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Third Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, 2002


  • Christian Queinnec. "A library for quizzes". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Timothy J. Hickey. "Incorporating Scheme-based web programming in computer-literacy courses". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: pdf.
  • Noel Welsh, Francisco Solsona and Ian Glover. "SchemeUnit and SchemeQL: Two little languages". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Manuel Serrano and Erick Gallesio. "This is Scribe!". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps html.
  • Adam Wick, Matthew Flatt and Wilson Hsieh. "Reachability-based memory accounting". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: pdf.
  • Martin Gasbichler and Michael Sperber. "Processes vs. user-level threads in scsh". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Oscar Waddell, Dipanwita Sarkar and R. Kent Dybvig. "Robust and effective transformation of letrec". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: pdf.
  • Mayer Goldberg. "A variadic extension of Curry's fixed-point combinator". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Oleg Kiselyov. "How to write seemingly unhygienic and referentially opaque macros with syntax-rules". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf talk (pdf).
  • Christian Queinnec. "23 things I know about modules for Scheme". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.

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