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Continuations and Continuation Passing Style
<li>Greg Pettyjohn, John Clements, Joe Marshall,
Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen.
"Continuations from Generalized Stack Inspection". <em>
International Conference on Functional Programming,
ICFP 2005</em>. September 2005. Available online:
<a href=
downloadable paper</a>.
<li>Chung-chieh Shan. "Shift to Control". <em>2004
Scheme Workshop</em>. September 2004. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Martin Gasbichler, Eric Knauel, Michael Sperber and
Richard A. Kelsey. "How to Add Threads to a Sequential
Language Without Getting Tangled Up". <em>Scheme
Workshop 2003</em>. November 2003. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Dorai Sitaram. "Unwind-protect in portable Scheme".
<em>Scheme Workshop 2003</em>. November 2003. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Three Steps for the CPS
Transformation". Kansas State University. CIS-92-02.
December 1991. Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "On some Functional Aspects of
Control". <em>Workshop on the Implementation of Lazy
Functional Languages</em>. October 1988. Available
online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>William D. Clinger, Anne Hartheimer and Eric M.
Ost. "Implementation strategies for continuations".
Vol. 12. No. 1. 1999.
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Formalizing Implementation
Strategies for First-Class Continuations". <em>European
Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2000)</em>. LNCS 1782.
April 2000. Available online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Back to Direct Style". <em>European
Symposium on Programming (ESOP 1992)</em>. LNCS 582.
February 1992. Available online: <a href=
<li>Michael Sperber and Martin Gasbichler. "Final shift
for call/cc: Direct implementation of shift and reset".
<em>International Conference on Functional Programming
(ICFP'2002)</em>. October 2002. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Martin Gasbichler, Michael Sperber. "A Direct
Implementation of Shift/Reset". <em>IFL 2001</em>.
<li>Paul T. Graunke and Shriram Krishnamurthi.
"Advanced Control Flows for Flexible Graphical User
Interfaces". <em>International Conference on Software
Engineering</em>. 2002. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Paul T. Graunke, Robert Bruce Findler, Shriram
Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen. "Automatically
Restructuring Programs for the Web". <em>IEEE
International Symposium on Automated Software
Engineering (ASE 2001)</em>. 2001. Available online:
<a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Paul T. Graunke, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Van der
Hoeven and Matthias Felleisen. "Programming the Web
with High-Level Programming Languages". <em>European
Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2001)</em>. 2001.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Programming with Tighter Control".
<em>BIGRE Bulletin</em>. 65. July 1989.
<li>Olivier Danvy. "On listing list prefixes". <em>Lisp
Pointers</em>. Vol. 2. No. 3-4. January 1989.
<li>Mitchell Wand. "Continuation-Based Program
Transformation Strategies". <em>Journal of the
ACM</em>. 27. 1. January 1980. Available online:
<a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Mitchell Wand and Daniel P. Friedman. "Compiling
Lambda Expressions Using Continuations and
Factorizations". <em>Journal of Computer
Languages</em>. 3. 1978.
<li>Mitchell Wand. "Continuation-Based
Multiprocessing". <em>Conference Record of the 1980
Lisp Conference</em>. 1980. Available online:
<a href=";coll=portal&amp;dl=ACM">
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>R. Kent Dybvig and Robert Hieb. "Continuations and
Concurrency". <em>Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGPLAN
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming</em>. March 1990. Available online:
<a href=";coll=Portal">
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Dorai Sitaram and Matthias Felleisen. "Modeling
Continuations Without Continuations". <em>Proceedings
of the Eighteenth ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages</em>. 1991. Available online:
<a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Daniel P. Friedman, Christopher T. Haynes and
Eugene E. Kohlbecker. "Programming with Continuations".
<em>Program Transformation and Programming
Environments</em>. 1984.
<li>Christopher T. Haynes and Daniel P. Friedman.
"Engines Build Process Abstractions". <em>Conference
Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional
Programming</em>. 1984. Available online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Christopher T. Haynes, Daniel P. Friedman and
Mitchell Wand. "Continuations and Coroutines".
<em>Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp
and Functional Programming</em>. 1984. Available
online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Christopher T. Haynes and Daniel P. Friedman.
"Abstracting Timed Preemption with Engines".
<em>Journal of Computer Languages</em>. 12. 2. 1987.
<li>Matthias Felleisen, Daniel P. Friedman, Bruce F.
Duba and John Merrill. "Beyond Continuations". Indiana
University. Computer Science Dept. Technical Report
216. February 1987. Available online: <a href=
<li>Christopher T. Haynes and Daniel P. Friedman.
