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Recent Additions...
August 10, 2012
<li>Matthias Felleisen. "The Calculi of Lambda-v-CS
Conversion: A Syntactic Theory of Control And State in
Imperative Higher-Order Programming Languages". PhD.
Thesis. Computer Science Technical Report 226. (Ph.D.
Dissertation). August 1987. Available online:
<a href="http://repository.readscheme.org/ftp/papers/felleisen_pdhthesis.pdf">
<li>Eugene E. Kohlbecker. "Syntactic Extensions in the
Programming Language Lisp". PhD. Thesis. Indiana
University. 1986. Available online: <a href=
<li>Ian A. Mason. "The Semantics of Destructive Lisp".
PhD. Thesis. Stanford University. 1986. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Carolyn Talcott. "The essence of Rum: A theory of
the intensional and extensional aspects of Lisp-type
computation". PhD. Thesis. Stanford University. August
1985. Available online: <a href=
<li>Carolyn Talcott. "Programming and Proving with
Function and Control Abstractions". Stanford
University. CS-TR-89-1288. October 1989. Available
online: <a href=
August 5, 2012
<li>Manuel Serrano. "The HOP Development Kit". <em>2006
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>Ray Rischpater. "Scheme for Client-Side Scripting
in Mobile Web Browsing, or AJAX-Like Behavior Without
Javascript". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2006. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Jay McCarthy and Shriram Krishnamurthi.
"Interaction-Safe State for the Web". <em>2006 Workshop
on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September
2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>Jacob Matthews. "Component Deployment with PLaneT:
You Want it Where?". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2006. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Xavier Saint-Mleux, Marc Feeley and Jean-Pierre
David. "SHard: a Scheme to Hardware Compiler". <em>2006
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>Jessica Gronski, Kenneth Knowles, Aaron Tomb,
Stephen N. Freund and Cormac Flanagan. "Sage: Hybrid
Checking for Flexible Specifications". <em>2006
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>William D. Clinger. "Rapid Case Dispatch in
Scheme". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2006. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Richard Cleis and Keith Wilson. "Experiences with
Scheme in an Electro-Optics Laboratory". <em>2006
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>Guillaume Germain, Marc Feeley and Stefan Monnier.
"Concurrency Oriented Programming in Termite Scheme".
<em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2006. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Ryan Culpepper and Matthias Felleisen. "A Stepper
for Scheme Macros". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2006. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Abdulaziz Ghuloum. "An Incremental Approach to
Compiler Construction". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2006. Available
online: <a href=
<li>William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "From
Variadic Functions to Variadic Relations: A miniKanren
Perspective". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2006. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Jeremy G. Siek and Walid Taha. "Gradual Typing for
Functional Languages". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2006. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Danny Dubé and Anass Kadiri. "Automatic
construction of parse trees for lexemes". <em>2006
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>Eli Barzilay. "A Self-Hosting Evaluator using
HOAS". <em>2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2006. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Ryan Culpepper, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt and Matthew
Flatt. "Advanced Macrology and the Implementation of
Typed Scheme". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2007. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Philip Wadler and Robert Bruce Findler. "Well-typed
programs can't be blamed". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme
and Functional Programming</em>. September 2007.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Abdulaziz Ghuloum and R. Kent Dybvig.
"Generation-Friendly Eq Hash Tables". <em>2007 Workshop
on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September
2007. Available online: <a href=
<li>Florian Loitsch. "Exceptional Continuations in
JavaScript". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Aaron Kimball and Dan Grossman. "Software
Transactions Meet First-Class Continuations". <em>2007
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2007. Available online: <a href=
<li>Adrien Piérard and Marc Feeley. "Towards a Portable
and Mobile Scheme Interpreter". <em>2007 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2007.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Andy Wingo. "Applications of Fold to XML
Transformation". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2007. Available
online: <a href=
<li>William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "lpha
Kanren - A Fresh Name in Nominal Logic Programming".
