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<li>Brian Cantwell Smith. "Reflection and Semantics in
a Procedural Language". PhD. Thesis. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. MIT-LCS-TR-272. January 1982.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Brian Cantwell Smith. "Reflection and semantics in
LISP". <em>Principles of programming languages
(POPL84)</em>. January 1984. Available online:
<a href="http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800017.800513">
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Brian Cantwell Smith and Jim des Rivières. "Interim
3-LISP Reference Manual". Xerox PARC. 1984.
<li>Jim des Rivières and Brian Cantwell Smith. "The
implementation of procedurally reflective languages".
<em>1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and functional
programming</em>. August 1984. Available online:
<a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Kenichi Asai. "Reflecting on the Metalevel
Interpreter Written in Direct Style". <em>International
Lisp Conference 2003 (ILC 2003)</em>. October 2003.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Karoline Malmkjær. "A Blond
Primer". DIKU. DIKU Rapport 88/21. October 1988.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy and Karoline Malmkjær. "Intensions
and Extensions in a Reflective Tower". <em>Lisp and
Functional Programming (LFP'88)</em>. 1988. Available
online: <a href=
<li>Kenneth R. Anderson and Timothy J. Hickey.
"Reflecting Java into Scheme". <em>Proceedings of
Reflection 99</em>. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
v. 1616. 1999.
<li>Daniel P. Friedman and Mitchell Wand. "Reification:
Reflection Without Metaphysics". <em>Conference Record
of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional
Programming</em>. August 1984. Available online:
<a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Mitchell Wand. "The Mystery of the Tower Revealed:
a Non-Reflective Description of the Reflective Tower".
<em>Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Symposium on LISP and
Functional Programming</em>. August 1986. Available
online: <a href=
ACM Digital Library</a>.
<li>Mitchell Wand and Daniel P. Friedman. "The Mystery
of the Tower Revealed: A Non-Reflective Description of
the Reflective Tower". <em>Meta-Level Architectures and
Reflection</em>. 1988.
<li>Stanley Jefferson and Daniel P. Friedman. "A Simple
Reflective Interpreter". Computer Science Department,
Indiana University. September 1992. Available online:
<a href=
<li>John Wiseman Simmons II and Daniel P. Friedman. "A
Reflective System is as Extensible as its Internal
Representations: An Illustration". Computer Science
Department, Indiana University. October 1992. Available
online: <a href=
<li>John Wiseman Simmons II, Stanley Jefferson and
Daniel P. Friedman. "Language Extension via First-class
Interpreters". Computer Science Department, Indiana
University. September 1992. Available online:
<a href="ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/scheme-repository/doc/pubs/iucstr362.ps.gz">
<li>Guillermo J. Rozas. "Translucent Procedures,
Abstraction Without Opacity". MIT AI Lab. AITR-1427.
October 1993. Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Christian Queinnec. "Macroexpansion reflective
tower". <em>Proceedings of the Reflection'96
Conference</em>. April 1996. Available online:
<a href="http://pagesperso-systeme.lip6.fr/Christian.Queinnec/Papers/towexp.ps.gz">
<li>Suresh Jagannathan. "Reflective Building Blocks for
Modular Systems". <em>International Workshop on
Reflection and Meta-Level Architectures</em>. November
1992. Available online: <a href=
<li>Suresh Jagannathan and Gul Agha. "A Reflective
Model of Inheritance". <em>European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 92)</em>. LNCS 615.
June 1992. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, S. Matsuoka and Akinori Yonezawa.
"Duplication and Partial Evaluation - For a Better
Understanding of Reflective Languages". <em>Lisp and
Symbolic Computation</em>. Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3. May/June
1996. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, Hidehiko Masuhara, S. Matsuoka and
Akinori Yonezawa. "Partial evaluation as a compiler for
reflective languages". University of Tokyo. 95-10.
December 1995. Available online: <a href=
<li>Kenichi Asai, S. Matsuoka and Akinori Yonezawa.
"Roles of a Partial Evaluator for the Reflective
Language Black". University of Tokyo. 94-11. May 1994.
Available online: <a href=
<li>Hidehiko Masuhara. "Architecture Design and
Compilation Techniques Using Partial Evaluation in
Reflective Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages". PhD.
Thesis. University of Tokyo. January 1999. Available
online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Hidehiko Masuhara and Akinori Yonezawa. "Design and
Partial Evaluation of Meta-objects for a Concurrent
Reflective Language". <em>European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'98)</em>. July 1998.
Available online: <a href=
ps</a> <a href=
<li>Olivier Danvy. "Across the Bridge between
Reflection and Partial Evaluation". <em>Partial
Evaluation and Mixed Computation</em>. 1988.
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