"Embedding Continuations in Procedural Objects".
<em>ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
Systems</em>. 9. 4. October 1987. Available online:
<a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Daniel P. Friedman and Christopher T. Haynes.
"Constraining Control". <em>Proceedings of the Twelfth
Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages</em>. January 1985.
<li>Matthias Felleisen. "Transliterating Prolog into
Scheme". Indiana University. Computer Science Technical
Report 182. October 1985.
<li>Christopher T. Haynes, Daniel P. Friedman and
Mitchell Wand. "Obtaining Coroutines With
Continuations". <em>Journal of Computer Languages</em>.
11. 3/4. 1986.
<li>Christopher T. Haynes. "Logic Continuations". <em>
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Logic Programming</em>. July 1986.
<li>Matthias Felleisen, Daniel P. Friedman, Eugene E.
Kohlbecker and Bruce F. Duba. "Reasoning with
Continuations". <em>Proceedings of the Symposium on
Logic in Computer Science</em>. June 1986.
<li>Dorai Sitaram and Matthias Felleisen. "Control
Delimiters and Their Hierarchies". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation: An International Journal</em>. 3.
1. January 1990. Available online: .
<li>Morry Katz and Daniel Weise. "Continuing Into the
Future: On the Interaction of Futures and First-Class
Continuations". <em>Proceedings of the 1990 ACM
Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming</em>.
June 1990. Available online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Daniel P. Friedman. "Applications of Continuations:
Invited Tutorial". <em>1988 Principles of Programming
Languages (POPL88)</em>. January 1988. Available
online: <a href=
<a href=
<li>Darrell Ferguson and Dwight Deugo. "Call with
Current Continuation Patterns". <em>8th Conference on
Pattern Languages of Programs</em>. September 2001.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski. "A Functional
Abstraction of Typed Contexts". DIKU. DIKU Rapport
89/12. July 1989. Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski. "Abstracting
Control". <em>1990 ACM Conference on Lisp and
Functional Programming</em>. September 1990. Available
online: <a href=
<li>William D. Clinger, Anne Hartheimer and Eric M.
Ost. "Implementation strategies for continuations".
<em>Proceedings of the 1988 ACM conference on LISP and
functional programming</em>. July 1988. Available
online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Robert Hieb, R. Kent Dybvig and Carl Bruggeman.
"Representing Control in the Presence of First-Class
Continuations". <em>ACM SIGPLAN 1990 Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation</em>.
June 1990. Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Andrzej Filinski. "Representing
Control: A Study of the CPS Transformation". Department
of Computing and Information Sciences, Kansas State
University. CIS-91-2. February 1991. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Julia L. Lawall. "Back to direct
style II: First-class continuations". <em>1992 ACM
Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming</em>.
1992. Available online: <a href=
<li>Julia L. Lawall and Olivier Danvy. "Separating
Stages in the Continuation-Passing Style
Transformation". <em>Proceedings of POPL93, the 1993
ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages</em>. 1993. Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Julia L. Lawall. "Back to direct
style II: First-class continuations". Computer Science
Department, Brandeis University. Technical Report
CS-95-179. February 1995. Available online: <a href=
<li>Amr Sabry and Matthias Felleisen. "Reasoning about
Programs in Continuation-Passing Style". Rice
University. TR 92-180. 1992. Available online:
<a href="">
<li>Dorai Sitaram and Matthias Felleisen. "Reasoning
with Continuations II: Full Abstraction for Models of
Control". <em>Proceedings of LFP 90</em>. 1990.
Available online: <a href=
<a href=
two corrections (ps)</a>.
<li>Amr Sabry and Matthias Felleisen. "Reasoning about
Programs in Continuation-Passing Style".
<em>Proceedings of LFP 92</em>. 1992. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Amr Sabry and Matthias Felleisen. "Reasoning about
Programs in Continuation-Passing Style". <em>LISP and
Symbolic Computation</em>. 1993. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Cormac Flanagan, Amr Sabry, Bruce F. Duba and
Matthias Felleisen. "The Essence of Compiling with
Continuations". <em>Proceedings of PLDI 93</em>. 1993.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Amr Sabry and Matthias Felleisen. "Is
Continuation-Passing Useful for Data Flow Analysis?".
<em>Proceedings of PLDI 94</em>. 1994. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Amr Sabry. "The Formal Relationship between Direct
and Continuation-passing Style Optimizing Compilers: A
Synthesis of Two Paradigms". PhD. Thesis. Rice
University. Available online: <a href=
<li>Sanjeev Kumar, Carl Bruggeman and R. Kent Dybvig.