<em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Patrick Meredith, Mark Hills, and Grigore Rosu. "An
Executable Rewriting Logic Semantics of K-Scheme". <em>
2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Nguyen-Minh Bui. "Toward abstract profiling". <em>
2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Kurt Nørmark. "Deriving a Comprehensive Document
from a Concise Document - Document Engineering in
Scheme". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Wim Vanderbauwhede. "Gannet: a Scheme for
Task-level Reconfiguration of Service-based
Systems-on-Chip". <em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2007. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Jean-Michel Hufflen. "Implementing
Language-Dependent Lexicographic Orders in Scheme".
<em>2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2007. Available online:
<a href=
<li>John Clements, Ayswarya Sundaram and David Herman.
"Implementing continuation marks in JavaScript".
<em>2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2008. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Vincent St-Amour, Lysiane Bouchard and Marc Feeley.
"Small Scheme Stack: a Scheme TCP/IP stack targeting
small embedded applications". <em>2008 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2008.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Towards compatible and
interderivable semantic specifications for the Scheme
programming language, part I: abstract machines,
natural semantics, and denotational semantics".
<em>2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2008. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Małgorzata Biernacka and Olivier Danvy. "Towards
compatible and interderivable semantic specifications
for the Scheme programming language, part II: reduction
semantics and abstract machines". <em>2008 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2008.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Ken Dickey. "Thinking Scheme". <em>2008 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2008.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Marcus Crestani. "Foreign-Function Interfaces for
Garbage-Collected Programming Languages". <em>2008
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2008. Available online: <a href=
<li>Felix S. Klock II. "The layers of Larceny's foreign
function interface". <em>2008 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2008. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Jeremiah Willcock, Andrew Lumsdaine and Daniel
Quinlan. "Tabled execution in Scheme (Scheme Pearl)".
<em>2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2008. Available online:
<a href=
<li>David Herman and David Van Horn. "A few principles
of macro design". <em>2008 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2008. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Carl Eastlund and Matthias Felleisen. "Sequence
Traces for Object-Oriented Executions". <em>2009
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
August 2009. Available online: <a href=
<li>William D Clinger and Felix S. Klock II. "Scalable
Garbage Collection with Guaranteed MMU". <em>2009
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
August 2009. Available online: <a href=
<li>Casey Klein and Robert Bruce Findler. "Randomized
Testing in PLT Redex". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. August 2009. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Andrew W. Keep, Michael D. Adams, Lindsey Kuper,
William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "A
pattern-matcher for miniKanren -or- How to get into
trouble with CPS macros". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme
and Functional Programming</em>. August 2009. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Eric Tanter. "Higher-Order Aspects in Order". <em>
2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2009. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Abdulaziz Ghuloum and R. Kent Dybvig. "Fixing
Letrec (reloaded)". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. August 2009. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Eli Barzilay. "The Scribble Reader: An Alternative
to S-expressions for Textual Content". <em>2009
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
August 2009. Available online: <a href=
<li>Matthew Might and Tarun Prabhu. "Interprocedural
Dependence Analysis of Higher-Order Programs via Stack
Reachability". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. August 2009. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Aaron W. Hsu. "Descot: Distributed Code Repository
Framework". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2009. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Matthew Flatt and Eli Barzilay. "Keyword and
Optional Arguments in PLT Scheme". <em>2009 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. August 2009.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Mehmet Fatih Köksal, Remzi Emre Başar, Suzan
Üsküdarlı. "Screen-Replay: A Session Recording and
Analysis Tool for DrScheme". <em>2009 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. August 2009.
Available online: <a href=
<li>John Moore. "Get stuffed: Tightly packed abstract
protocols in Scheme". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. August 2009. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Anthony Cowley. "Distributed Software Transactional
Memory". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2009. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Remzi Emre Başar, Caner Derici and Çağdaş Şenol.
"World With Web: A compiler from world applications to
JavaScript". <em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2009. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Peter J Landin (1930-2009)".
<em>2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2009. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Hari Prashanth and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. "Functional
Data Structures for Typed Racket". <em>2010 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. August 2010.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Aaron W. Hsu. "Implementing User-level Value-weak
Hashtables". <em>2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2010. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Christopher Earl, Matthew Might and David Van Horn.
"Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order
Programs". <em>2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2010. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler and Shriram
Krishnamurthi. "Measuring the Effectiveness of Error
Messages Designed for Novice Programmers". <em>2010
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
August 2010. Available online: <a href=
<li>Guillaume Cartier and Louis-Julien Guillemette.
"JazzScheme: Evolution of a Lisp-Based Development
System". <em>2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2010. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Ian Barland, Robert Findler, and Matthew Flatt.
"The Design of a Functional Image Library". <em>2010
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
August 2010. Available online: <a href=
<li>Andrew Keep and R. Kent Dybvig. "Enabling
cross-library optimization and compile-time error
checking in the presence of procedural macros".
<em>2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. August 2010. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Mario Latendresse. "Guiding Requirements for the
Ongoing Scheme Standardization Process". <em>2010
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
August 2010. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kevin Atkinson and Matthew Flatt. "Adapting
Scheme-Like Macros to a C-Like Language". <em>2011
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
October 2011. Available online: <a href=
<li>Claire E. Alvis, Jeremiah J. Willcock, Kyle M.
Carter, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman.
"cKanren: miniKanren with Constraints". <em>2011
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
October 2011. Available online: <a href=
<li>Andrew W. Keep and R. Kent Dybvig. "Ftypes:
Structured foreign types". <em>2011 Workshop on Scheme
and Functional Programming</em>. October 2011.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Manuel Serrano. "HopTex, compiling HTML to LaTeX
with CSS". <em>2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. October 2011. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Christophe Scholliers, Eric Tanter and Wolfgang De
Meuter. "Computational Contracts". <em>2011 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. October 2011.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Aaron W. Hsu. "Hygienic Literate Programming:
Lessons from ChezWEB". <em>2011 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. October 2011. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Keeping it Clean with syntax-parameterize. "Eli
Barzilay, Ryan Culpepper, Matthew Flatt". <em>2011
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
October 2011. Available online: <a href=
March 8, 2007
<li>Guillermo J. Rozas. "A Computational Model for
Observation in Quantum Mechanics". Masters Thesis.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AITR-925. March
1987. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
August 27, 2006
<li>Jay McCarthy and Shriram Krishnamurthi.
"Interaction-Safe State for the Web". <em>Scheme and
Functional Programming, 2006</em>. September 2006.
Available online: <a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Christopher Dutchyn, David B. Tucker and Shriram
Krishnamurthi. "Semantics and Scoping of Aspects in
Higher-Order Languages". <em>Science of Computer
Programming</em>. 2006. Available online: <a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Daniel Ignatoff, Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram
Krishnamurthi. "Crossing State Lines: Adapting
Object-Oriented Frameworks to Functional Reactive
Languages". <em>Functional and Logic Programming
Symposium</em>. 2006. Available online: <a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram Krishnamurthi.
"Embedding Dynamic Dataflow in a Call-by-Value
Language". <em>European Symposium on Programming,
2006</em>. 2006. Available online: <a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Guillaume Marceau, Gregory H. Cooper, Jonathan P.
Spiro, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Steven P. Reiss. "The
Design and Implementation of a Dataflow Language for
Scriptable Debugging". <em>Automated Software
Engineering Journal, 2006</em>. 2006. Available online:
<a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
January 22, 2006
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Compiling laziness by partial
evaluation". <em>Functional Programming, Glasgow
1990</em>. 1990. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf. "A Self-Applicable Partial
Evaluator for Term Rewriting Systems". <em>Theory and
Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT '89)</em>.
March 1989. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
January 15, 2006
<li>R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman, and Michael Y.
Levin. "Implementation strategies for Scheme-based
Prolog systems". 1998. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise. "LogScheme: Integrating
Logic Programming into Scheme". <em>LISP and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 3(3). September 1990. Available
online: .
<li>R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman and Christopher
T. Haynes. "Expansion-Passing Style: A General Macro
Mechanism". <em>LISP and Symbolic Computation</em>.
1(1). June 1988. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. "Oaklisp:
an Object-Oriented Dialect of Scheme". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation: An International Journal</em>. 1.
1. May 1988. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. "Oaklisp:
an Object-Oriented Scheme with First Class Types". <em>
ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Systems,
Programming, Languages and Applications</em>.
