| ![](./imgs/dot_clear.gif) | 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional ProgrammingProgram- Carl Eastlund and Matthias Felleisen. "Sequence Traces for Object-Oriented Executions". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- William D Clinger and Felix S. Klock II. "Scalable Garbage Collection with Guaranteed MMU". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Casey Klein and Robert Bruce Findler. "Randomized Testing in PLT Redex". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Andrew W. Keep, Michael D. Adams, Lindsey Kuper, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "A pattern-matcher for miniKanren -or- How to get into trouble with CPS macros". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Eric Tanter. "Higher-Order Aspects in Order". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Abdulaziz Ghuloum and R. Kent Dybvig. "Fixing Letrec (reloaded)". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Eli Barzilay. "The Scribble Reader: An Alternative to S-expressions for Textual Content". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Matthew Might and Tarun Prabhu. "Interprocedural Dependence Analysis of Higher-Order Programs via Stack Reachability". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Aaron W. Hsu. "Descot: Distributed Code Repository Framework". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Matthew Flatt and Eli Barzilay. "Keyword and Optional Arguments in PLT Scheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Mehmet Fatih Köksal, Remzi Emre Başar, Suzan Üsküdarlı. "Screen-Replay: A Session Recording and Analysis Tool for DrScheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- John Moore. "Get stuffed: Tightly packed abstract protocols in Scheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Anthony Cowley. "Distributed Software Transactional Memory". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Remzi Emre Başar, Caner Derici and Çağdaş Şenol. "World With Web: A compiler from world applications to JavaScript". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Olivier Danvy. "Peter J Landin (1930-2009)". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
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