour-lessons (make-vector wtour-maxlessons))
(define wtour-curlesson #f)
(define wtour-dir (if (null? *argv*) "." (car *argv*)))
(define wtour-lessondir (string-append wtour-dir "/lessons/"))
(define wtour-menus '())
(define wtour-menu-bar '())
;; some tk goodies (stolen from one of the STk demos)
(define (->string obj)
(cond ((string? obj) obj)
((number? obj) (number->string obj))
((symbol? obj) (symbol->string obj))
((tk-command? obj) (widget->string obj))
(else (error "Cannot convert ~S to a string" obj))))
(define (& . l)
(let loop ((l l) (s ""))
(if (null? l)
(loop (cdr l) (string-append s (->string (car l)))))))
;; Make a text widget with an attached scrollbar
(define (mktext w)
(let ((scl #f)
(txt #f))
(frame w)
(set! scl (scrollbar (& w ".scroll")
:relief "flat"
:command (lambda l
(apply txt 'yview l))))
(set! txt (text (& w ".text")
:bd 1
:relief "raised"
:yscrollcommand (lambda l
(apply scl 'set l))))
(pack scl :side "right" :fill "y")
(pack txt :expand #t :fill "both")
;; Set up the demo window
(catch (destroy .wtour-wdemo))
(toplevel wtour-wdemo)
(wm 'geometry wtour-wdemo "+300+300")
(wm 'minsize wtour-wdemo "100" "100")
(wm 'title .wtour-wdemo "STk Demo Window")
(wm 'iconname .wtour-wdemo "STk Demo Window")
(update "idletasks"))
;; Set up main window
(wm 'title "." "STk Widget Tour")
(set! wtour-mframe (frame ".menu" :relief "raised" :borderwidth "1"))
(pack wtour-mframe :fill "x")
;; having to eval the return values from Tk is indeed a bother
(let ([mframe-help (& wtour-mframe ".help")]
[mframe-file (& wtour-mframe ".file")])
(let ([mframe-help-menu (& mframe-help ".menu")])
(menubutton mframe-help :text "Help" :menu mframe-help-menu)
(pack mframe-help :side "right")
(let ([m (menu mframe-help-menu)])
(m 'add 'command :label "Help!" :command '(mkHelp))))
(let ([mframe-file-menu (& mframe-file ".menu")])
(menubutton mframe-file :text "File" :menu mframe-file-menu)
(pack mframe-file :side "left")
(let ([m (menu mframe-file-menu)])
(m 'add 'command :label "New" :command '(do-new))
(m 'add 'command :label "Open..." :command '(do-open))
(m 'add 'command :label "Save..." :command '(do-saveas))
(m 'add 'separator)
(let ([mframe-file-menu-fonts (& mframe-file-menu ".fonts")])
(m 'add 'cascade :label "Screen Font" :menu mframe-file-menu-fonts)
(m 'add 'separator)
(m 'add 'command :label "Exit" :command '(do-exit))
(let ([m (menu mframe-file-menu-fonts)])
(m 'add 'command :label "Small" :command
'(set-font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"))
(m 'add 'command :label "Medium" :command
'(set-font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"))
(m 'add 'command :label "Large" :command
'(set-font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")))))))
(set! wtour-txt (mkText ".text"))
(pack .text :expand "yes" :fill "both")
(bind wtour-txt "<Any-Key-Menu>" (lambda () (apply-changes)))
(bind wtour-txt "<Any-Key-Prior>" (lambda () (adjust-lesson -1)))
(bind wtour-txt "<Any-Key-Next>" (lambda () (adjust-lesson +1)))
(focus wtour-txt)
(let ([f (frame ".buttons" :relief "raised" :borderw "1")])
(pack f :side "bottom" :fill "x")
(let ([f-apply (& f ".apply")]
[f-next (& f ".next")]
[f-prev (& f ".prev")])
(button f-apply :text " Apply " :command (lambda () (apply-changes)))
(button f-next :text " Next " :command (lambda () (adjust-lesson +1)))
(button f-prev :text " Prev " :command (lambda () (adjust-lesson -1)))
(pack f-apply f-next f-prev :side "left" :padx 7 :pady 7)))
;; Set the font of both text windows
(define (set-font reg)
(wtour-txt 'configure :font reg))
;; Make a new dialog toplevel window
(define (mkDialogWindow w)
(catch (destroy w))
(toplevel w :class "Dialog" :bd 0)
(wm 'title w "Dialog box")
(wm 'iconname w "Dialog")
