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Scheme, Language Features, and Semantics
<li>R. Kent Dybvig. "The Scheme Programming Language,
Second Edition". 1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>Jacob Matthews and Robert Bruce Findler. "An
Operational Semantics for R5RS Scheme". <em>2005
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2005. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Towards compatible and
interderivable semantic specifications for the Scheme
programming language, part I: abstract machines,
natural semantics, and denotational semantics".
<em>2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2008. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Małgorzata Biernacka and Olivier Danvy. "Towards
compatible and interderivable semantic specifications
for the Scheme programming language, part II: reduction
semantics and abstract machines". <em>2008 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2008.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Patrick Meredith, Mark Hills, and Grigore Rosu. "An
Executable Rewriting Logic Semantics of K-Scheme". <em>
2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Ken Dickey. "The Scheme Programming Language". <em>
Computer Language</em>. June 1992. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Norman I. Adams IV, Pavel Curtis and Mike
Spreitzer. "First-class Data-type Representations in
SchemeXerox". June 1993. Available online: <a href=
<li>Matthias Felleisen. "Lambda-v-CS: An Extended
Lambda-Calculus for Scheme". <em>Proceedings of the
1988 ACM conference on LISP and functional
programming</em>. July 1988. Available online:
<a href="">ACM
Digital Library</a>.
<li>Matthias Felleisen. "The Calculi of Lambda-v-CS
Conversion: A Syntactic Theory of Control And State in
Imperative Higher-Order Programming Languages". PhD.
Thesis. Computer Science Technical Report 226. (Ph.D.
Dissertation). August 1987. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>Ian A. Mason. "The Semantics of Destructive Lisp".
PhD. Thesis. Stanford University. 1986. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Carolyn Talcott. "The essence of Rum: A theory of
the intensional and extensional aspects of Lisp-type
computation". PhD. Thesis. Stanford University. August
1985. Available online: <a href=
<li>Carolyn Talcott. "Programming and Proving with
Function and Control Abstractions". Stanford
University. CS-TR-89-1288. October 1989. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Matthias Felleisen. "(Y Y) Works! A Lecture on the
Why of Y". Sept 1991. Available online: <a href=
<li>Matthias Felleisen and Robert Hieb. "The Revised
Report on the Syntactic Theories of Sequential Control
and State". Rice University. June 1989. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Eric T. Freeman and Daniel P. Friedman.
"Characterizing the Paralation Model using Dynamic
Assignment". Computer Science Department, Indiana
University. TR-348. March 1992. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Shin-Der Lee and Daniel P. Friedman. "First-Class
Extents". Computer Science Department, Indiana
University. TR-350. March 1992. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Shin-Der Lee and Daniel P. Friedman. "Quasi-Static
Scoping: Sharing Variable Bindings Across Multiple
Lexical Scopes". Computer Science Department, Indiana
University. October 1992. Available online: <a href=
<li>John D. Ramsdell. "An Operational Semantics for
Scheme". <em>Lisp Pointers V(2)</em>. April-June 1992.
Available online: <a href=
<li>John D. Ramsdell. "Scheme: The Next Generation".
<em>Lisp Pointers, Vol. VII, No. 4</em>.
October-December 1994. Available online: <a href=
<li>William D. Clinger. "Proper tail recursion and
space efficiency". <em>Proceedings of the 1998 ACM
Conference on Programming Language Design and
Implementation</em>. June 1998. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Jonathan A. Rees. "User-defined data types".
<em>Lisp Pointers</em>. 'The Scheme of Things'
(column). 1993. Available online: <a href=
<li>Guillermo J. Rozas. "Taming the Y Operator".
<em>Proceedings of the 1992 ACM Conference on Lisp and
Functional Programming</em>. June 1992. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Richard Gabriel. "The
Evolution of LISP". <em>ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Vol 28(3),
231-270</em>. March 1993. Available online: <a href=
<li>Carl Bruggeman, Oscar Waddell and R. Kent Dybvig.
"Representing Control in the Presence of One-Shot
Continuations". <em>ACM SIGPLAN 1996 Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation</em>.
June 1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>J. Michael Ashley and R. Kent Dybvig. "An Efficient
Implementation of Multiple Return Values in Scheme".
