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1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
* tkScale.h --
* Declarations of types and functions used to implement
* the scale widget.
* Copyright (c) 1996 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
* of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
* SCCS: @(#) tkScale.h 1.5 96/07/08 12:56:56
#ifndef _TKSCALE
#define _TKSCALE
#ifndef _TK
#include "tk.h"
1998-09-30 07:11:02 -04:00
#ifdef BUILD_tk
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
* A data structure of the following type is kept for each scale
* widget managed by this file:
typedef struct TkScale {
Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window that embodies the scale. NULL
* means that the window has been destroyed
* but the data structures haven't yet been
* cleaned up.*/
Display *display; /* Display containing widget. Used, among
* other things, so that resources can be
* freed even after tkwin has gone away. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter associated with scale. */
Tcl_Command widgetCmd; /* Token for scale's widget command. */
Tk_Uid orientUid; /* Orientation for window ("vertical" or
* "horizontal"). */
int vertical; /* Non-zero means vertical orientation,
* zero means horizontal. */
int width; /* Desired narrow dimension of scale,
* in pixels. */
int length; /* Desired long dimension of scale,
* in pixels. */
double value; /* Current value of scale. */
char *varName; /* Name of variable (malloc'ed) or NULL.
* If non-NULL, scale's value tracks
* the contents of this variable and
* vice versa. */
double fromValue; /* Value corresponding to left or top of
* scale. */
double toValue; /* Value corresponding to right or bottom
* of scale. */
double tickInterval; /* Distance between tick marks; 0 means
* don't display any tick marks. */
double resolution; /* If > 0, all values are rounded to an
* even multiple of this value. */
int digits; /* Number of significant digits to print
* in values. 0 means we get to choose the
* number based on resolution and/or the
* range of the scale. */
char format[10]; /* Sprintf conversion specifier computed from
* digits and other information. */
double bigIncrement; /* Amount to use for large increments to
* scale value. (0 means we pick a value). */
char *command; /* Command prefix to use when invoking Tcl
* commands because the scale value changed.
* NULL means don't invoke commands.
* Malloc'ed. */
int repeatDelay; /* How long to wait before auto-repeating
* on scrolling actions (in ms). */
int repeatInterval; /* Interval between autorepeats (in ms). */
char *label; /* Label to display above or to right of
* scale; NULL means don't display a
* label. Malloc'ed. */
int labelLength; /* Number of non-NULL chars. in label. */
Tk_Uid state; /* Normal or disabled. Value cannot be
* changed when scale is disabled. */
* Information used when displaying widget:
int borderWidth; /* Width of 3-D border around window. */
Tk_3DBorder bgBorder; /* Used for drawing slider and other
* background areas. */
Tk_3DBorder activeBorder; /* For drawing the slider when active. */
int sliderRelief; /* Is slider to be drawn raised, sunken, etc. */
XColor *troughColorPtr; /* Color for drawing trough. */
GC troughGC; /* For drawing trough. */
GC copyGC; /* Used for copying from pixmap onto screen. */
Tk_Font tkfont; /* Information about text font, or NULL. */
XColor *textColorPtr; /* Color for drawing text. */
GC textGC; /* GC for drawing text in normal mode. */
int relief; /* Indicates whether window as a whole is
* raised, sunken, or flat. */
int highlightWidth; /* Width in pixels of highlight to draw
* around widget when it has the focus.
* <= 0 means don't draw a highlight. */
XColor *highlightBgColorPtr;
/* Color for drawing traversal highlight
* area when highlight is off. */
XColor *highlightColorPtr; /* Color for drawing traversal highlight. */
int inset; /* Total width of all borders, including
* traversal highlight and 3-D border.
* Indicates how much interior stuff must
* be offset from outside edges to leave
* room for borders. */
int sliderLength; /* Length of slider, measured in pixels along
* long dimension of scale. */
int showValue; /* Non-zero means to display the scale value
* below or to the left of the slider; zero
* means don't display the value. */
* Layout information for horizontal scales, assuming that window
* gets the size it requested:
int horizLabelY; /* Y-coord at which to draw label. */
int horizValueY; /* Y-coord at which to draw value text. */
int horizTroughY; /* Y-coord of top of slider trough. */
int horizTickY; /* Y-coord at which to draw tick text. */
* Layout information for vertical scales, assuming that window
* gets the size it requested:
int vertTickRightX; /* X-location of right side of tick-marks. */
int vertValueRightX; /* X-location of right side of value string. */
int vertTroughX; /* X-location of scale's slider trough. */
int vertLabelX; /* X-location of origin of label. */
* Miscellaneous information:
Tk_Cursor cursor; /* Current cursor for window, or None. */
char *takeFocus; /* Value of -takefocus option; not used in
* the C code, but used by keyboard traversal
* scripts. Malloc'ed, but may be NULL. */
int flags; /* Various flags; see below for
* definitions. */
#ifdef STk_CODE
char *env; /* -variable environment */
1999-09-05 07:16:41 -04:00
#ifdef SCM_CODE
double oldRoundValue; /* hack for TkRoundToResolution */
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
} TkScale;
* Flag bits for scales:
* REDRAW_SLIDER - 1 means slider (and numerical readout) need
* to be redrawn.
* REDRAW_OTHER - 1 means other stuff besides slider and value
* need to be redrawn.
* REDRAW_ALL - 1 means the entire widget needs to be redrawn.
* ACTIVE - 1 means the widget is active (the mouse is
* in its window).
* INVOKE_COMMAND - 1 means the scale's command needs to be
* invoked during the next redisplay (the
* value of the scale has changed since the
* last time the command was invoked).
* SETTING_VAR - 1 means that the associated variable is
* being set by us, so there's no need for
* ScaleVarProc to do anything.
* NEVER_SET - 1 means that the scale's value has never
* been set before (so must invoke -command and
* set associated variable even if the value
* doesn't appear to have changed).
* GOT_FOCUS - 1 means that the focus is currently in
* this widget.
#define REDRAW_OTHER 2
#define REDRAW_ALL 3
#define ACTIVE 4
#define INVOKE_COMMAND 0x10
#define SETTING_VAR 0x20
#define NEVER_SET 0x40
#define GOT_FOCUS 0x80
* Symbolic values for the active parts of a slider. These are
* the values that may be returned by the ScaleElement procedure.
#define OTHER 0
#define TROUGH1 1
#define SLIDER 2
#define TROUGH2 3
* Space to leave between scale area and text, and between text and
* edge of window.
#define SPACING 2
* How many characters of space to provide when formatting the
* scale's value:
#define PRINT_CHARS 150
* Declaration of procedures used in the implementation of the scrollbar
* widget.
EXTERN void TkEventuallyRedrawScale _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
int what));
EXTERN double TkRoundToResolution _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
double value));
1999-09-05 07:16:41 -04:00
#ifdef SCM_CODE
EXTERN double TkRoundToValueResolution _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
double value));
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
EXTERN TkScale * TkpCreateScale _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin));
EXTERN void TkpDestroyScale _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr));
EXTERN void TkpDisplayScale _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData));
EXTERN double TkpPixelToValue _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
int x, int y));
EXTERN int TkpScaleElement _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
int x, int y));
EXTERN void TkpSetScaleValue _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
double value, int setVar, int invokeCommand));
EXTERN int TkpValueToPixel _ANSI_ARGS_((TkScale *scalePtr,
double value));
1998-09-30 07:11:02 -04:00
1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
#endif /* _TKSCALE */