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Partial Evaluation
<strong>Visit the NEW, more comprehensive <a href=
""><em>"Online Bibliography of
Partial Evaluation Research"</em></a></strong>
</p><a name="survey" id="survey"></a>
Tutorials and Surveys
<li>Charles Consel and Olivier Danvy. "Tutorial Notes
on Partial Evaluation". <em>Principles of Programming
Languages (POPL'93)</em>. January 1993. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Charles Consel and Olivier Danvy. "Partial
Evaluation: Principles and Perspectives". <em>Journees
Francophones des Langages Applicatifs</em>. February
1993. Available online: <a href=
<li>Robert Glück and Neil D. Jones. "Automatic program
specialization by partial evaluation: an introduction".
<em>Software Engineering in Scientific Computing</em>.
1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>John Hatcliff. "Foundations of Partial Evaluation
and Program Specialization". Kansas State University.
March 1999. Available online: <a href=
<li>Neil D. Jones. "An Introduction to Partial
Evaluation". <em>ACM Computing Surveys</em>. Vol. 28.
No. 3. September 1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>Neil D. Jones. "MIX Ten Years Later". <em>Partial
Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM '95)</em>.
1995. Available online: <a href=
<li>Neil D. Jones, Carsten K. Gomard and Peter Sestoft.
"Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation".
1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
pdf</a> <a href=
<li>Darius Bacon. "A Hacker's Introduction to Partial
Evaluation". <em>The Lisp Magazine at</em>.
August 2002. Available online: <a href=
</ul><a name="scheme-pe" id="scheme-pe"></a>
Partial Evaluators for Scheme
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Similix 5.0 Manual". 1993.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Charles Consel. "New Insights into Partial
Evaluation: the SCHISM Experiment". <em>2nd European
Symposium on Programming (ESOP '88)</em>. March 1988.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Charles Consel. "A tour of Schism: a partial
evaluation system for higher-order applicative
languages". <em>ACM Symposium on Partial Evaluation and
Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '93)</em>.
June 1993. Available online: <a href=
<li>Charles Consel. "Report on Schism (Manual)".
IRISA/University of Rennes I. January 1996. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Jesper Jørgensen. "Similix: A Self-Applicable
Partial Evaluator for Scheme". <em>Partial Evaluation:
Practice and Theory (DIKU International Summer School
1998)</em>. LNCS 1706. June 1998. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Peter Ørbæk. "POPE: An On-line Partial Evaluator".
University of Aarhus. June 1994. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Peter Thiemann. "Towards Partial Evaluation of Full
Scheme". <em>Reflection'96</em>. April 1996. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Peter Thiemann. "Aspects of the PGG System:
Specialization for Standard Scheme". <em>Partial
Evaluation: Practice and Theory (DIKU International
Summer School 1998)</em>. LNCS 1706. June 1998.
<li>Peter Thiemann. "The PGG System - User Manual".
University at Freiburg. March 2000. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Mossin. "Similix Binding Time Debugger
Manual, system version 4.0". September 1991.
<li>Rajeev J. Surati. "Practical Partial Evaluation".
Masters Thesis. Massachussets Institute of Technology.
May 1995. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Richard Schooler. "Partial Evaluation as a Means of
Language Extensibility". Masters Thesis. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. MIT/LCS/TR-324. August 1984.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Lennart Swart. "Partial Evaluation using Rewrite
Rules: A Specification of a Partial Evaluator for
Similix in Stratego". Masters Thesis. Utrecht
University. August 2002. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
</ul><a name="appl-pe" id="appl-pe"></a>
Applications of Partial Evaluation
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Compiling laziness by partial
evaluation". <em>Functional Programming, Glasgow
1990</em>. 1990. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "More about Formatting". Aarhus
University. December 1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm
Rohde. "Fast Partial Evaluation of Pattern Matching in
Strings". <em>Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based
Program Manipulation (PEPM '03)</em>. 2003. Available
online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Andrew A. Berlin. "A Compilation Strategy for
Numerical Programs Based on Partial Evaluation".
Masters Thesis. February 1989. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Andrew A. Berlin and Daniel Weise. "Compiling
Scientific Code Using Partial Evaluation". July 1989.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Andrew A. Berlin and Rajeev J. Surati. "Exploiting
the Parallelism Exposed by Partial Evaluation". April
1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Andrew A. Berlin and Rajeev J. Surati. "Partial
Evaluation for Scientific Computing: The Supercomputer
Toolkit Experience". May 1994. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Rajeev J. Surati. "A Parallelizing Compiler Based
on Partial Evaluation". Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. AITR-1377. July 1993. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Morten Rhiger. "Compiling Actions
by Partial Evaluation, Revisited". Aarhus University.