<em>1994 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional
Programming</em>. June 1994. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>Robert Hieb, R. Kent Dybvig and Claude W. Anderson
III. "Subcontinuations". <em>Lisp and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 7, 1. January 1994. Available online:
<a href=
<li>R. Kent Dybvig and Robert Hieb. "A New Approach to
Procedures with Variable Arity". <em>Lisp and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 3, 3. September 1990. Available
online: <a href=
<li>R. Kent Dybvig. "Chez Scheme User's Guide". 1998.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Alan Bawden. "Quasiquotation in Lisp". 1999.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Alan Bawden. "Quasiquotation in Lisp". <em>Partial
Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM99)</em>.
1999. Available online: <a href=
<li>Jonathan A. Rees and Norman I. Adams IV. "T: A
dialect of Lisp or, Lambda: The ultimate software
tool". <em>Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium
on Lisp and Functional Programming</em>. 1982.
Available online: <a href=
Digital Library</a>.
<li>Jonathan A. Rees, Norman I. Adams IV and James R.
Meehan. "The T manual". Yale University Computer
Science Department. 1984. Available online: <a href=
text</a> <a href=
<li>Stephen Slade. "The T Programming Language: A
Dialect of LISP". 1987.
<li>Olin Shivers. "History of T". 2001. Available
online: <a href="">
<li>Christian Queinnec and Pierre Weis. "Programmation
applicative, état des lieux et perspectives".
<em>Technique et science informatiques</em>. 15(7).
1996. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Sophie Anglade, Jean-Jacques Lacrampe and Christian
Queinnec. "Semantics of combinations in scheme".
<em>Lisp Pointers</em>. 7(4). October-December 1995.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "A library of high-level
control operators". <em>Lisp Pointers</em>. 6(4).
October 1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Value transforming style".
<em>WSA '92--Workshop on Static Analysis</em>.
September 1992. Available online: .
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Value transforming style".
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'École Polytechnique.
Research Report LIX RR 92/07. May 1992. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Suresh Jagannathan. "Coercion as a Metaphor for
Computation". <em>IEEE International Conference on
Computer Languages</em>. August 1990. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Suresh Jagannathan, David Gelernter and Tom London.
"Environments as First-Class Objects". <em>ACM
Conference on Principles of Programming Languages
(POPL87)</em>. January 1987. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>Luc Moreau. "A Syntactic Theory of Dynamic
Binding". University of Southampton. Technical Report
M96/4. 1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>Luc Moreau. "A Syntactic Theory of Dynamic
Binding". <em>International Joint Conference on Theory
and Practice of Software Development
(TAPSOFT/FASE'97)</em>. volume 1214 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. April 1997. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>Luc Moreau, Daniel Ribbens and Pascal Gribomont.
"Advanced Programming Techniques Using Scheme".
<em>Journées Francophones des Languages Applicatifs,
Collection Didactique</em>. February 1998. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Luc Moreau. "A Syntactic Theory of Dynamic
Binding". <em>Higher-Order and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 11(3):233-279. December 1998.
<li>Gerald Jay Sussman. "LISP, Programming and
Implementation". <em>Functional Programming and its
Applications</em>. 1982.
<li>Carol Fessenden, William D. Clinger, Daniel P.
Friedman and Christopher T. Haynes. "Scheme 311 version
4 Reference Manual". Indiana University. Computer
Science Technical Report 137. February 1983.
<li>Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman. "The
Revised Report on Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp".
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT AI Memo 452.
January 1978. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Uwe F. Pleban. "The Standard Semantics of a Subset
of SCHEME, a Dialect of LISP". University of Kansas.
Computer Science Technical Report TR-79-3. July 1979.
<li>Steven S. Muchnick and Uwe F. Pleban. "A Semantic
Comparison of Lisp and Scheme". <em>Conference Record
of the 1980 Lisp Conference</em>. 1980. Available
online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Uwe F. Pleban. "A Denotational Approach to Flow
Analysis and Optimization of SCHEME, A Dialect of
LISP". PhD. Thesis. Ph.D. Dissertation. 1980.
<li>Mitchell Wand. "SCHEME Version 3.1 Reference
Manual". Indiana University. Computer Science Technical
Report 93. June 1980.
<li>"MIT Scheme Manual". Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. March 2002. Available online: <a href=
<li>"MacScheme Reference Manual". Semantic
Microsystems. 1985.
<li>William D. Clinger, Daniel P. Friedman and Mitchell
Wand. "A Scheme for a Higher-Level Semantic Algebra".
<em>Algebraic Methods in Semantics</em>. 1985.
<li>Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P. Friedman. "Control
operators, the SECD-machine, and the lambda-calculus".