"Threads Yield Continuations". <em>Lisp and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 10, 2. May 1998. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Carl Bruggeman, Oscar Waddell and R. Kent Dybvig.
"Representing Control in the Presence of One-Shot
Continuations". <em>ACM SIGPLAN 1996 Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation</em>.
June 1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>Robert Hieb, R. Kent Dybvig and Claude W. Anderson
III. "Subcontinuations". <em>Lisp and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 7, 1. January 1994. Available online:
<a href=
<li>R. Kent Dybvig and Robert Hieb. "Engines from
Continuations". <em>Journal of Computer Languages</em>.
14, 2. 1989. Available online: <a href=
<li>Olin Shivers. "Continuations and threads:
Expressing machine concurrency directly in advanced
languages". <em>Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGPLAN
Workshop on Continuations</em>. January 1997. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Matthias Felleisen, Mitchell Wand, Daniel P.
Friedman and Bruce F. Duba. "Abstract continuations: a
mathematical semantics for handling full jumps".
<em>Proceedings of the 1988 ACM conference on LISP and
functional programming</em>. July 1988. Available
online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Julia L. Lawall and Daniel P. Friedman. "Toward
Leakage Containment". Computer Science Department,
Indiana University. February 1992. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Richard A. Kelsey and Paul Hudak. "Realistic
Compilation by Program Transformation". <em>Principles
of Programming Languages (POPL89)</em>. January 1989.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Julia L. Lawall. "Continuation Introduction and
Elimination in Higher-Order Programming Languages".
PhD. Thesis. Indiana University, Computer Science
Department. July 1994.
<li>Julia L. Lawall and Olivier Danvy.
"Continuation-Based Partial Evaluation". <em>1994 ACM
Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming</em>.
1994. Available online: <a href=
<li>Julia L. Lawall and Olivier Danvy.
"Continuation-Based Partial Evaluation". Computer
Science Department, Brandeis University. Technical
Report CS-95-178. February 1995. Available online:
<a href=
<li>Steven E. Ganz, Daniel P. Friedman and Mitchell
Wand. "Trampolined Style". <em>International Conference
on Functional Programming (ICFP 99)</em>. September
1999. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Erik Hilsdale and Daniel P. Friedman. "Writing
macros in continuation-passing style". <em>Scheme and
Functional Programming 2000</em>. September 2000.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Marc Feeley. "A portable implementation of
first-class continuations for unrestricted
interoperability with C in a multithreaded Scheme".
<em>Scheme and Functional Programming 2000</em>.
September 2000. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Mitchell Wand. "Continuation-Based Multiprocessing
Revisited". <em>Higher-Order and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 12(3). October 1999. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Mitchell Wand. "Continuation-Based
Multiprocessing". <em>Higher-Order and Symbolic
Computation</em>. 12(3). October 1999. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Marc Feeley. "A Better API for First-Class
Continuations". <em>2nd Workshop on Scheme and
Functional Programming</em>. September 2001. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Jonathon Sobel and Daniel P. Friedman. "Recycling
Continuations". <em>1998 International Conference on
Functional Programming (ICFP'98)</em>. September 1998.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Continuations and
conversations". <em>9th International Conference, AIMSA
2000</em>. number 1904 in Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence. September 2000.
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Locality, causality and
continuations". <em>LFP '94 - ACM Symposium on Lisp and
Functional Programming</em>. June 1994. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "A library of high-level
control operators". <em>Lisp Pointers</em>. 6(4).
October 1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Continuation conscious
compilation". <em>Lisp Pointers</em>. 6(1). January
1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Continuation sensitive
compilation". Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'École
Polytechnique. Research Report LIX RR 92/14. November
1992. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec and Bernard Serpette. "A Dynamic
Extent Control Operator for Partial Continuations".
<em>POPL '91 - Eighteenth Annual ACM symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages</em>. January 1991.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Luc Moreau and Christian Queinnec. "Partial
Continuations as the Difference of Continuations". <em>
International Conference on Programming Language
Implementation and Logic Programming (PLILP'94)</em>.
number 844 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
September 1994. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Ching-Lin Wang. "A Continuation-based Language
Embedded in Scheme". <em>Journal of Computer
Languages</em>. Vol. 17. Num. 1. 1992.
<li>Ching-Lin Wang. "Obtaining Lazy Evaluation with
Continuations in Scheme". <em>Information Processing
Letters</em>. Vol. 35. 1990.
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