June 1998. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf and Jens Palsberg. "Compiling
actions by partial evaluation". <em>Functional
Programming and Computer Architecture (FPCA'93)</em>.
June 1993. Available online: <a href=
"">ACM Digital
<li>Anders Bondorf and Jens Palsberg. "Generating
action compilers by partial evaluation". <em>Journal of
Functional Programming</em>. 6(2). 1996.
<li>Hidehiko Masuhara, Gregor Kiczales and Christopher
Dutchyn. "A Compilation and Optimization Model for
Aspect-Oriented Programs". <em>Compiler Construction
(CC2003)</em>. 2003. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Hidehiko Masuhara, Gregor Kiczales and Christopher
Dutchyn. "Compilation Semantics of Aspect-Oriented
Programs". <em>Foundations Of Aspect-Oriented Languages
(Workshop at AOSD 2002)</em>. April 2002. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Scott Draves. "Compiler Generation for Interactive
Graphics using Intermediate Code". <em>Partial
Evaluation: Dagstuhl Seminar</em>. LNCS 1110. February
1996. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Scott Draves. "Automatic Program Specialization for
Interactive Media". PhD. Thesis. Carnegie Mellon
University. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Charles Consel and Olivier Danvy. "Partial
Evaluation in Parallel". <em>Lisp and Symbolic
Computation</em>. Volume 5. Issue 4. 1992. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>David Herman and Philippe Meunier. "Improving the
Static Analysis of Embedded Languages via Partial
Evaluation". <em>International Conference on Functional
Programming (ICFP2004)</em>. September 2004. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm
Rohde. "Fast Partial Evaluation of Pattern Matching in
Strings". University of Aarhus. BRICS-RS-03-11.
February 2003. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm
Rohde. "On Obtaining Knuth, Morris, and Pratt's String
Matcher by Partial Evaluation". <em>ASIAN Symposium on
Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program
Manipulation, ASIA-PEPM '02</em>. July 2002. Available
online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Torben Amtoft, Charles Consel, Olivier Danvy and
Karoline Malmkjær. "The Abstraction and Instantiation
of String-Matching Programs". University of Aarhus.
RS-01-12. April 2001. Available online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, S. Matsuoka and Akinori Yonezawa.
"Duplication and Partial Evaluation - For a Better
Understanding of Reflective Languages". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation</em>. Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3. May/June
1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, Hidehiko Masuhara, S. Matsuoka and
Akinori Yonezawa. "Partial evaluation as a compiler for
reflective languages". University of Tokyo. 95-10.
December 1995. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, S. Matsuoka and Akinori Yonezawa.
"Roles of a Partial Evaluator for the Reflective
Language Black". University of Tokyo. 94-11. May 1994.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Online partial evaluation for shift
and reset". <em>Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN
workshop on Partial evaluation and semantics-based
program manipulation (PEPM'02)</em>. January 2002.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Can partial evaluation improve the
performance of ray tracing?". Ochanomizu University.
June 2002. Available online: <a href=
<li>Andrew A. Berlin and Rajeev J. Surati. "Partial
Evaluation for Scientific Computing: The Supercomputer
Toolkit Experience". <em>Partial Evaluation and
Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'94)</em>.
June 1994. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Andrew A. Berlin. "Partial evaluation applied to
numerical computation". <em>LISP and Functional
Programming (LFP 1990)</em>. 1990. Available online:
<a href="">ACM
Digital Library</a>.
<li>Andrew A. Berlin and Daniel Weise. "Compiling
Scientific Code using Partial Evaluation". Stanford
Computer Systems Laboratory. CSL-TR-90-422. March 1990.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Wing-Yee Au, Daniel Weise and Scott Seligman.
"Generating Compiled Simulations Using Partial
Evaluation". <em>28th Design Automation
Conference</em>. June 1991. Available online:
<a href="">
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Erik Ruf. "Partial Evaluation in Reflective System
Implementations". <em>OOPSLA'93 Workshop on Reflection
and Metalevel Architecture</em>. October 1993.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Charles Consel and Olivier Danvy. "Partial
Evaluation of Pattern Matching in Strings".
<em>Information Processing Letters</em>. Vol. 30. No.
2. January 1989. Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Semantics-Directed Compilation of
Non-Linear Patterns". <em>Information Processing
Letters</em>. Vol. 37. March 1991. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy, Juergen Koslowski and Karoline
Malmkjær. "Compiling Monads". Kansas State University.