September 1986. Available online: <a href=
pdf</a> <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
January 14, 2006
<li>Philippe Meunier, Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias
Felleisen. "Modular Set-Based Analysis from Contracts".
<em>Principles of Programming Languages, POPL
2006</em>. January 2006. Available online: <a href=
<li>Ryan Culpepper and Matthias Felleisen. " Taming
Macros". <em>Generative Programming and Component
Engineering (GPCE 2004)</em>. October 2004. Available
online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Greg Pettyjohn, John Clements, Joe Marshall,
Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen.
"Continuations from Generalized Stack Inspection". <em>
International Conference on Functional Programming,
ICFP 2005</em>. September 2005. Available online:
<a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Automata as Macros".
<em>Journal of Functional Programming</em>. 2005.
Available online: <a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Shriram Krishnamurthi, Robert Bruce Findler, Paul
Graunke and Matthias Felleisen. "Modeling Web
Interactions and Errors". <em>Interactive Computation:
The New Paradigm</em>. 2005. Available online:
<a href="http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/kfgf-model-web-inter-error/">
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Darrell Ferguson and Dwight Deugo. "Call with
Current Continuation Patterns". <em>8th Conference on
Pattern Languages of Programs</em>. September 2001.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
January 5, 2006
<li>Charles Consel and Siau Cheng Khoo.
"Semantics-directed generation of a Prolog compiler".
<em>Science of Computer Programming</em>. volume 21.
1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Anders Bondorf. "Automatic Autoprojection of higher
order recursive equations". <em>Science of Computer
Programming</em>. volume 17. 1991. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
</ul><a name="sw2005adds" id="sw2005adds"></a>
December 26, 2005
</h3><em>New Papers from the Scheme Workshop 2005:</em>
<li>Ronald Garcia and Andrew Lumsdaine. "Type Classes
Without Types". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2005. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Sebastian Egner. "Eager Comprehensions in Scheme:
The design of SRFI-42". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2005. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Jonathan Sobel, Erik Hilsdale, R. Kent Dybvig,
Daniel P. Friedman. "Abstraction and Performance from
Explicit Monadic Reflection". <em>2005 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2005.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Jacob Matthews and Robert Bruce Findler. "An
Operational Semantics for R5RS Scheme". <em>2005
Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming</em>.
September 2005. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Martin Gasbichler and Eric Knauel. "Commander S -
The shell as a browser". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme
and Functional Programming</em>. September 2005.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Erick Gallesio and Manuel Serrano. "Ubiquitous
Mails". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2005. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Jean-Michel Hufflen. "Implementing a Bibliography
Processor in Scheme". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2005. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Chongkai Zhu. "The Marriage of MrMathematica and
MzScheme". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional
Programming</em>. September 2005. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Alan Pavicic and Niksa Bosnic. "ACT
Parameterization Framework". <em>2005 Workshop on
Scheme and Functional Programming</em>. September 2005.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Florian Loitsch. "Javascript to Scheme
Compilation". <em>2005 Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2005. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
January 16, 2005
<li>Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen.
"Contracts for Higher-Order Functions". University of
Chicago. October 2002. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Robert Bruce Findler, Matthias Blume and Matthias
Felleisen. "An Investigation of Contracts as
Projections". University of Chicago. TR-2004-02. April
2004. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Across the Bridge between
Reflection and Partial Evaluation". <em>Partial
Evaluation and Mixed Computation</em>. 1988.
<li>Manuel Serrano, Frédéric Boussinot and Bernard
Serpette. "Scheme FairThreads". <em>2th International
Lisp Conference</em>. October 2002.
<li>Damien Ciabrini and Manuel Serrano. "Bugloo: A
Source Level Debugger for Scheme Programs Compiled into
JVM Bytecode". <em>3th International Lisp
Conference</em>. October 2003. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Yannis Bres and Bernard Serpette and Manuel
Serrano. "Compiling Scheme programs to .NET Common
Intermediate Language". <em>2nd International Workshop
on .NET Technologies</em>. May 2004. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Manuel Serrano, Frédéric Boussinot and Bernard
Serpette. "Scheme Fair Threads". <em>Principles and
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The <a href="./new2001.html">2001 additions</a> and
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