(wm 'geometry w "+425+300")
(grab w)
(focus w)
(string->symbol w))
(define (centerwindow w)
(wm 'withdraw w)
(update "idletasks")
(let ([x (- ( - (inexact->exact (/ (winfo 'screenwidth w) 2))
(inexact->exact (/ (winfo 'reqwidth w) 2)))
(winfo 'vrootx (eval (winfo 'parent w))))]
[y (- ( - (inexact->exact (/ (winfo 'screenheight w) 2))
(inexact->exact (/ (winfo 'reqheight w) 2)))
(winfo 'vrooty (eval (winfo 'parent w))))])
(wm 'geom w (format #f "+~A+~A" x y))
(wm 'deiconify w)))
(define (mkHelp)
(let ([w (mkDialogWindow ".help")])
(wm 'title w "Window Tour Help")
(let ([w-t (& w ".t")]
[w-f (& w ".buttons")])
(let ([t (mkText w-t)])
(pack w-t)
(let ([f (frame w-f :relief "raised" :borderw "1")])
(pack f :side "bottom" :fill "x")
(let ([f-close (& w-f ".close")])
(button f-close :text " Close " :command `(destroy ,w))
(pack f-close :side "right" :padx "7" :pady "7")))
(t 'insert "current"
"Wtour is an interactive tour of STk widgets.
The main window displays a short Scheme/STk program, and the demo window
displays the results of running the program.
You can make changes to the program and apply those changes by clicking
on the \"Apply\" button or pressing the \"Do\" button.
You can navigate through the tour with the \"Prev\" and \"Next\" buttons. Or,
you can go directly to a specified lesson with the drop down menus.
There is also a command window that can be used to send individual commands
to the demo process. You can toggle the command window on and off with an
option under the \"File\" menu.
Originally by: Andrew Payne (
STk rewrite by: Suresh Srinivas (
STk 3.0 port by: Erick Gallesio (")
(t 'configure :state "disabled")
(centerwindow w)))))
;; Make a one-line query dialog box
(define (mkentryquery w prompt var)
(let ([w (mkdialogwindow w)])
(let ([w-top (& w ".top")]
[w-bot (& w ".bot")])
(let ([t (frame w-top :relief "raised" :border "1")]
[b (frame w-bot :relief "raised" :border "1")])
(pack t b :fill "both")
(let ([t-lab (& t ".lab")]
[t-ent (& t ".ent")]
[b-ok (& b ".ok")]
[b-default (& b ".default")]
[b-cancel (& b ".cancel")])
(label t-lab :text prompt)
(let ([e (entry t-ent :textvar `,var)])
(bind e "<Any-Return>" `(set! wtour-action 'ok))
(pack t-lab e :side "left" :padx "3m" :pady "3m")
(button b-ok :text "Ok" :command '(set! wtour-action "ok"))
(frame b-default :relief "sunken" :bd 1)
(raise b-ok b-default)
(pack b-default :in w-bot :side "left" :expand "1"
:padx "3m" :pady "2m")
(pack b-ok :in b-default :padx "2m"
:ipadx "2m" :ipady "1m")
(button b-cancel :text "Cancel" :command
'(set! wtour-action "cancel"))
(pack b-cancel :side "left" :padx "3m" :pady "3m"
:ipadx "2m" :ipady "1m" :expand "yes")
(centerwindow w)
(focus e)
(tkwait 'variable 'wtour-action)
(destroy w)
;; Write the edit buffer to the specified file
(define (write-file fname)
(with-output-to-file fname
(lambda ()
(format #t "~A" (wtour-txt 'get "1.0" "end")))))
;; ignoring file existence check (update)
(define (do-save-file fname)
(write-file fname))
(define (do-new)
(wtour-txt 'delete "1.0" "end")
(define (do-saveas)
(if (equal? (mkentryquery ".dialog"
"Enter save file name:" 'wtour-filename) "ok")
(do-save-file wtour-filename)))
(define (do-open-file fname)
(with-input-from-file fname
(lambda ()
(wtour-txt 'delete "1.0" "end")
(do ((l (read-line) (read-line)))
((eof-object? l))
(wtour-txt 'insert "end" l)
(wtour-txt 'insert "end" "\n"))
(wtour-txt 'mark 'set 'insert "1.0")))
(define (do-open)
(if (equal? (mkentryquery ".dialog"
"Enter file name to load:" 'wtour-filename) "ok")
(do-open-file wtour-filename)))
;; need to do it recursively! (look at X selection to see why it wont work)
(define (fix-widget-names l)
(lambda (x)
((symbol? x) (let ([y (symbol->string x)])
(if (eq? (string-ref y 0) #\.)