<em>3rd Working Conference on the Formal Description of
Programming Concepts</em>. August 1986.
<li>Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. "Oaklisp:
an Object-Oriented Scheme with First Class Types". <em>
ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Systems,
Programming, Languages and Applications</em>.
September 1986. Available online: <a href=
pdf</a> <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>William D. Clinger. "The Scheme of things: Streams
versus Generators". Tektronix, Inc.. Technical Report.
<li>Matthias Felleisen. "Reflections on Landin's
J-Operator: A Partly Historical Note". <em>Journal of
Computer Languages</em>. 12. 3/4. 1987.
<li>Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P. Friedman. "A
Reduction Semantics for Imperative Higher-Order
Languages". <em>Parallel Architectures and Languages
Europe</em>. 259. 1987.
<li>Matthias Felleisen, Daniel P. Friedman, Eugene E.
Kohlbecker and Bruce F. Duba. "A Syntactic Theory of
Sequential Control". <em>Theoretical Computer
Science</em>. 52. 1987.
<li>Bruce F. Duba, Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P.
Friedman. "Dynamic Identifiers can be Neat". Indiana
University. Computer Science Technical Report No. 220.
April 1987.
<li>Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P. Friedman. "A
Calculus for Assignments in Higher-Order Languages".
<em>Conference Record of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium
on Principles of Programming Languages</em>. January
1987. Available online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P. Friedman. "A
Syntactic Theory of Sequential State". Indiana
University. Computer Science Dept. Technical Report
230. October 1987.
<li>William D. Clinger. "Semantics of Scheme".
<em>BYTE</em>. February 1988.
<li>R. Kent Dybvig and Robert Hieb. "A Variable-Arity
Procedural Interface". <em>Proceedings of the 1988 ACM
Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming</em>. July
1988. Available online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. "Oaklisp:
an Object-Oriented Dialect of Scheme". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation: An International Journal</em>. 1.
1. May 1988. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Alain Deutsch, Renaud Dumeur, Charles Consel and
Jean-Daniel Fekete. "CSKIM: An Extended Dialect of
Scheme". <em>BIGRE Bulletin</em>. 65. July 1989.
<li>Guy Lapalme and Marc Feeley. "Micro-Scheme".
<em>BIGRE Bulletin</em>. 65. July 1989.
<li>John Franco and Daniel P. Friedman. "Towards A
Facility for Lexically Scoped, Dynamic Mutual Recursion
in Scheme". <em>Journal of Computer Languages</em>. 15.
1. 1990.
<li>John Franco, Daniel P. Friedman and Steven D.
Johnson. "Multi-way Streams in Scheme". <em>Journal of
Computer Languages</em>. 15. 2. 1990. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>Dorai Sitaram and Matthias Felleisen. "Control
Delimiters and Their Hierarchies". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation: An International Journal</em>. 3.
1. January 1990. Available online: .
<li>James S. Miller and Guillermo J. Rozas. "Free
Variables and First-Class Environments". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation: An International Journal</em>. 3.
4. 1991.
<li>Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen.
"Contracts for Higher-Order Functions".
<em>International Conference on Functional Programming
(ICFP2002)</em>. October 2002. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen.
"Contracts for Higher-Order Functions". University of
Chicago. October 2002. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Bruce Findler. "Behavioral Software
Contracts". PhD. Thesis. Rice University. May 2002.
Available online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Robert Bruce Findler, Matthias Blume and Matthias
Felleisen. "An Investigation of Contracts as
Projections". University of Chicago. TR-2004-02. April
2004. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Philip Wadler and Robert Bruce Findler. "Well-typed
programs can't be blamed". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme
and Functional Programming</em>. September 2007.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Christophe Scholliers, Eric Tanter and Wolfgang De
Meuter. "Computational Contracts". <em>2011 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. October 2011.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Sebastian Egner, Richard A. Kelsey and Michael
Sperber. "Cleaning up the Tower: Numbers in Scheme".
<em>2004 Scheme Workshop</em>. September 2004.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>John Clements and Matthias Felleisen. "A
Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspection".
<em>Transactions on Programming Languages and
Systems</em>. 2004. Available online: <a href=
<li>Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram Krishnamurthi.
"Embedding Dynamic Dataflow in a Call-by-Value
Language". <em>European Symposium on Programming,
2006</em>. 2006. Available online: <a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Jeremy G. Siek and Walid Taha. "Gradual Typing for
Functional Languages". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2006. Available
online: <a href=
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