CIS-92-3. December 1991. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Mayer Goldberg. "Partial
Evaluation of the Euclidian Algorithm".
<em>Higher-Order and Symbolic Computing</em>. Vol. 10.
No. 2. July 1997. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Carsten K. Gomard and Neil D. Jones. "A Partial
Evaluator for the Untyped Lambda Calculus". DIKU. D-15.
January 1991. Available online: <a href=
<li>Carsten K. Gomard and Neil D. Jones. "Partial
evaluation of lambda calculus". <em>1998 DIKU
International Summerschool</em>. LNCS 1706. 1999.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating a compiler for a lazy
language by partial evaluation". <em>Principles of
Programming Languages (POPL'92)</em>. January 1992.
Available online: <a href=
<a href="">ACM
Digital Library</a>.
<li>Bernd Grobauer and Julia L. Lawall. "Partial
Evaluation of Pattern Matching in Strings, revisited".
BRICS report RS-00-31. September 2001. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Julia L. Lawall. "Proofs by structural induction
using partial evaluation". <em>Proceedings of the ACM
SIGPLAN symposium on Partial evaluation and
semantics-based program manipulation (PEPM'93)</em>.
1993. Available online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Hidehiko Masuhara. "Architecture Design and
Compilation Techniques Using Partial Evaluation in
Reflective Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages". PhD.
Thesis. University of Tokyo. January 1999. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Hidehiko Masuhara and Akinori Yonezawa. "Design and
Partial Evaluation of Meta-objects for a Concurrent
Reflective Language". <em>European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'98)</em>. July 1998.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Mossin. "Partial evaluation of general
parsers". <em>Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN symposium
on Partial evaluation and semantics-based program
manipulation (PEPM'93)</em>. 1993. Available online:
<a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Christian Queinnec and Jean-Marie Geffroy. "Partial
evaluation applied to symbolic pattern matching with
intelligent backtrack". <em>WSA '92--Workshop on Static
Analysis</em>. September 1992. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Michael Sperber and Peter Thiemann. "The Essence of
LR Parsing". <em>Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based
Program Manipulation PEPM '95</em>. June 1995.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Peter Thiemann. "Compiling Adaptive Programs by
Partial Evaluation". <em>CC 2000</em>. volume 1781 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. March 2000.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Karoline Malmkjær and Olivier Danvy. "Preprocessing
by Specialization". 1990.
<li>Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating a Pattern Matching
Compiler by Partial Evaluation". <em>Glasgow Workshop
on Functional Programming</em>. July 1990. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Jesper Jørgensen. "Compiler Generation by Partial
Evaluation". Masters Thesis. DIKU, University of
Copenhagen. 1991. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Mossin. "Partial evaluation of General
Parsers". <em>Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based
Program Manipulation (PEPM'93)</em>. June 1993.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Across the Bridge between
Reflection and Partial Evaluation". <em>Partial
Evaluation and Mixed Computation</em>. 1988.
<li>Charles Consel and Siau Cheng Khoo.
"Semantics-directed generation of a Prolog compiler".
<em>Science of Computer Programming</em>. volume 21.
1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf. "A Self-Applicable Partial
Evaluator for Term Rewriting Systems". <em>Theory and
Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT '89)</em>.
March 1989. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
</ul><a name="techniques" id="techniques"></a>
Theory and Techniques
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Intensional and Extensional Aspects
of Partial Evaluation". Aarhus University. March 1995.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf and Jesper Jørgensen. "Efficient
analyses for realistic off-line partial evaluation:
extended version". University of Copenhagen. Technical
Report 93/4. 1993. Available online: <a href=
parts 1 and 3 (ps)</a> <a href=
part 2 (ps)</a> <a href=
parts 1 and 3 (pdf)</a> <a href=
part 2 (pdf)</a>.
<li>Anders Bondorf and Jesper Jørgensen. "Efficient
analyses for realistic off-line partial evaluation".
<em>Journal of Functional Programming</em>. 3(3). July
<li>Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Fast
Binding-Time Analysis for Multi-Level Specialization".
<em>Perspectives of System Informatics</em>. 1996.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Efficient
Multi-Level Generating Extensions for Program
Specialization". <em>Programming Languages:
Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP'95)</em>.