(string->symbol (string-append ".wtour-wdemo" y))
((string? x) (if (eq? (string-ref x 0) #\.)
(string-append ".wtour-wdemo" x)
((list? x) (fix-widget-names x))
(else x)))
;; mopping up the demo window prior to loading the next lesson
;; or applying the changes to the demo window.
(define (clear-up-wtour-wdemo)
(let ([wtour-wdemo-child (winfo 'children .wtour-wdemo)])
(if (not (null? wtour-wdemo-child))
(if (list? wtour-wdemo-child)
(map (lambda (w)
(destroy w))
(destroy wtour-wdemo-child)))))
;; apply the changes to the demo window
(define (apply-changes)
(let ([x (wtour-txt 'get "1.0" "end")])
(lambda ()
(let loop ([y (read)])
(if (not (eof-object? y))
(let ([z (fix-widget-names y)])
(eval z)
(loop (read)))))))))
(define-macro (add1! var)
`(set! ,var (+ 1 ,var)))
(define-macro (incr! var val)
`(set! ,var (+ ,var ,val)))
(define-macro (add-to-menu-assoc item)
`(set! wtour-menus (cons ,item wtour-menus)))
(define-macro (add-to-menu-list item)
`(set! wtour-menu-bar (cons ,item wtour-menu-bar)))
;; Define a new lesson
(define (lesson mname name file)
(vector-set! wtour-lessons wtour-nlessons file)
(let ([mb (assoc mname wtour-menus)]
[first (assoc mname wtour-menus)])
(if (not first)
(set! mb (& (& wtour-mframe ".") wtour-nlessons))
(menubutton mb :text mname :menu (& mb ".menu"))
(pack mb :side "left")
(add-to-menu-assoc (cons mname (menu (& mb ".menu"))))
(add-to-menu-list mb)))
(if (not (equal? name ""))
((eval (cdr (assoc mname wtour-menus))) 'add 'command :label name
:command `(set-lesson ,wtour-nlessons))
(add1! wtour-nlessons))
((eval (cdr mb)) 'add "separator"))))
;; set the current lesson
(define (set-lesson num)
(set! wtour-curlesson num)
(do-open-file (& wtour-lessondir "/" (vector-ref wtour-lessons num))))
(define (do-warning-dialog str)
(stk:make-dialog :window ".info" :title "Warning"
:text str
:bitmap ""
:grab #t
:defaults 0
:buttons (list (list "Cancel" (lambda () #f)))))
;; adjust the current lesson by some increment
(define (adjust-lesson i)
(incr! wtour-curlesson i)
(if (>= wtour-curlesson wtour-nlessons)
(do-warning-dialog "That was the last lesson")
(set! wtour-curlesson (- wtour-nlessons 1)))
(if (< wtour-curlesson 0)
(do-warning-dialog "That was the first lesson")
(set! wtour-curlesson 0))))
(set-lesson wtour-curlesson))
;; clean up and exit
(define (do-exit)
(set-font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
(set! wtour-nlessons 0)
(load (& wtour-lessondir "/index"))
(set-lesson 0)