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1998-04-10 06:59:06 -04:00
;* Copyright (c) 1997 by Manuel Serrano. All rights reserved. */
;* */
;* ,--^, */
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;* ;; // L__. */
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;* */
;* */
;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. */
;* Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative */
;* works based upon this software are permitted, so long as the */
;* following conditions are met: */
;* o credit to the authors is acknowledged following */
;* current academic behaviour */
;* o no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies, */
;* or access to this software */
;* o this copyright notice is included intact. */
;* This software is made available AS IS, and no warranty is made */
;* about the software or its performance. */
;* */
;* Bug descriptions, use reports, comments or suggestions are */
;* welcome Send them to */
;* Manuel Serrano -- */
;;; geffroy/Match3.0/s2cfun.scm ... */
;;; */
;;; Author : Jean-Marie Geffroy */
;;; Creation : Wed Mar 10 14:48:39 1993 */
;;; Last change : Mon May 3 17:50:00 1993 (geffroy) */
;;; */
;;; Some non-standard utilities... */
(module __match_s2cfun
(import (__error "Llib/error.scm"))
(use (__type "Llib/type.scm")
(__bigloo "Llib/bigloo.scm")
(__tvector "Llib/tvector.scm")
(__structure "Llib/struct.scm")
(__tvector "Llib/tvector.scm")
(__rgc "Rgc/runtime.scm")
(__r4_numbers_6_5 "Ieee/number.scm")
(__r4_numbers_6_5_fixnum "Ieee/fixnum.scm")
(__r4_numbers_6_5_flonum "Ieee/flonum.scm")
(__r4_characters_6_6 "Ieee/char.scm")
(__r4_equivalence_6_2 "Ieee/equiv.scm")
(__r4_booleans_6_1 "Ieee/boolean.scm")
(__r4_symbols_6_4 "Ieee/symbol.scm")
(__r4_strings_6_7 "Ieee/string.scm")
(__r4_pairs_and_lists_6_3 "Ieee/pair-list.scm")
(__r4_input_6_10_2 "Ieee/input.scm")
(__r4_control_features_6_9 "Ieee/control.scm")
(__r4_vectors_6_8 "Ieee/vector.scm")
(__r4_ports_6_10_1 "Ieee/port.scm")
(__r4_output_6_10_3 "Ieee/output.scm")
(__evenv "Eval/evenv.scm"))
(export (atom? e)
(concat . args)
(andmap p . args)
(ormap p . args)))
;;; Some non-standard utilities
(define (atom? e)
(not (pair? e)) )
(define (concat . args)
(apply string-append
(map (lambda (s)
(cond ((string? s) s)
((symbol? s) (symbol->string s))
((number? s) (number->string s))
(else (error 'concat "" args)) ) )
args ) ) ) )
(define jim-gensym
(let ((counter 100))
(lambda args
(set! counter (+ counter 1))
(concat (if (pair? args) (car args) 'G)
counter ) ) ) )
(define (andmap p . args)
;; use "first-finish" rule
(let andmap ((args args) (value #t))
(if (let any-at-end? ((ls args))
(and (pair? ls)
(or (not (pair? (car ls)))
(any-at-end? (cdr ls)))))
(let ((value (apply p (map car args))))
(and value (andmap (map cdr args) value))))))
(define (ormap p . args)
;; use "first-finish" rule
(if (= (length args) 1)
(member #t (map p (car args)))
(let ormap ((args args) (value #f))
(if (let any-at-end? ((ls args))
(and (pair? ls)
(or (not (pair? (car ls)))
(any-at-end? (cdr ls)))))
(let ((value (apply p (map car args))))
(or value (ormap (map cdr args) value)))))))