1995. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Multi-Level
Specialization (Extended Abstract)". <em>Partial
Evaluation: Practice and Theory 1998</em>. 1998.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Online Type-Directed Partial
Evaluation". <em>Third Fuji International Symposium on
Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS '98</em>. April
1998. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>René Vestergaard. "From Proof Normalization to
Compiler Generation and Type-Directed
Change-of-Representation". Masters Thesis. Aarhus
University. 1997. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Programming Techniques for Partial
Evaluation". <em>Marktoberdorf 1999</em>. January 2000.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Karoline Malmkjær. "On Static Properties of
Specialized Programs". <em>BIGRE journal</em>. number
74. October 1991. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Karoline Malmkjær. "Predicting Properties of
Specialized Programs". Kansas State University. PhD
proposal. November 1991. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Karoline Malmkjær. "Predicting Properties of
Residual Programs". <em>Partial Evaluation and
Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'92)</em>.
June 1992.
<li>Robert Glück and A. V. Klimov. "Occam's Razor in
Metacomputation: the Notion of a Perfect Process Tree".
<em>Static Analysis 1993</em>. 1993. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Mossin. "Polymorphic Binding Time
Analysis". Masters Thesis. DIKU, University of
Copenhagen. July 1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating
Optimizing Specializers". <em>IEEE International
Conference on Computer Languages</em>. 1994. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating
Transformers for Deforestation and Supercompilation".
<em>Static Analysis 1994</em>. 1994. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Glück, John Hatcliff and Jesper Jørgensen.
"Generalization in Hierarchies of Online Program
Specialization Systems". <em>Logic-Based Program
Synthesis and Transformation 1999</em>. 1999. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Arne J. Glenstrup. "Terminator II: Stopping Partial
Evaluation of Fully Recursive Programs". Masters
Thesis. DIKU, University of Copenhagen. June 1999.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Glück, Y. Kawada and T. Hashimoto.
"Transforming Interpreters into Inverse Interpreters by
Partial Evaluation". <em>Partial Evaluation and
Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM 2003)</em>.
2003. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Neil D. Jones and Arne J. Glenstrup. "Partial
Evaluation Termination Analysis and
Specialization-Point Insertion". <em>Transactions on
Programming Languages and Systems</em>. 2004. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Arne J. Glenstrup. "Implementation Notes for the
Termination-Guaranteeing Binding-Time Analysis".
December 2002. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Offline Partial Evaluation for Shift
and Reset". <em>Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based
Program Manipulation (PEPM '04)</em>. August 2004.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Binding-Time Analysis for Both
Static and Dynamic Expressions". <em>New Generation
Computing</em>. Vol. 20. No. 1. November 2001.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Integrating Partial Evaluators into
Interpreters,". <em>Semantics, Applications, and
Implementation of Program Generation</em>. LNCS 2196.
September 2001. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Binding-Time Analysis for Both
Static and Dynamic Expressions". <em>Static
Analysis</em>. LNCS 1694. September 1999. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, Hidehiko Masuhara and Akinori
Yonezawa. "Partial Evaluation of Call-by-value
Lambda-calculus with Side-effects". <em>ACM SIGPLAN
Conference on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based
Program Manipulation (PEPM '97)</em>. June 1997.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, Hidehiko Masuhara and Akinori
Yonezawa. "Partial Evaluation of Call-by-value
lambda-calculus with Side-effects". University of
Tokyo. 96-04. November 1996. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>J. Michael Ashley and Charles Consel. "Fixpoint
Computation for Polyvariant Static Analyses of
Higher-Order Applicative Programs". <em>ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems</em>.
16(5). September 1994. Available online: <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Self-Applicable Partial
Evaluation". PhD. Thesis. DIKU. 1990.
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Automatic Autoprojection of Higher
Order Recursive Equations". <em>European Symposium on
Programming (ESOP 1990)</em>. LNCS 432. May 1990.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Automatic Autoprojection of higher
order recursive equations". <em>Science of Computer
Programming</em>. volume 17. 1991. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf and Olivier Danvy. "Automatic
Autoprojection of Recursive Equations with Global
Variables and Abstract Data Types". <em>Science of
Computer Programming</em>. Vol. 16. 1991. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Improving binding times without
explicit CPS-conversion". <em>Proceedings of the
conference on Lisp and functional programming</em>.
June 1992. Available online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Anders Bondorf and Dirk Dussart. "Improving
CPS-Based Partial Evaluation, Writing Cogen by Hand".
<em>Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program
Manipulation (PEPM'94)</em>. June 1994. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Charles Consel. "Analyse de Programmes, Evaluation
Partielle et Génération de Compilateurs". PhD. Thesis.
Université de Paris VI. 1989.
<li>Charles Consel. "Polyvariant binding-time analysis
for higher-order, applicative languages". <em>ACM
Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based
Program Manipulation (PEPM '93)</em>. June 1993.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Charles Consel and Siau Cheng Khoo. "On-line and
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